Donald Trump’s Campaign Is an Absolute Garbage Fire

Interestingly enough, this quote has similarities to Clinton:

A little look behind the scenes at the Trump campaign reveals that the maniac who would obviously be completely incompetent to handle the Presidency is also (fortunately) much too incompetent to manage his own campaign for President with any intelligence or skill.

The comparison is not favoring dear Hillary. She is so incompetent, she cannot follow the first demands of the Office of Secretary of State. She had a two hour meeting explaining the use of the government email for work emails, the fact that it was her responsibility to mark TOP SECRET documents properly and all emails from her office were not hers, but the belonged to the government, archives department. She even signed a document explaining those facts. But, email is too hard for her to understand? And she wants to be the ultimate diplomat representing our country as president?

After her stint as SoS, she was met with yet another crisis that turned into scandal. That is precisely her MO has been for the last 20 years! And that was before the Cash fo Clintons, Clinton Foundation where she accepted lucrative donations from foreign governments and "forgot? to record them as required by the president.

Then there was Benghazi when it was up to her to supply the needed protection for our servicemen and ambassador. Her reply, "What difference does it make?"

And now she thinks she is going to win votes by arranging a CO-Presidency with the man who can't keep his pants zipped up and lies as often as she does. Swell, I seem to remember an impeachment... that's right, put him in the Oval Office again!

And you worry about Trump?
Blackhawk Down?


Ruby Ridge?

Elian Gonzalez?



The list goes on and on.....
The list goes on of rightwing nitwits who can’t defend Trump and can only respond with ridiculous lies, red herring fallacies, and failed attempts to deflect.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
AGREED There is nothing to defend.
It's all "anyone but Hillary"
Ted Cruz was the very model of competence and yet he too was defeated by the incompetent Trump.
Cruz was even more dangerous than Trump; both are hateful bigots, but Trump’s incompetence manifests as a consequence of his ignorance; Cruz had outright contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law – a Cruz ‘presidency’ would have placed in jeopardy the rights and protected liberties of millions of Americans.

Hi C_Clayton_Jones
1. I agree with you that Trump is no Constitutionalist
and even threw Cruz under the bus who is one
2. Your asserting that either is hate based is off. Trump is not hateful but spoiled and whiny.
He has been described by those subjected to his rants as a "BLOWHARD" but
by those who have worked for him as a good man to work for, including "minorities" Blacks and others
who have said that.

Cruz is not hateful but may be FEARFUL OF LIBERALS LIKE YOU
who put "letter of the law case precedent" ABOVE the spirit and principle of the Constitution.

For example, CCJ when slavery and when DOMA were "passed into law and enforced by Courts"
these were STILL in violation of the spirit and principles of laws -- THEY VIOLATED OTHER LAWS
So these were FURTHER CHALLENGED and later defeated

You act like this only counts when it's YOUR side that challenges an unconstitutional law

By the same token people of OTHER BELIEFS can challenge laws by the same arguments
of discrimination. You seem to forget this and call it hateful?

Was it hateful and "disregard for the law" when MLK got arrested for protesting segregation?
Was it hateful and lawless for Harriet Tubman and others to defy authorities to steal slaves away
who were considered property of their owners UNDER LAW and under court authority?

It's sadly ironic you don't see how YOU come across
as fearful/hateful and disrespecting Constitutional laws and principles.

You accuse others, and have no clue how you look to them!

3. I'd make a bet with you that Cruz is more a defender of Constitutional principles
than you are. And that his motivation is not hate but love of America and what this country stands for.

You are so blinded by your own fear, you project that onto others
and imagine that Constitutionalists are the opposite.

But since you will not respond, but will continue on this blind rampage,
the one thing I can offer to my fellow Democrats, Constitutionalists and Americans
is to bring on a lawsuit to settle this once and for all.

Since no other Democrats "agreed to be sued" for violations of the Constitution
and "conspiracy to violate the equal rights of others" then I will consult with
2 of the elected Democrats in my district, Darrell Patterson and Sheila Jackson Lee,
and offer to set up a lawsuit where we agreed to be sued. If we can force this
issue into courts, then maybe liberals like you who only count court rulings
as law will respect what comes out of the courtroom process.

