dont let a tragedy go to waste. sandy hook details

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

You have to start from them to eventually have all the guns banned.

Then the leftists can take over and no one can protect themselves.
Kates Law - lawless filth liberals giving sanctuary to foreigners who rape and kill Americans.

Sandy Hook - filth liberals trying to exploit a tragedy to undermine the US Constitution.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?
its not protecting these, its knowingbthe left wont stop there with their ban happy ways.

the left are the ones trying to pass laws banning even semi automatc guns and in an open gun grab mode. so stop giving me"common sense" as if only the left is capable of it.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?
its not protecting these, its knowingbthe left wont stop there with their ban happy ways.

the left are the ones trying to pass laws banning even semi automatc guns and in an open gun grab mode. so stop giving me"common sense" as if only the left is capable of it.

A total gun ban is their ultimate goal, there's no compromise with these people. Look at their behavior thus far, they cook up all sorts of gun control laws to undermine the 2nd amendment. In New Jersey they have made owning a gun so useless and legally risky that people give up their 2nd amendment rights out of fear of government.
i thought women had titosterone??? :)

I bet they are going to start injecting this titstosterone to boys soon enough so that they can become real girls.

Yes, you dumbass/CandyCorn, the (terrible) schools are responsible. Without the schools, guess how many would die in school shootings?

As for the SSRI, of course they are correlated with the shootings. But is it because the meds, or the fact that the troubled kids take the meds as they are suffering from public schools and single mothers? I bet that it's not the meds but the single mothers...

So blame the schools, blame SSRI, blame single moms....

When are going to start blaming El Niño of slender man?

When idiocy goes to 50 a barrel can I have drilling rights on your head?
well hell, the left blames guns and pretty much nothing else. THIS IS WHY i get mad when obamas camp is on record spinning it to a gun problem when it's a society problem.

in the end, i blame us. we're too stupid collectively to work together and now we're just to a point where one side must be 100% right and the other 100% wrong. nothing else will do.

you tell me, how do we recover from that mentality?
This school shooting issue is a good example of the mentality the nation suffers under. The left screams for more gun control and the right refuses to accept any changes. It is all bullshit designed by the powers-that-be to keep us occupied.

Guns are NOT the problem. If they were, we would have experienced school shootings for decades.

I believe school shootings have nothing to do with guns. People have been bullied since the beginning to time, but until recently school shootings were unheard of. I was bullied and saw others bullied in school, but nobody thought to grab a gun and start shooting. Yet, guns were all around then, as they are today.

So, what has changed. IMHO it is the drugs. Drugging these young boys is the only thing that is different, from past times. Nearly all the shooters were on Big Pharma's drugs.

Notice how the MSM, our criminal government, and Big Pharma refuse to discuss the drug issue, when these shootings occur.

What’s changed ? School shootings have become “hip”. You knew as soon as the last big one was in the news that copycats would be on the way.

and can we get over this nonsense that back in the day things we’re all peaceful and loving .
Please cite the many school shootings from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Guns were just as abundant than, as they are today.

Also keep in mind that back in those days, high schools had SHOOTING TEAMS. My older brother used to walk to school carrying his rifle, since he was on the shooting team. This was in the City of Detroit in the early 60s.
I bet they are going to start injecting this titstosterone to boys soon enough so that they can become real girls.

Yes, you dumbass/CandyCorn, the (terrible) schools are responsible. Without the schools, guess how many would die in school shootings?

As for the SSRI, of course they are correlated with the shootings. But is it because the meds, or the fact that the troubled kids take the meds as they are suffering from public schools and single mothers? I bet that it's not the meds but the single mothers...

So blame the schools, blame SSRI, blame single moms....

When are going to start blaming El Niño of slender man?

When idiocy goes to 50 a barrel can I have drilling rights on your head?
well hell, the left blames guns and pretty much nothing else. THIS IS WHY i get mad when obamas camp is on record spinning it to a gun problem when it's a society problem.

in the end, i blame us. we're too stupid collectively to work together and now we're just to a point where one side must be 100% right and the other 100% wrong. nothing else will do.

you tell me, how do we recover from that mentality?
This school shooting issue is a good example of the mentality the nation suffers under. The left screams for more gun control and the right refuses to accept any changes. It is all bullshit designed by the powers-that-be to keep us occupied.

