Doesn’t the rightwing realize how ridiculous it sounds to suggest that any news media that...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...that expresses a negative opinion of Trump or identifies some sort of corruption or hypocrisy from his administration is fake news?

The problem with Fox News is that they limit what they say about Trump in their news reporting and also make sure the analysis of that news is inundated by a conservative perspective from its host and contributors. That’s what makes Fox News complete bullshit.

Now speaking on the equivalent on the left, I can understand why the right would reject MSNBC as being a Fox counterpart. MSNBC plays by the same rules as Fox does.

The problem, however, is suggesting that because a news source reports on all of Trump’s activity and may highlight negative press about him, it doesn’t mean they have a political agenda. A commentator of the news source may criticize Trump, but that doesn’t mean the network manipulated him or her to do so. This type of news source is basically any news source that has reliable sources and offers an objective analysis on the subject.

As much as republicans hate CNN, they really are wrong to suggest they only care about undermining Trump. They seem to just pretend that CNN doesn’t have a long history of criticizing Obama, Hillary, or other democrats when the evidence is plentiful. I bring up CNN because its intention is no different than any news source that tries to be objective about politics. Republicans simply hate CNN more than MSNBC because Trump openly condemned CNN. He probably doesn’t even watch MSNBC.

The truth is, it is corporate reign over news networks like CNN that make it flawed. This corporate influence dictates what they report on but they aren’t necessarily concerned with how the networks choose to report on Trump or the GOP.
Rupert Murdoch is the main problem. He’ll soon leave the planet ( is that a sigh of relief I hear from Jerry Hall?) The question is will his offspring be so politically poisonous as he was?
“Doesn’t the rightwing realize how ridiculous it sounds to suggest that any news media that expresses a negative opinion of Trump or identifies some sort of corruption or hypocrisy from his administration is fake news?”

Clearly far too many on the right don’t – they’ve become so blind and so partisan that they are incapable or unwilling to acknowledge the fact that Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues and unfit to be president.

And there are some on the right who know how ridiculous it is to refer to factual accounts of Trump’s incompetence, lies, and being wrong on an issue as ‘fake news’ – but they have no other recourse, they can only attempt, and fail, to defend the indefensible.
“Doesn’t the rightwing realize how ridiculous it sounds to suggest that any news media that expresses a negative opinion of Trump or identifies some sort of corruption or hypocrisy from his administration is fake news?”

Clearly far too many on the right don’t – they’ve become so blind and so partisan that they are incapable or unwilling to acknowledge the fact that Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues and unfit to be president.

And there are some on the right who know how ridiculous it is to refer to factual accounts of Trump’s incompetence, lies, and being wrong on an issue as ‘fake news’ – but they have no other recourse, they can only attempt, and fail, to defend the indefensible.
Even though I’m horrified at most of what Trump does and tweets there are some of his ideas I have to confess I totally agree with. Drawing attention to the Chinese trade trickery and intellectual theft is one of them. An issue both sides of Congress should have been screaming about dedades ago. Sadly though he’s being seen by other national leaders as an unpredictable, untrustworthy lunatic therefore when he does make any sense they don’t listen.
you're welcome Karl......trying to provoke conversation......apparently this isn't some new phenomenon....~S~
you're welcome Karl......trying to provoke conversation......apparently this isn't some new phenomenon....~S~
Indeed not.
In Act One of Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago delivers a soliloquy I which he tells us “
"Thus do I ever make my fool my purse:
For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane,
If I would time expend with such a snipe.
But for my sport and profit. I I hate the Moor:
And it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets
He has done my office: I know not if’t be true;
But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,
Will do as if for surety. He holds me well;
The better shall my purpose work on him. . . . . . . . ."

If Iago lived today, he would be living in Washington writing stories about Donald Trump. He’s the ultimate purveyor of fake news: convincing Roderigo (the “fool” mentioned in the first line above) to follow his plans and eventually persuading Othello that his wife Desdemona is having an affair, something that leads to her death. This is fake news with very serious very real consequences.
Iago reflects that he’s heard stories that Othello has had sex with his wife (“it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets/He has done my office”) and that rumour is enough for him to pursue a plan of revenge and destroy people’s lives.
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I'd venture the spectur of Lagos is alive, well, and rather active in the Washington news scene today Karl , but just who is the Roderigo , or who follows the Roderingo is a tad tedious parsing out....~S~
I'd venture the spectur of Lagos is alive, well, and rather active in the Washington news scene today Karl , but just who is the Roderigo , or who follows the Roderingo is a tad tedious parsing out....~S~
Help, my literary memory is decaying and the idea of reading the entire play again is too much.
Maybe Rodrigo is Trump but that leaves us struggling to figure out who Desdemona is.
Was Stormy Daniels married at the time?
We’ll have to leave that one hanging.
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tim pool put out a vid that listed the ~ 35 top fake news stories, cnn had 1/2

the rest were carried by all the rest of the leftist outlets, all of it hate based none of it truly retracted.

but plz, keep up the hate, 2020 will be here soon and also ran will give a concession speech to Trump
If fake newsery (is that a word?) were partisan, it'd be outed in a cocaine heartbeat

the truth is, oppossed factions utilize it when it suits their narrative or denial

...that expresses a negative opinion of Trump or identifies some sort of corruption or hypocrisy from his administration is fake news?

