Donald Trump’s character and the motivation for politically motivated attacks against his supporters


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
In our current American Era there is a prevailing philosophical-moral relativism which holds (across social media and the MSM in particular) that when any man or woman emerges in the public eye claiming to be or described as a force for good, his or her background must be investigated until some terminal character flaw is discovered. After the flaw in such a person’s character is uncovered, this prevailing wind of automatic accusation and shame is then used by the Twitter mobs and MSM “woke” high priests to relentlessly point out how any man or woman who claims or is claimed to be a good person simply cannot be because of their past flaws or mistakes and indeed those would be potential moral paragons of our society must be ignored, defamed and otherwise have their character assassinated forthwith. Once such an attack has been carried out, the person accused of being “good” most often hangs their head in shame and bows out of the public spotlight. Not so with Donald Trump.

Our President, Donald John Trump, is just such a man. He’s a deeply flawed man who in his past has led a far from sin free life. Despite this, in his short few years as leader of the free world so far, he has brought about great change for the good and benefit of not just our American Civilization, but for the human race in its entirety as well. The fact of the matter, the hard as steel truth of human reality, is that no man or woman who ever lived was all good or all bad. However, some men and women have acted for the common good in such profound ways as to protect and ensure the survival of our greatest civilizations and our human race itself.

So then, why do fellow Americans of ours who despise Donald Trump find it seemingly so easy to attack any one of their countrymen who genuinely support and believe in him? Because regardless of any sin Donald Trump is guilty of committing in his past or since the 2016 election, he has been overtly, directly attacking many different but equally nefarious sources of human evil. Trump has dared to go after these evils where they sleep, draw them out into the light of day, and drive stakes through their collective undead hearts.

Masses of Americans who have witnessed this crusade against evil by our President have no doubt come to realize that many of the vices made normative by new age woke/postmodern ideology of the radical far left which they love to practice, even live for, could be next on Trump’s hit list. Vices such as free and rampantly available pornography, easy abortion, declaring oneself whatever gender one so desires, targeting or sexualizing children and on an on. In other words, Donald Trump represents a real and present danger for the loss of their new age sinful “toys”.

The other side of this situation is purely ideological. Most Americans know in their hearts both that only a man and a woman can truly be married in the eyes of our Lord, that sodomy is wrong and physically dangerous, that one’s sex can never be changed, that borders and customs/immigration laws MUST exist and be enforced, that criminals must not be freed for free before trial, and that atheism leads to mass democide. But these same masses of Americans have also been addicted/brainwashed to and by radical leftist ideology which has turned all “normal” facets of American civilization upside down—inverted them—so that what was considered wrong for thousands of years is now considered right, good and normal, and vice versa.

The long and the short of it is that those Americans who despise Donald Trump will justify harming those of us who support him because he represents a truth and purity of purpose that both protects our civilization and human race, and does so at the cost of threatening to take away things they enjoy doing and being a part of but which they already know are inherently wrong and have been since the beginning of time. Those who despise Trump do so because they realize he is a good leader and in opposing him, they are doing wrong. Their embarrassment over realizing they’re on the wrong side of humanity, morality and history is driving them to commit unprecedented political violence. They’re just like mythological vampires forced to gaze upon a silver cross or to stand before sunrise and be judged; their behavior is like that of cornered, terrified animals.

But it’s always the “cool” kids who reign supreme on social media and fresh out of university, is it not? Those kids who are cool because they are supposedly enlightened enough to know that Christianity is a tall tale, all morality is relative/variable, and that no one has the right to say what is “right” or “wrong” let alone tell anyone else. But therein lies the greatest mistake of personal character of era. WE ALL must tell ourselves and everyone else we know what is right and what is wrong on the most basic of fundamental levels. If we normal peasant can’t distinguish or acknowledge in public what’s right and what’s wrong, then our “elected” leaders, our ideologues, our famous personalities will be all too happy to TELL us what to believe, to set our moral standards for us. We must individually have the courage to stand up and give voice to moral truths no matter the price it might cost us. If enough of us do that, then those who sow these seeds of human evil will find their island of ideological and pseudo religion/politics shrinking until there’s no dry land left for them to sit.
Despite this, in his short few years as leader of the free world so far, he has brought about great change for the good and benefit of not just our American Civilization, but for the human race in its entirety as well.


Our President, Donald John Trump, is just such a man. He’s a deeply flawed man who in his past has led a far from sin free life. Despite this, in his short few years as leader of the free world so far, he has brought about great change for the good and benefit of not just our American Civilization, but for the human race in its entirety as well.