Guns are NOT the problem. If they were, we would have experienced school shootings for decades.

I believe school shootings have nothing to do with guns. People have been bullied since the beginning to time, but until recently school shootings were unheard of. I was bullied and saw others bullied in school, but nobody thought to grab a gun and start shooting. Yet, guns were all around then, as they are today.

So, what has changed. IMHO it is the drugs. Drugging these young boys is the only thing that is different, from past times. Nearly all the shooters were on Big Pharma's drugs.

Notice how the MSM, our criminal government, and Big Pharma refuse to discuss the drug issue, when these shootings occur.

What’s changed ? School shootings have become “hip”. You knew as soon as the last big one was in the news that copycats would be on the way.

and can we get over this nonsense that back in the day things we’re all peaceful and loving .
Please cite the many school shootings from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Guns were just as abundant than, as they are today.

Also keep in mind that back in those days, high schools had SHOOTING TEAMS. My older brother used to walk to school carrying his rifle, since he was on the shooting team. This was in the City of Detroit in the early 60s.

Back then schools actually taught useful stuff, today only leftist indoctrination.

No wonder you have shootings when the boys are taught to act like girls or take adderal, of course they get suicidal.

Gun homicides have decreased, but not the school shootings. Why? Single motherhood and take over of the schools by the left And after such failures, the left is the one who thinks they have the solution? That is laughably stupid...
If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

You have to start from them to eventually have all the guns banned.

Then the leftists can take over and no one can protect themselves.

We’ve had some gun control since forever . Wouldn’t guns be all banned by now if your silly theory was correct.
So blame the schools, blame SSRI, blame single moms....

When are going to start blaming El Niño of slender man?

When idiocy goes to 50 a barrel can I have drilling rights on your head?
well hell, the left blames guns and pretty much nothing else. THIS IS WHY i get mad when obamas camp is on record spinning it to a gun problem when it's a society problem.

in the end, i blame us. we're too stupid collectively to work together and now we're just to a point where one side must be 100% right and the other 100% wrong. nothing else will do.

you tell me, how do we recover from that mentality?
This school shooting issue is a good example of the mentality the nation suffers under. The left screams for more gun control and the right refuses to accept any changes. It is all bullshit designed by the powers-that-be to keep us occupied.

Guns are NOT the problem. If they were, we would have experienced school shootings for decades.

I believe school shootings have nothing to do with guns. People have been bullied since the beginning to time, but until recently school shootings were unheard of. I was bullied and saw others bullied in school, but nobody thought to grab a gun and start shooting. Yet, guns were all around then, as they are today.

So, what has changed. IMHO it is the drugs. Drugging these young boys is the only thing that is different, from past times. Nearly all the shooters were on Big Pharma's drugs.

Notice how the MSM, our criminal government, and Big Pharma refuse to discuss the drug issue, when these shootings occur.

What’s changed ? School shootings have become “hip”. You knew as soon as the last big one was in the news that copycats would be on the way.

and can we get over this nonsense that back in the day things we’re all peaceful and loving .
Please cite the many school shootings from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Guns were just as abundant than, as they are today.

Also keep in mind that back in those days, high schools had SHOOTING TEAMS. My older brother used to walk to school carrying his rifle, since he was on the shooting team. This was in the City of Detroit in the early 60s.

Back then schools actually taught useful stuff, today only leftist indoctrination.

No wonder you have shootings when the boys are taught to act like girls or take adderal, of course they get suicidal.

Gun homicides have decreased, but not the school shootings. Why? Single motherhood and take over of the schools by the left And after such failures, the left is the one who thinks they have the solution? That is laughably stupid...

Yeah . We should teach useful stuff like rifle shooting !!! Not silly things like using the computer machine !
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

Silencers will more likely be used to hide criminal activity.

