Dow Jones Down rougly 300 points right now.


Nov 4, 2011
It is in my opinion that the market can not hold. For sometime now, the gains have been slow while the losses are fast. There is too much fluxuation in the market without steady growth in the GDP. The Dow doesn't hold above 12,000.

If Greece and Italy fail so does the US. The Dow is on its way down to 6,000 in the near future.

This is just my opinon.
Dow is down 400 points and CNBC reports the minus 400 points is the new normal and investors are numb to it.

They are just trying to minimize the crash and keep the little guy out of the loop of what is to come.

Anything above and beyond minus 300 is bad---remember when they used to stop trading when the market fell 300 points. No brakes now---free market at work.
Dow is down 400 points and CNBC reports the minus 400 points is the new normal and investors are numb to it.

They are just trying to minimize the crash and keep the little guy out of the loop of what is to come.

Anything above and beyond minus 300 is bad---remember when they used to stop trading when the market fell 300 points. No brakes now---free market at work.

There are still breaks. But the dips have to be much greater. And it is also time sensitive.
Either two things can happen today. 1. Some start buying back stocks on their down, or 2. Investors sell off big at the closing.

It is that simple :)
Either two things can happen today. 1. Some start buying back stocks on their down, or 2. Investors sell off big at the closing.

It is that simple :)

Markets been pretty turbulent for quite some time. And many traders like it this way. It reeks havoc on retirement accounts, however. But if you are a day trader..this is the time to make some real cash.
I'm still waiting for more security in the market before I buy. The market is only up 1% from last year. I make more recycling cans.

If the market gains 100 it loses 300. Gains 25 loses 100. This has been going on for the last three year and more so the in the last year. I need to see more steady gains of 25 to 50 over a period of at least six months and less losses of 100 minus before I will buy.
Pheh...means nothing. This isn't the fall...when it happens we will know it.
When a 800-1000 pt fall happens in a single day - we are there.
Pheh...means nothing. This isn't the fall...when it happens we will know it.
When a 800-1000 pt fall happens in a single day - we are there.

That has already happened. Remeber when they said the "guy" hit the billion button but he ment the million button.

I suspect that if the market continues on this downward spiral no one is safe. Even the backs sitting on their 2.2 trillion in cash. Silver and Gold is where to buy if one can afford $1,700 hundred dollars an ounce.:eusa_shhh:
You really gotta pity the former community agitator who found himself president. The DOW was tanking and he ordered his people to rescind the planned 15 cent tax on Christmas trees a few hours after he announced it apparently thinking that it might make a difference. Barry Hussein's leadership is incoherent and it is becoming painfully obvious that he ain't got a clue. God know who is running the Country, maybe Bill Ayers.
Either two things can happen today. 1. Some start buying back stocks on their down, or 2. Investors sell off big at the closing.

It is that simple :)

Markets been pretty turbulent for quite some time. And many traders like it this way. It reeks havoc on retirement accounts, however. But if you are a day trader..this is the time to make some real cash.

Absolutely right. Sad but true. The storm will pass, but it may take awhile to sort itself out. In the mean time volatility will rule and day trading will win.

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