I will call for Civil Obedience instead of civil disobedience,
and agree to be the bad guys sued in order to force the Democrats to make corrections.
We'll set it up in advance as a civil (or criminal action if it's conspiracy which is a felony)
And ask lawyers on both sides to step forward and help mediate, lay out terms for
setting the charges, and even create our own Constitutional Grand Jury system
if needed to HEAR these charges and complaints.

Let's try that, CCJ, since you don't seem to think anyone
but yourself has the right to say what BELIEFS are Constitutionally protected and legal to defend.
You only see it from YOUR side, but when anyone else
defends their right to their beliefs under the same Constitution
they are not equal to you but 'hateful'

You are both FEARFUL if you ask me.

I'm ready to bring on corrections, even if it means setting up a public Grand Jury hearing or trial
to state the charges. Let's sue the Democrats and see who accepts responsibility for which violations:
1. voting for and pushing ACA mandates that violate Constitutional principles, process and beliefs
2. pushing beliefs in same sex marriage through govt instead of govt remaining neutral toward creeds for or against
3. pushing beliefs in public schools about homosexual orientation and transgender identity that are unproven by science and thus remain faith based

The rules are: the Democrats named in the grievance process must AGREE to be sued for the process of RESOLVING the grievance not denying the violations; and the parties involved must agree to spell out corrections that all sides agree to as Constitutional in order to enforce civil obedience to laws in ways that are mutually agreed upon, and most cost-effective and sustainable, and which include and do not discriminate against any person of any creed, including religious political or secular personal beliefs.

I will agree to be sued for corrections decided by consensus to the Freedmen's Town violations that went on under the watch of Democrat officials. And I will ask SJL and DP to join me in accepting responsibility so that we can be taken seriously by liberals like CCJ who only look at "court rulings as law."
Ted Cruz was the very model of competence and yet he too was defeated by the incompetent Trump.
Ted Cruz was the very model of evil incarnate and incredibly creepy...and (THANK GOD) voters gagged at the sight of him.

Indiana kid yells at Ted Cruz: ‘You suck!’

"The incompetent Trump", as it said in the OP, "...won the Republican primary by relying on a massive imbalance of media coverage...", not through any great skill of his own.

Dear RollingThunder and bodecea
I can't believe you fell for the media hype demonizing Cruz.
He was backstabbed by the very sold out GOP who was scared of being held to the Constitution.

Not to worry, a lot of Tea Party people turned on him, too, from kowtowing to the popular media.

I get it, that the liberals will support the sold out GOP as being the moderates who back their agenda.
So who you see as your allies are who the REAL Constitutionalists see as the enemies selling out the GOP for liberal agenda.

So whoever you say is evil is the Constitutionalist opposition to liberal beliefs being
pushed through govt in violation of "church-state separation" and "no discrimination by creed"

Cruz even stood up to his own party who wimped out and wouldn't take a stand against
unconstitutional ACA mandates when his actions led to the shutdown of federal govt.

You can blame Cruz or you can blame Obama, Pelosi and yes even Judge Roberts
for endorsing the ACA mandates through govt KNOWING this violated and was opposed vocally
on the grounds of Constitutional principles and beliefs.

You blame the messenger but forgive the mess that sent the messenger to protest.

Now, I'm a prochoice Democrat. I don't agree with Cruz pushing the marriage defense so far as to go the other way and demonize and discriminate against marriage equality and beliefs on the other side equally protected under law as creeds and beliefs. I believe he pushed too far, and that is equally unconstitutional though his intent was to defend beliefs from being squashed. But at least I see he is putting Constitutional principles above party politics; he just fails a bit when it comes to his own religious beliefs where he remains biased as a Christian, but he is workable with, unlike people who reject both Christian and Constitutional law. I see he does his best to respect both. If he goes too far, that can be corrected by citing both.