The problem with Fox News is that they limit what they say about Trump in their news reporting and also make sure the analysis of that news is inundated by a conservative perspective from its host and contributors. That’s what makes Fox News complete bullshit.

Now speaking on the equivalent on the left, I can understand why the right would reject MSNBC as being a Fox counterpart. MSNBC plays by the same rules as Fox does.

The problem, however, is suggesting that because a news source reports on all of Trump’s activity and may highlight negative press about him, it doesn’t mean they have a political agenda. A commentator of the news source may criticize Trump, but that doesn’t mean the network manipulated him or her to do so. This type of news source is basically any news source that has reliable sources and offers an objective analysis on the subject.

As much as republicans hate CNN, they really are wrong to suggest they only care about undermining Trump. They seem to just pretend that CNN doesn’t have a long history of criticizing Obama, Hillary, or other democrats when the evidence is plentiful. I bring up CNN because its intention is no different than any news source that tries to be objective about politics. Republicans simply hate CNN more than MSNBC because Trump openly condemned CNN. He probably doesn’t even watch MSNBC.

The truth is, it is corporate reign over news networks like CNN that make it flawed. This corporate influence dictates what they report on but they aren’t necessarily concerned with how the networks choose to report on Trump or the GOP.
FOX is not CNN and MSNBC. Breitbart and Alex Jones is CNN and MSNBC. FOX has a few conservatives with the rest RINOS,some moderates and progressive socialists. This is about globalists and insane agendas by people who sold out. And you get a glimpse of their hate at times and ignore it.
This is about globalists and insane agendas by people who sold out. And you get a glimpse of their hate at times and ignore it
ah, globalists.....iirc when Clinton passed nafta many pointed them out as a stark economically detriment, nobody listened

Now they've an agenda ? NOW?

Man, i never get the fake memo .......~S~
...that expresses a negative opinion of Trump or identifies some sort of corruption or hypocrisy from his administration is fake news?

The problem with Fox News is that they limit what they say about Trump in their news reporting and also make sure the analysis of that news is inundated by a conservative perspective from its host and contributors. That’s what makes Fox News complete bullshit.

Now speaking on the equivalent on the left, I can understand why the right would reject MSNBC as being a Fox counterpart. MSNBC plays by the same rules as Fox does.

The problem, however, is suggesting that because a news source reports on all of Trump’s activity and may highlight negative press about him, it doesn’t mean they have a political agenda. A commentator of the news source may criticize Trump, but that doesn’t mean the network manipulated him or her to do so. This type of news source is basically any news source that has reliable sources and offers an objective analysis on the subject.

As much as republicans hate CNN, they really are wrong to suggest they only care about undermining Trump. They seem to just pretend that CNN doesn’t have a long history of criticizing Obama, Hillary, or other democrats when the evidence is plentiful. I bring up CNN because its intention is no different than any news source that tries to be objective about politics. Republicans simply hate CNN more than MSNBC because Trump openly condemned CNN. He probably doesn’t even watch MSNBC.

The truth is, it is corporate reign over news networks like CNN that make it flawed. This corporate influence dictates what they report on but they aren’t necessarily concerned with how the networks choose to report on Trump or the GOP.

Your premise Is false nothing to hate, except fake news..which CNN was based around.

This is just the nature of the separate, ideological closed circuit that has been created on the right. A big feature of it is paranoia, and so anything that exists outside of the closed circuit is viewed as false and the enemy. Very binary, black & white. If I don't like it, it can only be fake news.

Unfortunately, and to zero surprise, the Left provides plenty of fodder for this closed, alternate universe, and so it's easy for talk radio to point at it, exploit it, and extrapolate it into pretty much everything, and keep the tribe defensive and paranoid.

The crazies are in charge.

Tribal Psychology and Political Behavior - Econlib

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This is about globalists and insane agendas by people who sold out. And you get a glimpse of their hate at times and ignore it
ah, globalists.....iirc when Clinton passed nafta many pointed them out as a stark economically detriment, nobody listened

Now they've an agenda ? NOW?

Man, i never get the fake memo .......~S~
My father was a union member for the clothing workers. Every penny they got was earned. Part of dying industries in the United States. He was not well educated but he warned back then what would happen with the loss of millions and millions of manufacturing jobs. A lot of people did not listen. For we were fed the agenda. And believed it. But the politicians sold us on it. He also had opinions on unions that got paid much more easily.
This is about globalists and insane agendas by people who sold out. And you get a glimpse of their hate at times and ignore it
ah, globalists.....iirc when Clinton passed nafta many pointed them out as a stark economically detriment, nobody listened

Now they've an agenda ? NOW?

Man, i never get the fake memo .......~S~
My father was a union member for the clothing workers. Every penny they got was earned. Part of dying industries in the United States. He was not well educated but he warned back then what would happen with the loss of millions and millions of manufacturing jobs. A lot of people did not listen. For we were fed the agenda. And believed it. But the politicians sold us on it. He also had opinions on unions that got paid much more easily.

My work history spans over 4 decades, i think i'd get along well with you pop 22

those of us that lived it ,and savvy enough to see it's inherent flaws ,are passing the torch w/high hopes your generation can right the ship.

what made America great, and what can keep it great are two distinctions that are up to you and your lot to parse out

best of luck


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