Donald Trump shows that Obama is neither transparent or charitable or legitimate


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012

Donald Trump offered Barry Soetoro $5 million to release his college applications and transcripts. He won't do it though because the record will show that he's from Kenya
and that he therefore has no business being the president of the United States.
Since when do Charitable contributions come with strings attached?

Only in a Republican world
Birther shmirther. That's all you libs do is call names to cover your bull shit. The jig is up. We know Obama is a phony. Always has been, always will be. Ya'll are just his pyschopath supporters.
The President of the United states does not jump through hoops to placate nut job conspiracy theorists

But.....but......we'll give you MONEY!
This is what most people saw at 12 noon yesterday....

[ame=]Monkey eating poo at zoo - YouTube[/ame]

Most people know this wasn't the announcement Trump wanted to make. The Romney people shut him down and he had to come up with this lame-ass public extortion.

I hope Trump gets audited for the next four years.
Trump, however is extremely transparent

Everyone can see through his act
Why he even gets a spot eludes me. He is rich, so what? If I need advice about real estate, I’ll listen to every word that falls from his mouth like it is gold, because it is. If its political, he has as much weight as the monkey in the video earlier. Possibly even less.

Why are Americans so enthralled with the rich that they need to listen to the crap that comes out of their mouths? I don’t care what he has t say. Go away already.
Why he even gets a spot eludes me. He is rich, so what? If I need advice about real estate, I’ll listen to every word that falls from his mouth like it is gold, because it is. If its political, he has as much weight as the monkey in the video earlier. Possibly even less.

Why are Americans so enthralled with the rich that they need to listen to the crap that comes out of their mouths? I don’t care what he has t say. Go away already.

Why do you pretend that Trump's money makes his inquiry any less valid?
Why do you pretend that Trump's money makes his inquiry any less valid?

You mean....his race-baiting, xenophobic tinged attempt at public extortion?

Trump doesn't have 5million to give away.:badgrin:

I surprised he didn't mention the upcoming season of Apprentice.

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