Dream Act questions


Feb 14, 2011
If you support the Dream Act, would you agree to the deportation of young people who do not successfully complete two years in the military or in college?

Would you agree to the deportation of the adults who brought their children here illegally?
Deport them all.

The Dream Act is going to be one of the most expensive mistakes we ever made.
Children follow their parents; they don't know of and understand the issue of immigration until at least - and maybe not then - high school. Many only speak English, say the pledge each morning in school and celebrate the 4th of July with hot dogs and burgers and baseball.

Having coached little league from pee wees to majors threee seperate times, as well as CYO basketball, kids are kids and they adapt to their environment. The United States is their home and when brought to the United States by their parents are not complict in any crime.
Which crime can a parent commit that allows the children to keep the proceeds of that crime?

If parents KNOW that their children will not benefit from the criminal effort maybe those parents would be less likely to commit the crime.
kids are kids and they adapt to their environment.
Then they should have no trouble adapting to the environment of their new country when they get deported with their parents. :cool:

You're probably right, many will because kids are resilient. Yet I wonder about the rhetoric of conservatives, you know, those people who always claim it's all about personal responsibility. A child brought to this country by his or her parents, who excels in school and is academically eligible to attend our public universities and win scholarships is not rewarded for their hard work.

I think that stinks.
kids are kids and they adapt to their environment.
Then they should have no trouble adapting to the environment of their new country when they get deported with their parents. :cool:

You're probably right, many will because kids are resilient. Yet I wonder about the rhetoric of conservatives, you know, those people who always claim it's all about personal responsibility. A child brought to this country by his or her parents, who excels in school and is academically eligible to attend our public universities and win scholarships is not rewarded for their hard work.

I think that stinks.

You can always volunteer to pay their tuition. :D I'll help hook you up. ;)
Seriously, compare their rights here, to yours in their home country. That's probably why they are here in the first place, granted. Yet, there presence here should not be advancing destabilization here. This is what can't be ignored.
Then they should have no trouble adapting to the environment of their new country when they get deported with their parents. :cool:

You're probably right, many will because kids are resilient. Yet I wonder about the rhetoric of conservatives, you know, those people who always claim it's all about personal responsibility. A child brought to this country by his or her parents, who excels in school and is academically eligible to attend our public universities and win scholarships is not rewarded for their hard work.

I think that stinks.

You can always volunteer to pay their tuition. :D I'll help hook you up. ;)
Seriously, compare their rights here, to yours in their home country. That's probably why they are here in the first place, granted. Yet, there presence here should not be advancing destabilization here. This is what can't be ignored.

I didn't suggest it should be ignored; I simple offered my opinion that these kids are not complicit in the crime.
I'd prefer that those who employ persons not legally able to work in this country be put in jail - actually, a Federal Prison and placed on Federal Probation for 10 years, be required to pay into social security and medicare the monies due if the employee had been a legal worker.
Put some teeth into the law and make the employer accountable - most jobs for those not legally able to work will dry up and many of those now working will go home.
The children of lawbreaking illegals are the responsibility of their parents. It is not the US taxpayers' responsibility to pay for or support these children. The parents made a bad choice and took the risk by coming here illegally. If their children suffer because of that, blame the parents. Don't dun anyone who prefers to see them sent back to wait in line like decent people do.

We already provide a "path to citizenship", let everybody have the same opportunity to walk that path. Stop rewarding cheats, liars, and criminals.
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I'd prefer that those who employ persons not legally able to work in this country be put in jail - actually, a Federal Prison and placed on Federal Probation for 10 years, be required to pay into social security and medicare the monies due if the employee had been a legal worker.
Put some teeth into the law and make the employer accountable - most jobs for those not legally able to work will dry up and many of those now working will go home.

So, if any of these kids you are so worried about gets a summer or after school job their employer should be locked up, right? But, but some of these kids know nothing but baseball and hot dogs! Why should they be denied the summer jobs their friends have for something that IS JUST NOT THEIR FAULT? NOT THEIR FAULT, I SAY! :eusa_boohoo:
A child brought to this country by his or her parents, who excels in school and is academically eligible to attend our public universities and win scholarships is not rewarded for their hard work.
If the child is that academically gifted.

Then they should have no trouble getting scholarships to universities after being deported back to their parents home country. :cool:
My question was for those who DO support the Dream Act.

IF you support the Dream Act and want others to get on board with it and pass it, how much are you willing to commit to in order to get others on board with you?

Are you willing to commit to enforcing immigration law and deporting the adults who brought the children?

Are you willing to commit to deporting the 20-year-old who washes out of college, or who never qualified for college or the military to begin with?
You're probably right, many will because kids are resilient. Yet I wonder about the rhetoric of conservatives, you know, those people who always claim it's all about personal responsibility. A child brought to this country by his or her parents, who excels in school and is academically eligible to attend our public universities and win scholarships is not rewarded for their hard work.

I think that stinks.

You can always volunteer to pay their tuition. :D I'll help hook you up. ;)
Seriously, compare their rights here, to yours in their home country. That's probably why they are here in the first place, granted. Yet, there presence here should not be advancing destabilization here. This is what can't be ignored.

I didn't suggest it should be ignored; I simple offered my opinion that these kids are not complicit in the crime.
I'd prefer that those who employ persons not legally able to work in this country be put in jail - actually, a Federal Prison and placed on Federal Probation for 10 years, be required to pay into social security and medicare the monies due if the employee had been a legal worker.
Put some teeth into the law and make the employer accountable - most jobs for those not legally able to work will dry up and many of those now working will go home.

I think you would burn out on picking your own lettuce, apples, and holding the ladder for your Contractor pretty quickly. ;) The Government in failing to do it's job, would seem very hypocritical in punishing Citizens that way. Felonies are no joke. On that issue, there is no Employer more unfair in hiring and profiling than the Government. What does the Government do when real work needs to be done? They Subcontract. Don't get me started. :lol:
I REALLY wanted to hear from people who support the Dream Act ... to hear what they would be willing to enforce in order to get others to agree to pass the Act.

I know the arguments against the Dream Act. I know some of the arguments for the Dream Act.

What I want to hear is something along the lines of whether the people who support the Dream Act are willing to put their enforcement where their mouth is.

Or are they hoping opponents will sign onto the Dream Act without any special assurances?

Or maybe they don't even really want the Dream Act to be passed. Maybe they're too happy having it as something to use as an issue in election years. A carrot to keep dangling for the Hispanic vote.

But if they do really support the Dream Act, and do really want opponents to come around to their point of view, what kinds of assurances and enforcements are they willing to offer ......
It might just be that they fully support deporting criminals to their country of origin but saying that out loud violates their oaths as card-carrying liberals. So they just sit quietly by while allowing people with more integrity to voice what they think and feel?

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