'Dogs Automatically Imitate People'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
I have to bite my fingers - nah can't do it! Do you think rightwing dogs whine and complain every time they are not in power exploiting our great nation in the name of greed and freedom and lower taxes.

A relative's beagle sits by my side every dinner, eyes wide and plaintive, she whines low if I am not paying attention. I guess dogs know the good people who share too. LOL You think this is one of those Cadillac dogs Reagan imagined?

Human brains empathize, or duplicate other humans as brain scans demonstrate. Sad that the examples are so negative. OK enough aspersions mc5.....

'Some dogs may look like their owners, but all dogs imitate their human companions.'

By Jennifer Viegas

* For the first time, scientists have proven that dogs automatically imitate humans.
* Dogs cannot easily curb this tendency to imitate us, even when the behavior is not in their best interest.
* Humans, non-human primates and certain birds automatically imitate individuals within their own species too."

Dogs Automatically Imitate People : Discovery News

Wonder if there will be a tea party made up of dogs and a glenn beck dog that whines and cries and tells us how much she loved the neighborhood fire hydrant but it just ain't the same! Bring back the orange you socialists!
My dog is a coffee junkie.

Seriously, I have to put my cup on a hard reach shelf if I leave the room, otherwise the little black monster will climb on furniture and risk life and limb to get at my bean.

The little thing is already frenetic enough without lapping down my expresso.

I'm told that coffee can kill dogs but this 10 lb apostate from hell seems to thrive on the stuff.

She doesn't seem interested in smoking cigarettes though, thank god.
Mid, do you post this once a year? I recall reading something very similar from you before. First time was good, second? Not so much.
By Jennifer Viegas Tue Jul 27, 2010 07:00 PM ET

Mid, do you post this once a year? I recall reading something very similar from you before. First time was good, second? Not so much.

The article is recent and the 'political bashing' is humor - but in humor there is often deep truth.

"But the deep background that lies behind and beyond what we call humor is revealed only to the few who, by instinct or by effort, have given thought to it. The world's humor, in its best and greatest sense, is perhaps the highest product of our civilization. Its basis lies in the deeper contrasts offered by life itself: the strange incongruity between our aspiration and our achievement, the eager and fretful anxieties of today that fade into nothingness tomorrow, the burning pain and the sharp sorrow that are softened in the gentle retrospect of time, till as we look back upon the course that has been traversed, we pass in view the panorama of our lives, as people in old age may recall, with mingled tears and smiles, the angry quarrels of their childhood. And here, in its larger aspect, humor is blended with pathos till the two are one, and represent, as they have in every age, the mingled heritage of tears and laughter that is our lot on earth." Stephen Leacock
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