Don’t u use earplugs or headphones?
This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

You have to start from them to eventually have all the guns banned.

Then the leftists can take over and no one can protect themselves.

We’ve had some gun control since forever . Wouldn’t guns be all banned by now if your silly theory was correct.
theory? they are trying to pass the laws now.

fuck off with that denial shit.
Last edited:
REVEALED: Obama WH Emails Plotting Strategy Two Days After Sandy Hook

yea. no politicizing it at all.

no intentional misleading at all.

You should be ASHAMED for ever citing the Daily Caller rag.......

A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”

These fake stories get picked up by other American outlets – by Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart, WND and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.

Pro-Trump site The Gateway Pundit ran with Russian propaganda mentioned in Mueller indictment
REVEALED: Obama WH Emails Plotting Strategy Two Days After Sandy Hook

yea. no politicizing it at all.

no intentional misleading at all.

You should be ASHAMED for ever citing the Daily Caller rag.......

A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”

These fake stories get picked up by other American outlets – by Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart, WND and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.

Pro-Trump site The Gateway Pundit ran with Russian propaganda mentioned in Mueller indictment
i like you.

you make me laff.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

You have to start from them to eventually have all the guns banned.

Then the leftists can take over and no one can protect themselves.

We’ve had some gun control since forever . Wouldn’t guns be all banned by now if your silly theory was correct.
theory? they are trying to pass the laws now.

duckmoff withbthat denial shit.

It's not a theory, it's a leftist wet dream...

Just think about it, a population that can't defend itself and has to obey the plantation masters. The dream!
If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

Silencers will more likely be used to hide criminal activity.

Don’t u use earplugs or headphones?

LOL okay lets embarrass you, provide your proof that silencers will be used to hide criminal activity or just admit you made that shit up. :auiqs.jpg:
Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

You have to start from them to eventually have all the guns banned.

Then the leftists can take over and no one can protect themselves.

We’ve had some gun control since forever . Wouldn’t guns be all banned by now if your silly theory was correct.
theory? they are trying to pass the laws now.

duckmoff withbthat denial shit.

It's not a theory, it's a leftist wet dream...

Just think about it, a population that can't defend itself and has to obey the plantation masters. The dream!

Liberals are not that smart. They want to ban guns because they hate the right and know this is something that would annoy us. Yes liberal assholes ARE that petty. This is why rational arguments against gun control don't work on them, their stated reason for gun control is not the true reason, they just want to ban them.
REVEALED: Obama WH Emails Plotting Strategy Two Days After Sandy Hook

yea. no politicizing it at all.

no intentional misleading at all.

Ever hear of “Kate’s Law “? You really want to throw these stones ?

But I guess obama should do nothing to respond to a preventable national tradgety .

Kates Law - lawless filth liberals giving sanctuary to foreigners who rape and kill Americans.

Sandy Hook - filth liberals trying to exploit a tragedy to undermine the US Constitution.

One lady accidentally shot by a homeless illegal who stole a gun that a careless owner didn’t secure ..... “we must change FED Immigration law! “

A bunch of 5 year olds turned to hamburger by a gun nut .... “ahhhh , what can u do?”

Let me fix that for you.....a careless federal agent who didn't secure his gun.....there, fixed that for you..and, of course, the gun was locked in the agents car, but the criminal, likely the shooter, broke the window to get into the really, the gun was secure...

And likely he left the gun in the car because even though he was an agent, the restaurant likely didn't allow guns.......