  1. That's the exact same wagon-wheel mormonism espoused by Mitt Romney in his vote to impeach Trump.
  2. You've got a race going on. Slow down and take a walk or sit on the park bench for a while.
  3. It's Valentine's Day, and the Mormons will not even believe that the Song of Solomon in the Holy Bible is inspired.
In our current American Era there is a prevailing philosophical-moral relativism which holds (across social media and the MSM in particular) that when any man or woman emerges in the public eye claiming to be or described as a force for good, his or her background must be investigated until some terminal character flaw is discovered. After the flaw in such a person’s character is uncovered, this prevailing wind of automatic accusation and shame is then used by the Twitter mobs and MSM “woke” high priests to relentlessly point out how any man or woman who claims or is claimed to be a good person simply cannot be because of their past flaws or mistakes and indeed those would be potential moral paragons of our society must be ignored, defamed and otherwise have their character assassinated forthwith. Once such an attack has been carried out, the person accused of being “good” most often hangs their head in shame and bows out of the public spotlight. Not so with Donald Trump.

Our President, Donald John Trump, is just such a man. He’s a deeply flawed man who in his past has led a far from sin free life. Despite this, in his short few years as leader of the free world so far, he has brought about great change for the good and benefit of not just our American Civilization, but for the human race in its entirety as well. The fact of the matter, the hard as steel truth of human reality, is that no man or woman who ever lived was all good or all bad. However, some men and women have acted for the common good in such profound ways as to protect and ensure the survival of our greatest civilizations and our human race itself.

So then, why do fellow Americans of ours who despise Donald Trump find it seemingly so easy to attack any one of their countrymen who genuinely support and believe in him? Because regardless of any sin Donald Trump is guilty of committing in his past or since the 2016 election, he has been overtly, directly attacking many different but equally nefarious sources of human evil. Trump has dared to go after these evils where they sleep, draw them out into the light of day, and drive stakes through their collective undead hearts.

Masses of Americans who have witnessed this crusade against evil by our President have no doubt come to realize that many of the vices made normative by new age woke/postmodern ideology of the radical far left which they love to practice, even live for, could be next on Trump’s hit list. Vices such as free and rampantly available pornography, easy abortion, declaring oneself whatever gender one so desires, targeting or sexualizing children and on an on. In other words, Donald Trump represents a real and present danger for the loss of their new age sinful “toys”.

The other side of this situation is purely ideological. Most Americans know in their hearts both that only a man and a woman can truly be married in the eyes of our Lord, that sodomy is wrong and physically dangerous, that one’s sex can never be changed, that borders and customs/immigration laws MUST exist and be enforced, that criminals must not be freed for free before trial, and that atheism leads to mass democide. But these same masses of Americans have also been addicted/brainwashed to and by radical leftist ideology which has turned all “normal” facets of American civilization upside down—inverted them—so that what was considered wrong for thousands of years is now considered right, good and normal, and vice versa.

The long and the short of it is that those Americans who despise Donald Trump will justify harming those of us who support him because he represents a truth and purity of purpose that both protects our civilization and human race, and does so at the cost of threatening to take away things they enjoy doing and being a part of but which they already know are inherently wrong and have been since the beginning of time. Those who despise Trump do so because they realize he is a good leader and in opposing him, they are doing wrong. Their embarrassment over realizing they’re on the wrong side of humanity, morality and history is driving them to commit unprecedented political violence. They’re just like mythological vampires forced to gaze upon a silver cross or to stand before sunrise and be judged; their behavior is like that of cornered, terrified animals.

But it’s always the “cool” kids who reign supreme on social media and fresh out of university, is it not? Those kids who are cool because they are supposedly enlightened enough to know that Christianity is a tall tale, all morality is relative/variable, and that no one has the right to say what is “right” or “wrong” let alone tell anyone else. But therein lies the greatest mistake of personal character of era. WE ALL must tell ourselves and everyone else we know what is right and what is wrong on the most basic of fundamental levels. If we normal peasant can’t distinguish or acknowledge in public what’s right and what’s wrong, then our “elected” leaders, our ideologues, our famous personalities will be all too happy to TELL us what to believe, to set our moral standards for us. We must individually have the courage to stand up and give voice to moral truths no matter the price it might cost us. If enough of us do that, then those who sow these seeds of human evil will find their island of ideological and pseudo religion/politics shrinking until there’s no dry land left for them to sit.
In our current American Era there is a prevailing philosophical-moral relativism which holds (across social media and the MSM in particular) that when any man or woman emerges in the public eye claiming to be or described as a force for good, his or her background must be investigated until some terminal character flaw is discovered. After the flaw in such a person’s character is uncovered, this prevailing wind of automatic accusation and shame is then used by the Twitter mobs and MSM “woke” high priests to relentlessly point out how any man or woman who claims or is claimed to be a good person simply cannot be because of their past flaws or mistakes and indeed those would be potential moral paragons of our society must be ignored, defamed and otherwise have their character assassinated forthwith. Once such an attack has been carried out, the person accused of being “good” most often hangs their head in shame and bows out of the public spotlight. Not so with Donald Trump.

