Doing Nothing Seems To Be A Winner


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Looks like the Dems have done their work. It appears that the lemmings out there don't want changes. It's safer to do nothing then do anything about the debt. Nobody really understands how serious it is. The Dems obviously don't care because their voters are so against the GOP they'll believe any lie that is told to them. Taking into account the disarray of the Republican party all it took was a lying Democrat claiming he was a Tea Party member to swing the balance of an election back to the Democrats.

The Dems broke it, blamed it on the GOP and now that the GOP is trying to fix what the Dems broke, they're catching hell for it.

This isn't the way it's supposed to work. When an irresponsible party gets caught doing this he's supposed to be the one who pays the price, but instead those who have been acting responsibly are the ones paying for this.

For awhile people got wise and started to clean out some of the Democrats but not enough to do the job. Now the Dems have found a winner with this "Kill Medicare" nonsense. You see when the truth isn't a barrier to you it's easy to mislead when you have the resources to make it seem legit.

Nothing offered is gonna kill Medicare unless we do nothing, but there's too much misinformation, too many lies out there so that nobody knows what's going on. One thing has become clear, if you try to fix it you just become a target.

It's frustrating watching this. In the past they would only gut the military so they could spread the nation's wealth to their friends, and trust me, the military is suffering. Sure, they're spending lots of cash but not wisely. Many Army posts are nearing the mission failure point because of the way funds are being spent. Billions have been spent on new barracks, new facilities, and remodeling, but next to nothing is going to repairs and maintenance of those facilities. Contractors are cutting corners on everything because nobody is making sure the job is done right. For example: They've been installing new "energy saving" controls to the heating and air-conditioning systems all over Ft Campbell the last 3 years but they don't make sure it actually works before they take off with their government cash. A one year warranty is all we get for something that was overpriced and does not do what it was designed to do.

This is the government. Inefficiency is rampant. Add to that a party that was bent on spending us into this state of debt and it seems like this is all gonna collapse. Fairly painless methods have been offered by the GOP and ridiculous methods have been offered by the President. Both failed miserably in the Senate yesterday. :clap2:

Okay. Let's wait till next year, give in to panic that is sure to take place and let Obama have his massive tax-increases. That is what he wants after all.

Let's see how that feels folks. Because that's what this is leading up to. If nothing is done then that will be the only option.

Okay, go back to watching American Friggen Idol now.
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It's safer to do nothing then do anything about the debt.

Interesting, that’s the GOP mantra as well: either the House is holding inane hearings on ‘scary Muslims’ or killing social programs – neither having anything to do with a sincere effort to address the debt.

The point is they aren't talking about killing social programs like Medicare.

Guess you fell for the bullshit.
When will people get wise to what they're doing?


So the right is paying a price for trying.

There is no incentive to fix problems. Democrats need this to stay in power.

They aren't any good at running a government. All they're good at is making fun of the opposition.
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Kill the Middle Class, pander to the wealthy.....the conservative mantra. Make the people barely scraping by pay for everything and the people hoarding most of the money pay for nil. Yes, you can go on about how they pay X% of the income tax, but their incomes have increased exponentially while the working/Middle class' have stagnated.

Here's an Idea... since there's so many more of us middle/working class people... pander to us. Boost our incomes, invest in us, break up these corrupt monopolies and let small business flourish. Take the burden of Health Care away from small business. That right there will put Small Business and Big Business an a much more even keel. After all, BIG business can afford to provide Health Care to their employees, Small Business either can't, or if they do.. it's shitty plans and they are suffering because of it.

I'll tell you what... just to throw you Conservatives a bone? Put people on TANF to work. If they are single mothers, provide child care while they are working. Where? Public works projects, local industry, etc... call it ON THE JOB TRAINING! You know, a concept that was used BEFORE a degree was required for even entry level jobs?

Threaten to tariff/boycott Chinese imports until we get the $500B yearly trade deficit(which is just that country, BTW) to some semblance of actual FREE AND FAIR TRADE!

But no... we don't want to talk about any of that... it's too hard. It's easier to complain about gays, abortion, welfare and guns....oh yes, how could I forget? Medicare, Social Security too.

It's bullshit, the system is rigged and we need to untangle it.
The point is they aren't talking about killing social programs like Medicare.

