Trump Don the Con Kills NBA?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Now how about the loyal Don the Con fans who hold NBA season tickets? The Golden State Warriors decline the Con's invitation to visit the White House, an in-your-face insult to the President. And, Lebron James calls the Con a "bum." Though accurate and richly deserved, the Con's fans will be appalled at this insult by a black NBA all star against a white supremacist President.

So do the Con's loyal fans return their season tickets? Will they try and kill the NBA? Stay tuned folks. Bigly, covfefe!
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.

It's easy. The NFL is paying players to protest the national anthem if they allow them to do that during game time. The NFL is funded by fans, so if they don't want to piss off the fans, they should fire any player that does so again. The NFL doesn't have to of course, but they better get ready for even worse ratings and ticket sales.
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.

The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.

It's easy. The NFL is paying players to protest the national anthem if they allow them to do that during game time. The NFL is funded by fans, so if they don't want to piss off the fans, they should fire any player that does so again. The NFL doesn't have to of course, but they better get ready for even worse ratings and ticket sales.

There pogo, was that hard for you to understand?
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.

It's easy. The NFL is paying players to protest the national anthem if they allow them to do that during game time. The NFL is funded by fans, so if they don't want to piss off the fans, they should fire any player that does so again. The NFL doesn't have to of course, but they better get ready for even worse ratings and ticket sales.

That doesn't address EITHER of my questions.

Where does Rump, who btw took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution, the foundation of which is the concept of Free Speech, come off calling for people to be penalized with removal of employment for exercising that right? You didn't touch that.

And part two, WHO politicized sports by bringing in ---- on the taxpayer's dime ---- this prostituted fake-patriotism shit? You didn't touch that either. Here's a hint to get you started.
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.

It's easy. The NFL is paying players to protest the national anthem if they allow them to do that during game time. The NFL is funded by fans, so if they don't want to piss off the fans, they should fire any player that does so again. The NFL doesn't have to of course, but they better get ready for even worse ratings and ticket sales.

That doesn't address EITHER of my questions.

Where does Rump, who btw took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution, the foundation of which is the concept of Free Speech, come off calling for people to be penalized with removal of employment for exercising that right? You didn't touch that.

And part two, WHO politicized sports by bringing in ---- on the taxpayer's dime ---- this prostituted fake-patriotism shit? You didn't touch that either. Here's a hint to get you started.

The notion of free speech does not involve private enterprise or imply that an employer has to tolerate any and all behavior by their employees.

I'm sure you have no problem with the sports announcers fired for making insensitive statements. This situation is no difference, but your extreme partisanship has resulted in utter hypocrisy rather than a principled stance based upon the consistent application of these principles.
The politicalization of professional sports will be their downfall. We won't support left wing lunatics with our wallets.

Essplain that Rumpic Fail speech about "firing" football players and tell us all about this "politicization of professional sports" there, sport.

It's easy. The NFL is paying players to protest the national anthem if they allow them to do that during game time. The NFL is funded by fans, so if they don't want to piss off the fans, they should fire any player that does so again. The NFL doesn't have to of course, but they better get ready for even worse ratings and ticket sales.

That doesn't address EITHER of my questions.

Where does Rump, who btw took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution, the foundation of which is the concept of Free Speech, come off calling for people to be penalized with removal of employment for exercising that right? You didn't touch that.

And part two, WHO politicized sports by bringing in ---- on the taxpayer's dime ---- this prostituted fake-patriotism shit? You didn't touch that either. Here's a hint to get you started.

The notion of free speech does not involve private enterprise or imply that an employer has to tolerate any and all behavior by their employees.

It does. But that has no relevance here. The question was about "politicization of sports". And that begins with trotting in political displays unrelated to the sport and demanding one's puppets assume the position.

The question is, what has Rump done to address that? Seems to me it's John McCain and Jeff Flake who have addressed it. I like people who aren't hypocrites, OK?

I'm sure you have no problem with the sports announcers fired for making insensitive statements. This situation is no difference, but your extreme partisanship has resulted in utter hypocrisy rather than a principled stance based upon the consistent application of these principles.

Oh "you're sure" are you. Well, what more proof do you need than a strawman hailing from your own ass?

I take no opinions on who's fired for insensitive statements, as that's not my place to judge unless I'm the employer.

Go ahead. Search the site and find some quote of mine that makes your strawman come to life.
And happy huntin'.

[Exeunt strawman]

My original question remains completely unmolested.
It's easy. The NFL is paying players to protest the national anthem if they allow them to do that during game time. The NFL is funded by fans, so if they don't want to piss off the fans, they should fire any player that does so again. The NFL doesn't have to of course, but they better get ready for even worse ratings and ticket sales.

so who are the "PC police" NOW...? :laugh2:

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