Shooting of Kathryn Steinle - Wikipedia

The gun used by Zarate had been stolen in downtown San Francisco from a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ranger's personal vehicle on June 27, 2015, according to the Bureau of Land Management.[6] The ranger testified at trial that he had left the weapon holstered and unsecured in a backpack under the front seat of his personal vehicle while he went to dinner with his family.[12] The car's window had been broken.[13][14]
REVEALED: Obama WH Emails Plotting Strategy Two Days After Sandy Hook

yea. no politicizing it at all.

no intentional misleading at all.
Good on them. Too bad it didn't bear fruit.
There was no intentional misleading of anyone. Who cares if behind the scenes pols were talking about how to legislate sane gun control laws? I would have started the day after the shootings, not wait an extra day.
Obama was at least a decent enough human being to shed tears for those children. I can not believe you are putting up something so goddamned twisted, iceberg.

obama and his Attorney General allowed thousands of guns to be sold to known drug cartel straw buyers in order for them to show up at Mexican crime scenes.....a Mexican crime scene means a Mexican citizen being murdered and having their body dangled off an over pass or burned up in an oven...

So sell that "obama cares about victims" crap to your dumb left wing buddies....and Rahm is the one overseeing the shooting galleries on the West and South sides of the city of Chicago....not the is the democrat politicians and judges who are letting repeat, violent, gun offenders out of jail in under 3 years...
This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

What's wrong with silencers e.g. hearing protection?

You have to start from them to eventually have all the guns banned.

Then the leftists can take over and no one can protect themselves.

We’ve had some gun control since forever . Wouldn’t guns be all banned by now if your silly theory was correct.

They started big time in 1994 and lost the House and Senate over obama decided to stock the courts with left wing gun banners which keeps them from losing political seats to anti gun votes...
but the criminal, likely the shooter, broke the window to get into the really, the gun was secure...

Yes, how true.....because a gun is SECURED when openly displayed in a locked car......and of course you'll retort that that stupid crook that broke into that car,just "lucked out"in finding a gun along with a bag of Cheetos.

Did you read the was in a backpack tucked under the seat, you moron.....try doing some research .....
Kates Law - lawless filth liberals giving sanctuary to foreigners who rape and kill Americans.

Sandy Hook - filth liberals trying to exploit a tragedy to undermine the US Constitution.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

If only the truth were to come out...this spells it out. If only Big Pharma wasn't part of the protected class.

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!
By Dr. Mark Sircus

May 24, 2018

What is it we never see in the press about the tragic mass shootings that are happening now on a routine basis? What pharmaceutical drugs these shooters are on, their health history and who the doctors are who are responsible for the physical and mental health of of these mass murders, that’s what!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

Yet yesterday in the Associated Press and several Washington newspapers we read a hysterical wave of protest after the National Rifle Association’s incoming president linked school shootings and other violence to using medications such as Ritalin:

George DuPaul, a psychologist at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania said, “There’s really no evidence whatsoever that links treatment for ADHD with Ritalin and drugs like that with violence, let alone gun violence.” If anything, DuPaul said, children tend to be less aggressive. Right here in this statement we see how mass killings have become sanctioned by the press and mainstream institutions.

Dr. Leonard Sax, who is both a physician and a psychologist, says in the New York Times, “The next time you hear a doctor say, with regard to prescribing stimulant medications, “let’s try it and see whether it helps,” I suggest that you run – do not walk – to the nearest exit.”

The New American Magazine published, “From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?” listing many shootings leading off with:

The Parkland, Florida, shooter who murdered 17 on Valentine’s Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related. As information about a “perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the ‘troubled youth’ who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including ‘suicidal ideation’ and even ‘homicidal ideation.’”

Connecticut, killer Adam Lanza, who killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. He also was on medication, according to family friend Louise Tambascio. Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, xil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.”

“The drug Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was prescribed Valium, which is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts. New court records obtained by CNN indicate Paddock had been prescribed the drug as far back as 2013.”
Pharmaceutical Murder - Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

This has been well known since before Sandy Hook.

But grandstanding by both sides will keep the killings coming.

Can’t ban guns if guns aren’t the problem after all.
the left is the side grandstanding. look at thair mail okaying calling bullets cop killers, must use "assault rifles" and getting people to buy into GUNS as the issue?

they cant call it what it really is or actually use "common sense" so what are gun owners to do but dig in and defend rights?

Gun nuts fight common sense control laws all the time .

Protecting bump stocks ? Pushing to legalized silencers ?

Silencers protect hearing, I know from a friend who had earplugs in and still damaged his doofus.

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