DOJ looking into allegations in project veritas deep state sting


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
DOJ Looking into Allegations in Project Veritas 'Deep State' Sting
The U.S. Department of Justice said on Wednesday it would look into alleged ā€œmisuse of government resources to advance personal interestsā€ in response to a video from James Oā€™Keefeā€™s Project Veritas purporting to expose ā€œdeep stateā€ federal employees.


DOJ: ā€œThese allegations are deeply concerningā€¦referred to Inspector General.ā€
Leaks at Department of Health and Human Services: ā€œItā€™s kind of like the Nixon, ā€˜deep throatā€™ type of thing.ā€
Department of Justice Paralegal Allison Hrabar: ā€œwhatā€™s kind of lucky is at the DOJ, we canā€™t really get fired.ā€
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Actively Resisting Inside Government: ā€œWe have a member who works for the people who distribute food stampsā€¦theyā€™re slo

Deep State Unmasked: Leaks at HHS; DOJ Official Resists ā€œFrom Inside,ā€ DOJ: ā€œThese allegations are deeply concerningā€¦referred to Inspector General.ā€ ā€“ Project Veritas

Oh now this could get juicey since the tards try making everything out to be a conspiracy, or it's fake news etc. It's so fake the DOJ is looking into and when they find the truth one of two things will happen depending whose got the dirt on them they will either cover it up and make up some bs claim, or sink whoever it is involved we can be sure if it's a demotard moron they'll probably cover up for them.

Project whatever and Infowars are just desperate and posting click bait.

Project Veritas helped to rid America of ACORN, it exposed the PP's selling of aborted baby parts, it exposed the cheating of the leftard clown posse during the 2016 election that caused DNC operatives to resign.......solid work for sure.


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