Our President, Donald John Trump, is just such a man. He’s a deeply flawed man who in his past has led a far from sin free life. Despite this, in his short few years as leader of the free world so far, he has brought about great change for the good and benefit of not just our American Civilization, but for the human race in its entirety as well. The fact of the matter, the hard as steel truth of human reality, is that no man or woman who ever lived was all good or all bad. However, some men and women have acted for the common good in such profound ways as to protect and ensure the survival of our greatest civilizations and our human race itself.

So then, why do fellow Americans of ours who despise Donald Trump find it seemingly so easy to attack any one of their countrymen who genuinely support and believe in him? Because regardless of any sin Donald Trump is guilty of committing in his past or since the 2016 election, he has been overtly, directly attacking many different but equally nefarious sources of human evil. Trump has dared to go after these evils where they sleep, draw them out into the light of day, and drive stakes through their collective undead hearts.

Masses of Americans who have witnessed this crusade against evil by our President have no doubt come to realize that many of the vices made normative by new age woke/postmodern ideology of the radical far left which they love to practice, even live for, could be next on Trump’s hit list. Vices such as free and rampantly available pornography, easy abortion, declaring oneself whatever gender one so desires, targeting or sexualizing children and on an on. In other words, Donald Trump represents a real and present danger for the loss of their new age sinful “toys”.

The other side of this situation is purely ideological. Most Americans know in their hearts both that only a man and a woman can truly be married in the eyes of our Lord, that sodomy is wrong and physically dangerous, that one’s sex can never be changed, that borders and customs/immigration laws MUST exist and be enforced, that criminals must not be freed for free before trial, and that atheism leads to mass democide. But these same masses of Americans have also been addicted/brainwashed to and by radical leftist ideology which has turned all “normal” facets of American civilization upside down—inverted them—so that what was considered wrong for thousands of years is now considered right, good and normal, and vice versa.

The long and the short of it is that those Americans who despise Donald Trump will justify harming those of us who support him because he represents a truth and purity of purpose that both protects our civilization and human race, and does so at the cost of threatening to take away things they enjoy doing and being a part of but which they already know are inherently wrong and have been since the beginning of time. Those who despise Trump do so because they realize he is a good leader and in opposing him, they are doing wrong. Their embarrassment over realizing they’re on the wrong side of humanity, morality and history is driving them to commit unprecedented political violence. They’re just like mythological vampires forced to gaze upon a silver cross or to stand before sunrise and be judged; their behavior is like that of cornered, terrified animals.

But it’s always the “cool” kids who reign supreme on social media and fresh out of university, is it not? Those kids who are cool because they are supposedly enlightened enough to know that Christianity is a tall tale, all morality is relative/variable, and that no one has the right to say what is “right” or “wrong” let alone tell anyone else. But therein lies the greatest mistake of personal character of era. WE ALL must tell ourselves and everyone else we know what is right and what is wrong on the most basic of fundamental levels. If we normal peasant can’t distinguish or acknowledge in public what’s right and what’s wrong, then our “elected” leaders, our ideologues, our famous personalities will be all too happy to TELL us what to believe, to set our moral standards for us. We must individually have the courage to stand up and give voice to moral truths no matter the price it might cost us. If enough of us do that, then those who sow these seeds of human evil will find their island of ideological and pseudo religion/politics shrinking until there’s no dry land left for them to sit.
Fantastic post. Thank you.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and admired by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. ....
Despite this, in his short few years as leader of the free world so far, he has brought about great change for the good and benefit of not just our American Civilization, but for the human race in its entirety as well.

Start turning TV into a respectable medium and we can start. Entertainment in dramas, comedies and talk shows that has turned into propaganda and media people who make the first amendment look like the national enquirer day in and day out. That is not freedom of speech. that is using freedom of speech as a propaganda tool that is taking away real freedom of speech.
Wait a minute, what "prevailing philosophical moral relativism" are you talking about? If there was such a political philosophy neither Bill nor Hillary would have been considered and Hussein's relationship to a certified domestic bomber murderer terrorist (Bill Ayers) would surely have been an issue. President Trump is an Alter Boy compared to every democrat president going back to Woodie Wilson.

Wait a minute, what "prevailing philosophical moral relativism" are you talking about? If there was such a political philosophy neither Bill nor Hillary would have been considered and Hussein's relationship to a certified domestic bomber murderer terrorist (Bill Ayers) would surely have been an issue. President Trump is an Alter Boy compared to every democrat president going back to Woodie Wilson.

President Trump does not use his office for monetary gain. That alone places him miles above Clinton and Obama, and their supporters hate him all the more for it.

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