Don't Piss Valerie Jarrett Off...Do It And You're Gone


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Valerie Jarrett is the single most powerful person in the Obama White House. A lot of his decisions were run through her before they became a reality. She even has her own Secret Service detachment at taxpayer expense of course even though she doesn't rate it.

Stories keep floating out of Washington of her abusive attitude. Like the time she thought a 4-star General was a waiter and she told him to go get her a drink. Another time when a reporter asked her at the DNC what she was going to do about the lack of popularity of the leaked "Kill List". Within seconds the reporter had an official checking his credentials and regardless of the fact they were valid he was escorted out of the convention site by two armed men. American Conservative Journalist Michael Tracey Says Valerie Jarrett Had Him Thrown Out of the DNC for Asking About Drone Strikes |

Jarrett never goes anywhere without her security detail, her entourage so to speak.

So let’s get this straight: Jarrett gets a security detail from the US Secret Service (USSS). That means 24/7 protection, at a cost of millions of dollars a year. Of course, it also means an air of importance for Jarrett--her own taxpayer-funded entourage. The idea that someone such as Jarrett--who officially plays no role in national security or counter-terrorism--would receive USSS protection would be laughable if it weren’t, in fact, real. It’s like a tale out of the Versailles Court of the Sun King--the sort of anecdote that provokes the peasants, eventually, to revolution. But in the meantime, before the deluge, Jarrett plans to live it up; surrounded by agents with guns, she is queen of her own court. In other words, for pure conspicuous consumption, Jarrett puts her fellow Chicagoan, the laughably self-important Desirée Rogers, to shame. The Audacity of Cronyism: Jarrett, Plouffe, and Donilon

Rumor has it Jarrett was the primary force behind turning down the Bin Laden mission on 3 separate occasions. Eventually the Generals and even the Secretary of Defense who were practically in open revolt, convinced the President that they had no other choice but to go ahead with the mission. Jarrett was worried about what failure would do to Obama's re-election chances. I'm sure Obama was too, but Jarrett wasn't gonna allow anything to happen to screw over her boy.

One thing is clear in the Obama White House, if you butt heads with Valerie Jarrett you're history. The fact that Jarrett seems to be responsible for many of Obama's decisions has gone largely unreported. I remember when the press made fun of George W. Bush claiming that he was just an idiot that needed Karl Rove just to be able to function. To be honest, I think Obama would be lost without Valerie Jarrett.


“She’s there to try to promote what she understands to be what the president wants,” the former aide said. “Ultimately the president makes his own decisions. The question that is hard to get inside of, the black box, is whether she is really influencing him or merely executing decisions he’s made. That’s like asking, ‘Is the light on in the refrigerator when the door is closed?’ ”

For further reading......
How dare a black woman excercise power in this country!

Your race card has been declined. Again.
Actually looking at the pic I didnt think she was black.

SHe is picking up on her boss' attitude. T he one that says ME ME ME. The one that allows him to decide who should live and who should die, like some fucking Kenyan deity.
Lordy, lordy, the brigade of fools is at it again. Keep it up, you will win a couple of hundred thousand more votes for the President.
Obama doesn't do anything without her consent.
The Libs talk about Rove being Bush's brain.
This lady is Obama's backbone,spinal cord and balls.
I'm sure there is a secret service agent assigned to monitor
the executive bathroom to wait for Obama to utter the words

"wipe me"

Then they put in the call for Valerie
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She has so little of it one never would think it was the case.

But of course Bigot Joe has no compunction with throwing out the race-card at the outset.

So essentially because she can "pass", I guess your angry little racist screed should be ignored? Really?

Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You appear to be the angry racist here, Joe.

Wow.. you really think that works, denying your own racism by accusing others of racism?

This is really a plan for you?

You're the ones who blew it by nominating Romney, the worst candidate a major party has feilded since well, Barry Goldwater.
How dare a black woman excercise power in this country!

As an "adviser to the president", what "power" is she supposed to have in the public arena? Was she elected somehow to a position which would enable her to have reporters removed from her presence because they ask policy questions she doesn't want to answer?

And yes, you are a racist. Your side has reached the tipping point on the use of the race card. People can and do disagree with someone based on who they are and the actions they take rather than the amount of pigment in their skin.
How dare a black woman excercise power in this country!

As an "adviser to the president", what "power" is she supposed to have in the public arena? Was she elected somehow to a position which would enable her to have reporters removed from her presence because they ask policy questions she doesn't want to answer?

And yes, you are a racist. Your side has reached the tipping point on the use of the race card. People can and do disagree with someone based on who they are and the actions they take rather than the amount of pigment in their skin.

If your disagreements with the president were really based on philosophical issues, that would be one thing.

But the point is, you guys disagree with him even when he uses your idea.

When they called individual mandates RomneyCare, you were all for them. When they called them "ObamaCare"... they were an evil, socilaist unconstitutional power grab!

Bush's minions had reporters they didn't like banned from his presense all the time. Come on, you are upset that this woman is doing the same now?

Sorry, when you get upset about things you used to be for or used to do yourself, what else is one to conclude when the black guy does it?
She has so little of it one never would think it was the case.

But of course Bigot Joe has no compunction with throwing out the race-card at the outset.

So essentially because she can "pass", I guess your angry little racist screed should be ignored? Really?

Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You appear to be the angry racist here, Joe.

He has no idea that race isn't even a consideration where Jarrett is concerned. The thought never even crossed my mind.

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