Unlike these other career politicians who don't follow either law, they can't be checked but he does invoke those laws to try to check Govt. I guess that's why he scares people because he is able to cite and enforce BOTH authorities of law which is twice as powerful. If people are not on the up and up, agreeing to put the higher laws first before party and popular media, this man is scary in his influence and ability to hold others to the law. The reason he couldn't corner Trump (outside of arguments that did involve legal process in courts) is that Trump and his followers don't follow the Constitution so those arguments fall flat. I don't think that is out of hate, but love for the law. He made need a bit more tempering and balance, but it's not his fault that others can't keep up with him and match him on the standards of law he seeks to enforce. Really remarkable he is able to get into the battle at all given how many people don't get what he's about and paint him as the opposite.
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Ted Cruz was the very model of competence and yet he too was defeated by the incompetent Trump.
Ted Cruz was the very model of evil incarnate and incredibly creepy...and (THANK GOD) voters gagged at the sight of him.

Indiana kid yells at Ted Cruz: ‘You suck!’

"The incompetent Trump", as it said in the OP, "...won the Republican primary by relying on a massive imbalance of media coverage...", not through any great skill of his own.

Dear RollingThunder and bodecea
I can't believe you fell for the media hype demonizing Cruz.
He was backstabbed by the very sold out GOP who was scared of being held to the Constitution.

Not to worry, a lot of Tea Party people turned on him, too, from kowtowing to the popular media.

I get it, that the liberals will support the sold out GOP as being the moderates who back their agenda.
So who you see as your allies are who the REAL Constitutionalists see as the enemies selling out the GOP for liberal agenda.

So whoever you say is evil is the Constitutionalist opposition to liberal beliefs being
pushed through govt in violation of "church-state separation" and "no discrimination by creed"

Cruz even stood up to his own party who wimped out and wouldn't take a stand against
unconstitutional ACA mandates when his actions led to the shutdown of federal govt.

You can blame Cruz or you can blame Obama, Pelosi and yes even Judge Roberts
for endorsing the ACA mandates through govt KNOWING this violated and was opposed vocally
on the grounds of Constitutional principles and beliefs.

You blame the messenger but forgive the mess that sent the messenger to protest.

Now, I'm a prochoice Democrat. I don't agree with Cruz pushing the marriage defense so far as to go the other way and demonize and discriminate against marriage equality and beliefs on the other side equally protected under law as creeds and beliefs. I believe he pushed too far, and that is equally unconstitutional though his intent was to defend beliefs from being squashed. But at least I see he is putting Constitutional principles above party politics; he just fails a bit when it comes to his own religious beliefs where he remains biased as a Christian, but he is workable with, unlike people who reject both Christian and Constitutional law. I see he does his best to respect both. If he goes too far, that can be corrected by citing both.

Unlike these other career politicians who don't follow either law, they can't be checked but he does invoke those laws to try to check Govt. I guess that's why he scares people because he is able to cite and enforce BOTH authorities of law which is twice as powerful. If people are not on the up and up, agreeing to put the higher laws first before party and popular media, this man is scary in his influence and ability to hold others to the law. The reason he couldn't corner Trump (outside of arguments that did involve legal process in courts) is that Trump and his followers don't follow the Constitution so those arguments fall flat. I don't think that is out of hate, but love for the law. He made need a bit more tempering and balance, but it's not his fault that others can't keep up with him and match him on the standards of law he seeks to enforce. Really remarkable he is able to get into the battle at all given how many people don't get what he's about and paint him as the opposite.
You are so full of shit, it pours out your ears, embarrassingidiot. Your every post is moronic drivel.

And Cruz is a creepy pervert.
Trump just reiterated that he sees no reason why he has to raise any significant money.

Trump Says ‘No Reason’ to Raise $1 Billion for Campaign
“There’s no reason to raise that,” Trump said about raising $1 billion. “I just don’t think I need nearly as much money as other people need because I get so much publicity. I get so many invitations to be on television. I get so many interviews, if I want them.”

Poor Trump is so clueless, he thinks campaign money is just used to buy ads. He has no idea that the presidential candidate is the one who's supposed to be building the party's GOTV machine. That's what Clinton has been spending most of her money on. That lack of a decent GOTV effort will make for the margin of loss for many GOP congressional candidates.

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