Doh! (smacks forhead)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Dontcha hate when ya go grocery shopping, buy a ton of food then when going in to the kitchen for a snack realize you don't actually have any snacks and everything you bought is stuff ya have to prepare. :)

Dontcha hate when ya go grocery shopping, buy a ton of food then when going in to the kitchen for a snack realize you don't actually have any snacks and everything you bought is stuff ya have to prepare. :)


They always say never shop when you're hungry.
Total BS in my opinion. If I go to the store and I'm not hungry? I wont buy a damn thing.
I always wind up talking myself out of snacks. I remind myself how bad things are for me and convince myself I don't need the donuts because I remember how they taste, feel in my mouth, how guilty I feel afterwords, etc. :)
Come to think of it, that's how my sex life is too. And why I go years between. Remind myself of the stress, the wild emotions, and opt for 'making due' as it were without the sweet soft goodness.
I always wind up talking myself out of snacks. I remind myself how bad things are for me and convince myself I don't need the donuts because I remember how they taste, feel in my mouth, how guilty I feel afterwords, etc. :)

My weakness is the butcher shop and seafood market. Cant resist a good wagyu steak or some king crab legs.Problem being I dont like to freeze quality meats so I end up on steak/seafood eating binges.
Dontcha hate when ya go grocery shopping, buy a ton of food then when going in to the kitchen for a snack realize you don't actually have any snacks and everything you bought is stuff ya have to prepare. :)


I do that all the time. I have such an aversion to junk food, I don't buy it. Then, when I have bad munchies, there's nothing in the house.

Popcorn. That's my snack.
Recall in the store considering beef jerky, cheeze-itz, tortilla chips. Think in my head I thought I'd bought them then thought they were in the kitchen or something like that. :)
Do have all-beef hotdogs and some really yummy double fiber bread for buns I can nuke quickly. Kinda of a snack. And as I consider it...It works. Cya :)

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