Draft APS Statement on Climate Change


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
On Climate Change:
Earth’s changing climate is a critical issue that poses the risk of significant disruption around the globe. While natural sources of climate variability are significant, multiple lines of evidence indicate that human influences have had an increasingly dominant effect on the climate warming observed since the mid-twentieth century. Although the magnitudes of future effects are uncertain, human influences on the climate are growing. The potential consequences of climate change are great and the policies of the next few decades will determine human influences on the climate for centuries.

On Climate Science:
As summarized in the 2013 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there continues to be significant progress in climate science. In particular, the connection between rising concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases and the increased warming of the global climate system is more certain than ever. Nevertheless, as recognized by Working Group 1 of the IPCC, scientific challenges remain to our abilities to observe, interpret, and project climate changes. To better inform societal choices, the APS urges sustained research in climate science.

On Climate Action:
The APS reiterates its 2007 call to support actions that will reduce the emissions, and ultimately the concentration, of greenhouse gases, as well as increase the resilience of society to a changing climate. Because physics and its techniques are fundamental elements of climate science, the APS further urges physicists to collaborate with colleagues across disciplines in climate research and to contribute to the public dialogue.
man oh man, Judy Curry is pissed!

Draft APS Statement on Climate Change Climate Etc. to see why.

JC message to APS POPA: no one cares about your political preferences in the climate change debate. You have demonstrated that you bring nothing intellectually to the table (once Koonin and Rossner left). You simply have no business issuing a policy statement on climate change. You have embarrassed the APS membership.

well, I guess Old Rocks will be happy.
So, Curry does not like the fact that fellow scientists believe that they and their descendents have a stake in policys in regard to Global Warming. No decision is a decision, and no policy is a policy. Curry can play the sweet little virgin that just doesn't get involved with nasty things like what should we do about the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere, and how do we go about doing those neccessary things. She has placed herself, and her opinions, in a position of irrelevancy.
So, Curry does not like the fact that fellow scientists believe that they and their descendents have a stake in policys in regard to Global Warming. No decision is a decision, and no policy is a policy. Curry can play the sweet little virgin that just doesn't get involved with nasty things like what should we do about the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere, and how do we go about doing those neccessary things. She has placed herself, and her opinions, in a position of irrelevancy.

Quite the reverse actually. I think what she is saying is that at the end of the day, decade, century, nothing can be known for sure. And when nothing can be known, the citizenry of the world will be less willing to believe what science declares, if science is made a tool of statecraft.

When you politicize science, science becomes political. It shouldn't become political.
I see. So scientists should sit on their hands, and say nothing at all if the political structure ignores obvious dangers. Now that is about as fucking dumb as it gets.
The APS embarrasses itself by letting the AGWCult sign their name on the letterhead.

What a disgrace

The IPCC is on record that AGW is a scam and has nothing to do with science but is a wealth redistribution scheme
So? translation:

Give us BILLIONS of dollars or kiss all your asses goodbye.

for crying out loud. Humans adapted before, but all of sudden it's the sky is falling and it won't ever get up again
So, Curry does not like the fact that fellow scientists believe that they and their descendents have a stake in policys in regard to Global Warming. No decision is a decision, and no policy is a policy. Curry can play the sweet little virgin that just doesn't get involved with nasty things like what should we do about the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere, and how do we go about doing those neccessary things. She has placed herself, and her opinions, in a position of irrelevancy.

I'm assuming from that reply that you haven't read what she said. Typical
Here's all you need to know....they want to move all of you back into caves so you don't disrupt Mother earths "climate"

Earth’s changing climate is a critical issue that poses the risk of significant disruption around the globe. While natural sources of climate variability are significant, multiple lines of evidence indicate that human influences have had an increasingly dominant effect on the climate warming observed since the mid-twentieth century. Although the magnitudes of future effects are uncertain, human influences on the climate are growing. The potential consequences of climate change are great and the policies of the next few decades will determine human influences on the climate for centuries.
These political conspiracy theories are now all they deniers have left.

