Trump Donald Trump handed the country to Democrats, I think it was on purpose.


Nov 8, 2017
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Are you one of those Alternate Universe prognosticators?
Trump knew the Clintons.
He never liked them.
Just being in the same room with some asshole doesn't mean you're taking long soapy showers with them.
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Are you one of those Alternate Universe prognosticators?
Trump knew the Clintons.
He never liked them.
Just being in the same room with some asshole doesn't mean you're taking long soapy showers with them.
They are back to their old day one narrative. Calling Trump a DNC plant.
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Are you one of those Alternate Universe prognosticators?
Trump knew the Clintons.
He never liked them.
Just being in the same room with some asshole doesn't mean you're taking long soapy showers with them.
They are back to their old day one narrative. Calling Trump a DNC plant.

I don’t know who “they” is I thought I came up with this one by myself. Shit.
It's Soros and his Deep State buddies who handed your country to Democrats. And that's who are doing their best to hobble Trump in his struggle against Deep State = Mafia.
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Are you one of those Alternate Universe prognosticators?
Trump knew the Clintons.
He never liked them.
Just being in the same room with some asshole doesn't mean you're taking long soapy showers with them.

It’s funny you mention long soapy showers. Bill Clinton has his name etched on a gold plate above a locker at a Trump country club. The same one that Donald Jr. frequents if I remember the story correctly. If that is the case, they more than likely showered at the same time in the same room. Since we know Bill (who admittedly ran the country fantastically) is a immoral sexual predator, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was together.
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Are you one of those Alternate Universe prognosticators?
Trump knew the Clintons.
He never liked them.
Just being in the same room with some asshole doesn't mean you're taking long soapy showers with them.

He liked them enough to invite them to his wedding. He liked them enough to praise Clinton as Secretary of State just a few years ago. Was he lying then or is he lying now. Either way you look at it he was lying.
Donald Trump was known to be friends with the Clintons. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for more years than he wasn’t since the turn of the millennia. The economy doesn’t seem to be having major issues under his presidency but there are huge social issues that he himself insights. He has plenty of advisors, if he wanted to be a good President why wouldn’t he just listen to them? The guy can’t be dumb, you don’t accidentally go to UPenn or become one of the most successful business men in the country. I think he’s purposely sacrificing his reputation to drive people to vote Democrat in spite of him.

Furthermore I don’t think he was ever supposed to win the election. I think Hillary was supposed to win but the public hates her so much they needed an even more disliked candidate. That’s where Trump came in. The establishment underestimated how much people gated the establishment and things went south. Now they are salvaging by making the entire government Democrat besides one position, President.

For the next 11 years at least the country will be under democratic control, if we don’t go full socialist before that, and it’s all Trumps fault. I don’t think it’s an accident.
Are you one of those Alternate Universe prognosticators?
Trump knew the Clintons.
He never liked them.
Just being in the same room with some asshole doesn't mean you're taking long soapy showers with them.
They are back to their old day one narrative. Calling Trump a DNC plant.
I think we've eliminated any possibility that the left has an honest bone in it's body.
When I saw this, Donald Trump just handed, etc., I didn't know whether it was from now or one of the many from the election.
When I saw this, Donald Trump just handed, etc., I didn't know whether it was from now or one of the many from the election.

If you keep reading the op you’ll see how it incorporates the idea that it’s been going on since the early 2000s. He’s not just going to win and be like “oh shit now I️ can’t help the dems anymore”. He’s helping them even more. 11 years of democratic control is what we’re looking at. Could dismantle the country.

I️ live in a shithole called Philadelphia. It’s a shithole due to years and years of democratic “leadership”. I’m nervous for the future, I️ truly am.

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