Guess you fell for the bullshit.

no... they aren't talking about killing it... just privatizing it and handing out vouchers that force our elderly to pay on average $6k more/year on fixed incomes... yeah, they're all heart.
Doing Nothing Seems To Be A Winner


Looks like the Dems have done their work. It appears that the lemmings out there don't want changes. It's safer to do nothing then do anything about the debt.
Wow.....are you really that fuckin' stupid....that you don't recognize your title is in direct-conflict with what that button's "saying"??????


I won't argue with your sentiment about you lemmings fearing change......


....but, your title, conflicting with that button's sentiment, (only) verifies the suggestion you 'Baggers are extremely English-challenged.

The point is they aren't talking about killing social programs like Medicare.

Guess you fell for the bullshit.

no... they aren't talking about killing it... just privatizing it and handing out vouchers that force our elderly to pay on average $6k more/year on fixed incomes... yeah, they're all heart.

That's the left's version of it.

Guess you fell for the Bullshit too.
Doing Nothing Seems To Be A Winner


Looks like the Dems have done their work. It appears that the lemmings out there don't want changes. It's safer to do nothing then do anything about the debt.
Wow.....are you really that fuckin' stupid....that you don't recognize your title is in direct-conflict with what that button's "saying"??????


I won't argue with your sentiment about you lemmings fearing change......


....but, your title, conflicting with that button's sentiment, (only) verifies the suggestion you 'Baggers are extremely English-challenged.


So says the guy that can't put together one single paragraph using his own mind and his own thoughts rather then repeating left-wing talking points.
It's safer to do nothing then do anything about the debt.

Interesting, that’s the GOP mantra as well: either the House is holding inane hearings on ‘scary Muslims’ or killing social programs – neither having anything to do with a sincere effort to address the debt.

The point is they aren't talking about killing social programs like Medicare.

Guess you fell for the bullshit.
....And, WHERE are those WMDs you White Wingers promised (everyone) WOULD be found?????

exposing partisans, or partisanship, is niether left or right Whistle

in your defense, it's an ongoing blame game fascade foisted upon us by shill governance that has no inyterest in serving the middle class

Interesting, that’s the GOP mantra as well: either the House is holding inane hearings on ‘scary Muslims’ or killing social programs – neither having anything to do with a sincere effort to address the debt.

The point is they aren't talking about killing social programs like Medicare.

Guess you fell for the bullshit.
....And, WHERE are those WMDs you White Wingers promised (everyone) WOULD be found?????


Case in point.

What year do you think this is dip-shit????
When will people get wise to what they're doing?


So the right is paying a price for trying.
Yeah....your efforts (at "trying") are legendary.....


[ame=]YouTube - ‪No You Can't (Featuring John Boehner)‬‏[/ame]​
Let the dems do nothing, and when our country collapses in financial ruin, which won't take much longer, then we'll know who did it. Maybe then we can do away with the dem party all together.

Oh, and Mud, obama didn't get Usama. I have no idea who that is. Rumor has it obama got Osama, but there's no proof of it yet.
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Because the left lies so much, it appears nobody is trustworthy.

It's amazing that we have this fake government headed by an empty-suit that doesn't know what fucken year it is.

It's all a fantasy.

How the heck can you accomplish anything when your government can't afford to be realistic??
Hey Sparky...

Thanks for the thanks on my post on the real problems that need addressed to fix the deficit. No one gets the whole Trade Deficit thing. If we don't fix that, we are screwed. I love the fact that our own people complain about a $22B budget to help our poorest and weakest people in this country, but no one wants to address the $500B of annual welfare we give to Communist China ALONE in the form of the trade deficit. Add up the rest of the countries we lose money to every damned year and I'd be willing to bet that it comes close to a Trillion dollars leaving our country EVERY YEAR that doesn't come back.
Kill the Middle Class, pander to the wealthy.....the conservative mantra. Make the people barely scraping by pay for everything and the people hoarding most of the money pay for nil. Yes, you can go on about how they pay X% of the income tax, but their incomes have increased exponentially while the working/Middle class' have stagnated.

Here's an Idea... since there's so many more of us middle/working class people... pander to us. Boost our incomes, invest in us....
It's been done.....​

August 5, 1996

"The vast majority of taxpayers saw no change in their income taxes as a result of the 1993 law. CBO estimates that most households paid only $38 more per year, as a result of the 4.3 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax."

....and, it WORKED!!!!!!!!


It's time to GET BACK.....


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