It's for the best, really, that deniers have given up on pretending to care about the science, given how bad they were at it.
man oh man, Judy Curry is pissed!

Draft APS Statement on Climate Change Climate Etc. to see why.

JC message to APS POPA: no one cares about your political preferences in the climate change debate. You have demonstrated that you bring nothing intellectually to the table (once Koonin and Rossner left). You simply have no business issuing a policy statement on climate change. You have embarrassed the APS membership.

well, I guess Old Rocks will be happy.

She is not alone...

In the office where I work, there are three who believe that the APS is playing with fire they have no buisness playing with. One Letter to the APS I read was rather blunt about not wanting to be a political whore organization and sticking to being scientists first and foremost. I was amazed to find that most no longer toe the AGW line any more. The fear of being an outcast, or rejected due to differing view is no longer present. And this was a long time coming..
These political conspiracy theories are now all they deniers have left.

It's for the best, really, that deniers have given up on pretending to care about the science, given how bad they were at it.

You're a funny bird, you know that. You don't realize that according to science, you have become that one that is the "denier." You just don't like that the science doesn't unequivocally support what the politicians and media keep harping and claiming is "irrefutably" going on.

When empirical evidence doesn't bear out what the politicians claim, sober rationalists don't want to look foolish holding the bag. They want to make damn sure who to pin the blame on, rabid partisan's using labels like. . . well, "deniers."
man oh man, Judy Curry is pissed!

Draft APS Statement on Climate Change Climate Etc. to see why.

JC message to APS POPA: no one cares about your political preferences in the climate change debate. You have demonstrated that you bring nothing intellectually to the table (once Koonin and Rossner left). You simply have no business issuing a policy statement on climate change. You have embarrassed the APS membership.

well, I guess Old Rocks will be happy.

She is not alone...

In the office where I work, there are three who believe that the APS is playing with fire they have no buisness playing with. One Letter to the APS I read was rather blunt about not wanting to be a political whore organization and sticking to being scientists first and foremost. I was amazed to find that most no longer toe the AGW line any more. The fear of being an outcast, or rejected due to differing view is no longer present. And this was a long time coming..
So your fellow fry cook at McD's wrote a letter to the APS. I am so sure they were impressed.
Curry was on a panel for the APS that studied the science of climate. She was impressed with the overall recommendations put forward to the leadership. She was gobsmacked by how the report was totally ignored. The APS statement had nothing to do with expert opinion, and everything to do with politics. Sad really, that a scientific organization like the APS has been taken over by partisans. It will be interesting to see what way the comments from the members go.

I recommend people read Curry's article to get the background information.
I see some bitterness. I think there was hope among our denier clan that the APS would actually join them. There is the delusion in this instance.
I see some bitterness. I think there was hope among our denier clan that the APS would actually join them. There is the delusion in this instance.

denier clan

that just doesn't make you sound intelligent. It make's you sound more like you're in A CULT.... sorry
Once again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now if you defined all of those people as a cult, then that is a cult I am proud to be part of.

What about your cult, Staph? What evidence do you have for your statements? Published where? Scientific journals?
Once again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now if you defined all of those people as a cult, then that is a cult I am proud to be part of.

What about your cult, Staph? What evidence do you have for your statements? Published where? Scientific journals?

the APS ignored its own panel of experts recommendations. and delivered a politically driven statement that is not driven by the members or their experts. what a disconnect.
Once again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now if you defined all of those people as a cult, then that is a cult I am proud to be part of.

What about your cult, Staph? What evidence do you have for your statements? Published where? Scientific journals?

And, once again, every scientific organization and university are wholly dependent on the continuance of the AGW fraud to further their funding. I am not surprised in the least. What I do find hilarious is the cultists here claim the "deniers" are all about politics when the APS has clearly adopted the political line and ignored the science.

Not surprising in the least.
So, once again we have ol' Walleyes claiming a worldwide conspiracy among most of the scientists in the world to get government grants. Thereby also claiming a worldwide conspiracy among governments to fool us all. Be sure to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats there, old boy.

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