Dollar Falls Most Since 2011 as Central Banks Bump Up Stimulus


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Another ho hum day, the economy is really doing well let's vote for Obama, the fast food job creator.

Dollar Falls Most Since 2011 as Central Banks Bump Up Stimulus

Dollar Falls Most Since 2011 as Central Banks Bump Up Stimulus - Bloomberg

The Dollar Index fell by the most since the first quarter of 2011 after the European Central Bank pledged to protect the euro from unraveling and the Federal Reserve committed to reduce unemployment via open-ended debt buying, which may debase the U.S. currency
That buy order I placed for the Gold fund on the American Stock Exchange is looking better and better now.If Obama gets elected again I just might have to sell more stuff in my IRA and put more into the Gold fund....

This economy is in tatters and it will take a supreme effort later on as we kick multiple cans downs the road.

This President screwed up by focusing all his efforts on Obamacare and not the economy because of his huge ego.
James Zogby: US Popularity in Arab Nations Plummets Under Obama

James Zogby: US Popularity in Arab Nations Plummets Under Obama

Arab approval of the United States in the Middle East has plummeted so drastically that it now is lower than it was during the presidency of George W. Bush, according to a startling new survey.

Other highlights from the survey:

• More than 90 percent of those surveyed in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan said President Obama had failed to meet the expectations set by his speech at Cairo University.
• In no Arab country did approval of President Obama’s policies exceed 10 percent. That compares to 60 percent of Lebanese who agreed with the policies of Iranian strongman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
• U.S. interference in the affairs of Arab countries, and the lack of democracy in Arab countries are the other two problems that prominently were cited.
• By an overwhelming margin, respondents said the most important problem for the United States to address in order to improve relations with the Arab world is the impasse over Palestinians.
That buy order I placed for the Gold fund on the American Stock Exchange is looking better and better now.If Obama gets elected again I just might have to sell more stuff in my IRA and put more into the Gold fund....

This economy is in tatters and it will take a supreme effort later on as we kick multiple cans downs the road.

This President screwed up by focusing all his efforts on Obamacare and not the economy because of his huge ego.

The only problem with that is you need to protect yourself from the NEW gold confiscation laws that are coming down the pike.

They did it before, they can do it again...
That buy order I placed for the Gold fund on the American Stock Exchange is looking better and better now.If Obama gets elected again I just might have to sell more stuff in my IRA and put more into the Gold fund....

This economy is in tatters and it will take a supreme effort later on as we kick multiple cans downs the road.

This President screwed up by focusing all his efforts on Obamacare and not the economy because of his huge ego.

I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion that the 401K and putting it in the stock market is like flushing money down the drain. I would be as well off getting the cash and putting it under a mattress. At least then it would not be legalized stealing.

Think about it, there is tons of money being poured into the stock market everyday through retirement plans. Yet the stock market is pretty much flat lined for the last 3 1/2 years of Obama disaster. So where is the money going if the economy, as witnessed by the stock market, is not growing? In my opinion it is being siphoned off as you are doing. Leaving the stock market and going into gold and silver. Thus those who rely on their mutual funds are having their money taken without reward.

That, in my opinion, is why they may indeed go back to the gold standard and take away private ownership of gold. It kinda happened once before but I am not sure how it was really enforced. I was talking to a liberal one day who was bragging about his gold purchases when I mentioned the time the confiscated gold. He didn't believe me that it happened and bet if it were true it was a Republican. Obviously he was wrong on both counts.

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