DOW goes for 13th straight record close...hasn't been done since 1897!


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
Really...Fox News is blocked by the Canadian government from broadcasting in that true?
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!

Trumpets are saying Obama left him a mess....If it were the opposite and going down Trump would be blaming it on Obama as well.


I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
Really...Fox News is blocked by the Canadian government from broadcasting in that true?

No that's not true. We don't have MSNBC in most cases either. I had both MSNBC and FOX when we had Shaw Cable, but neither Rogers nor Bell carry Fox or MSNBC, and those two are the largest cable networks in Canada. I don't like networks which spin the news to their viewpoint. Just the facts people, just the facts. FOX, I gather, is better without Roger Ailes, but both of these networks provide opinion, not news. CNN isn't much better.

CBC is government owned and run. Outraged Canadian doesn't like CBC, or anything else Canadian.
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
Really...Fox News is blocked by the Canadian government from broadcasting in that true?

I have a TV package of 900+ channels and no Fox News. Toronto Sun, a right leaning somewhat provocateur newspaper wanted to have their own TV news channel, but, unlike other media outlets they weren't able to survive as they were force to be a "specialty channel", even though viewership was reasonable for a new station (I admit, I never watched it) AND they were a Canadian business. Fox News needs to be ordered as a "specialty" channel and they appear to be only local. I have a couple of channels in the 500's and 150's which say Fox (not National based on the station letters), in both cases I need to call and order them, pay for them separately from our already massive selection of channels which we rarely watch.

CNN? It's on channel 33, fully part of basic cable, above many popular channels. Good, safe, left wing news for Canadians to consume. No way Canadians should get to see Hannity or O'Reilly, that might influence them that our old Crown system is not really much about liberty and individual rights at all.

People wonder why Canadians are socialists, quasi-communists and have such a negative view of Americans? I have to spend alot of my time in life educating Canadians that Americans aren't what they have been lead to believe by CBC. Let me tell you, some of the stuff I hear and Canadians presumably know alot more about America than vice versa (as is the case in most countries as America is such a global presence).

Edit: To the dragonlady above, yes we do get MSNBC, it's on Rogers channel 185. Fox News is the only channel blocked. Though if I was so inclined or drunk I could order al jezeera...tells you all you need to know about Canada right there...
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I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!

Trumpets are saying Obama left him a mess....If it were the opposite and going down Trump would be blaming it on Obama as well.



Yep. Just as they like to pretend "woe! O'bama crashed the economy before he was in office with his superKenya 5000 time machine", they're equally oblivious that the DJIA has been going up ever since '09 and more than doubled in the next 7 years. When it passes 40,000 under Rump they'll begin to have a point.

Not sure what the DJIA has to do with Canada anyway, eh?
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!

He hasn't done shit except push air thus far.

Pushing air can move stock markets (like for example promises of Trillion dollar infrastructure stimulus moving steel stocks), but only temporarily so and the house of cards will fall apart as soon as promises start coming up short or unintended consequences start to show up.
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
Really...Fox News is blocked by the Canadian government from broadcasting in that true?

I have a TV package of 900+ channels and no Fox News. Toronto Sun, a right leaning somewhat provocateur newspaper wanted to have their own TV news channel, but, unlike other media outlets they weren't able to survive as they were force to be a "specialty channel", even though viewership was reasonable for a new station (I admit, I never watched it) AND they were a Canadian business. Fox News needs to be ordered as a "specialty" channel and they appear to be only local. I have a couple of channels in the 500's and 150's which say Fox (not National based on the station letters), in both cases I need to call and order them, pay for them separately from our already massive selection of channels which we rarely watch.

CNN? It's on channel 33, fully part of basic cable, above many popular channels. Good, safe, left wing news for Canadians to consume. No way Canadians should get to see Hannity or O'Reilly, that might influence them that our old Crown system is not really much about liberty and individual rights at all.

People wonder why Canadians are socialists, quasi-communists and have such a negative view of Americans? I have to spend alot of my time in life educating Canadians that Americans aren't what they have been lead to believe by CBC. Let me tell you, some of the stuff I hear and Canadians presumably know alot more about America than vice versa (as is the case in most countries as America is such a global presence).

:lol: O'Really and Inanity don't talk about Canada. They couldn't even find it on a map. If they do ever mention it it would be in the petulant realm of the way they handled the infamous "boycott of France" and "freedom fries". I'm sure when the Alexandre Bissonnet story came up and couldn't be ignored they tried to bury it especially the part about him being a Rumpbot.

Shepard Smith is the exception that proves the rule, one of the singular best news journalists anywhere and the only reason Fox Noise gets to use the last name "news". But they know their ratings come from hair-on-fire emotional scare stories, so they confine Smith to the dayparts so that hacks like Plucker Carlson can interview even worse hacks like Ami Horowitz during the night, where all the audience is.

All television plays its audience for dupes but Fox Noise has it down to an evil science.
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
Really...Fox News is blocked by the Canadian government from broadcasting in that true?

I have a TV package of 900+ channels and no Fox News. Toronto Sun, a right leaning somewhat provocateur newspaper wanted to have their own TV news channel, but, unlike other media outlets they weren't able to survive as they were force to be a "specialty channel", even though viewership was reasonable for a new station (I admit, I never watched it) AND they were a Canadian business. Fox News needs to be ordered as a "specialty" channel and they appear to be only local. I have a couple of channels in the 500's and 150's which say Fox (not National based on the station letters), in both cases I need to call and order them, pay for them separately from our already massive selection of channels which we rarely watch.

