Donald Trump gives up on healthcare reform... after only two weeks


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
Schumer on reasons bill failed: "I've never seen such incompetence," and, "You cannot govern from the hard right"
#1 campaign promise was build the wall. that's gonna get done, son.

Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.


Actually this is not Trumps fault.
Blame the Republicans in the House they had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they had zip.
Ryan came up with Obama Care lite. The Republicans need to repeal Obama Care and start with a clean slate.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.


And there is a prime example of how you expect politicians to do things and why Trump doesn't work that way. Let me see if I can give you an example.

I am purchasing foreclosed properties, four of them. One is a 100 unit apartment and the others are smaller let's call it 75 units, 50 units and 25 units. I want to close the deals on all of them but focus on the 100 first. Some title issues come up and the deal looks shaky. I spend another week on it and there are still a few hang ups. I send a lawyer to go figure this shit out and in the mean time move on to the other properties figuring either the issues will get resolved or fuck it. I don't get that one but while that happens I secure another 150 units in smaller groups.

Over all win and still making progress. The 100 unit place is still there, in the works and could come about anytime. But I don't sit there and do nothing with the rest waiting on that one.

You look at this as a failure and some kind of reflection on Trump and the type of person he is. He see's it as a property deal that isn't dead yet but it wasn't perfect so move on to the next one. It's business versus politics.
Actually this is not Trumps fault.
Blame the Republicans in the House they had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they had zip.

Zero accountability. Typical.

Donald Trump shouldn't of ran on repealing and replacing the PPACA on day one, if there was no replacement plan ready. This is his fuck up.

Ryan came up with Obama Care lite.

Donald Trump fully endorsed it too.
This will be remembered as the day when Trump let Democrats hang themselves and cleared the way for his second term.
This will be remembered as the day when Trump let Democrats hang themselves and cleared the way for his second term.

You guys are clueless on how the court of public opinion works. The governing faction owns everything that happens in the country. Blaming the opposition never works.
Actually this is not Trumps fault.
Blame the Republicans in the House they had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they had zip.
Ryan came up with Obama Care lite. The Republicans need to repeal Obama Care and start with a clean slate.
Not Trump's fault?
He campaigned on this. It was his major issue.
He's a 70 year old rookie. He did everything wrong. He didn't do any studies, he didn't really even take much of an interest in how the sausage is made. He's more of a LOCK HER UP type guy.
He's so far over his head in this job it's not even funny anyone.
Hillary warned you too but you were too busy trying to demonize her than listening to an experienced government worker, someone who's been working on health care for 25 years.
" Not his fault."
That's exactly what we expect from a deplorable.
This will be remembered as the day when Trump let Democrats hang themselves and cleared the way for his second term.
who runs the government?
Trying to spin this anyway than a major defeat for Trump makes you look like an imbecile.
Worst first 60 days in prez history. So you see a second term.
This will be remembered as the day when Trump let Democrats hang themselves and cleared the way for his second term.

You guys are clueless on how the court of public opinion works. The governing faction owns everything that happens in the country. Blaming the opposition never works.

They were given full control to fix our problems, not whine.
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
Ryans plan sucked. It was a compromise to get leftist votes and thus lost votes from the right. Lets allow Obamacare to go bankrupt and then do it right with Ron Paul at it's lead.

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