CNN? It's on channel 33, fully part of basic cable, above many popular channels. Good, safe, left wing news for Canadians to consume. No way Canadians should get to see Hannity or O'Reilly, that might influence them that our old Crown system is not really much about liberty and individual rights at all.

People wonder why Canadians are socialists, quasi-communists and have such a negative view of Americans? I have to spend alot of my time in life educating Canadians that Americans aren't what they have been lead to believe by CBC. Let me tell you, some of the stuff I hear and Canadians presumably know alot more about America than vice versa (as is the case in most countries as America is such a global presence).

:lol: O'Really and Inanity don't talk about Canada. They couldn't even find it on a map. If they do ever mention it it would be in the petulant realm of the way they handled the infamous "boycott of France" and "freedom fries". I'm sure when the Alexandre Bissonnet story came up and couldn't be ignored they tried to bury it especially the part about him being a Rumpbot.

Shepard Smith is the exception that proves the rule, one of the singular best news journalists anywhere and the only reason Fox Noise gets to use the last name "news". But they know their ratings come from hair-on-fire emotional scare stories, so they confine Smith to the dayparts so that hacks like Plucker Carlson can interview even worse hacks like Ami Horowitz during the night, where all the audience is.

All television plays its audience for dupes but Fox Noise has it down to an evil science.
I'm trying to find the link for it, was reported on CNN (since Canada blocks Fox News from us, but gives us state run covert agent lead CBC).

God Bless America! Trump is getting it done, and he's just getting started!
Really...Fox News is blocked by the Canadian government from broadcasting in that true?

No that's not true. We don't have MSNBC in most cases either. I had both MSNBC and FOX when we had Shaw Cable, but neither Rogers nor Bell carry Fox or MSNBC, and those two are the largest cable networks in Canada. I don't like networks which spin the news to their viewpoint. Just the facts people, just the facts. FOX, I gather, is better without Roger Ailes, but both of these networks provide opinion, not news. CNN isn't much better.

CBC is government owned and run. Outraged Canadian doesn't like CBC, or anything else Canadian.

I don't like what the Canadian government is doing to American businesses and quite frankly to Canadians. As I've said before, if I outlined what my wife and I have had to endure since I blew the whistle it would shock the Average American, and would be viewed with sympathy from older East Germans who lived in a particular period of time.

CBC is government owned and run by the state, there is no division there, like the BBC. There are CSIS and RCMP agents working at CBC, bet your life on it. Like any socialist country with state run news, this is the propaganda you receive "for free" as it were. I had details on two such individual, one who is a former "reporter" there. You learn alot when you go digging and speak to the right people.

In East Germany, where state run news was rampant; they had weekly TV shows in which East Germans would go out and dance to the "new craze sweeping the nation". While the West was listening to The Beatles and other musical acts, the East German would be exposed to two healthy, good looking young adults dance the polka. There would be some paid state lackeys on the sidelines, cheering them on, capping and smiling at the newest trend (brought to you by the East German government) being presented by this "hip" couple. Good old state run propaganda which we can laugh at now, but really, it's not very funny. and this is a lighter example.

So, for the last number of decades, while America was free, innovating, creating jobs and growing and supporting LIBERTY and individual rights, Canadians have been fed a healthy dose of BS from CBC news about how superior the Canadian socialist system (with nepotism and crony capitalism) is and how inhumane, racist and violent the American system is.

Hell, just yesterday I spoke to a woman about job interests I had from companies in Texas, Arizona and California, she told me "no, I wouldn't move there if I were you, look at the government there, people are leaving, some are being thrown out!" I told her, "I'm not planning on going there illegally, I would go through the proper channels". Another biased Canadian who probably doesn't even realize what is going on or, if she does, she would prefer to just toe the CBC line and tell everyone how evil America is.

The DOW is booming, taxes are going way way down, a nice equalizer tax at the border will be in place and trade deals will be altered. Time for America to stop being the whipping boy of other nations who use big government to harm America, including and especially Canada.
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"Time for America to stop being the whipping boy of other nations who use big government to harm America, including and especially Canada."

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, how many military bases? In how many countries? Some of you folks are seriously detached from reality. We've adopted the N Korean approach; throw all your resources into the military and a small group of ruling elites, starve out your soceital/social fabric, and lock down the people.
"Time for America to stop being the whipping boy of other nations who use big government to harm America, including and especially Canada."

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, how many military bases? In how many countries? Some of you folks are seriously detached from reality. We've adopted the N Korean approach; throw all your resources into the military and a small group of ruling elites, starve out your soceital/social fabric, and lock down the people.

All of these military bases are for whose benefit? You act as if America is attacking every nation on earth. They are there to defend allies and keep the peace, while so many countries don't even pay their NATO dues!

A particular PM; I won't say who, recently was over in Germany and said that paying less than 1% of GDP to NATO defense was acceptable, because we do other things to help....right. Maybe I can make that argument on my taxes or missed mortgage payments.

If it is climate change, oh Lord, we better push hard and harder to meet that goal even if it bankrupts citizens. Check out Ontario and hydro costs to see what's up, 20% of citizens there are 3 months or more behind their heating bill...nice eh? We are paying a "global adjustment fee", lol. $315B of debt for 13M people and this s the end result.

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