Does terrorism ever actually work?

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.
Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

Nuking Japan worked on a couple levels so ridiculous violence does work.

If the terrorists just wanted to change our way of living, make us spend tons of money for security and give up rights to the Patriot Act types, they won.

If they wanted to get their beef in the news, they accomplished that.

If they want to wipe Israel off the Earth, not yet.
The NZ shooter's manifesto made his intentions pretty clear. He understands the game and accurately predicted the media reaction. So I guess you could say it was a success. And yeah, if I was a muslim I'd think twice about squatting in New Zealand now.
Does terrorism actually work? Of course it does.

Just look how a fictitious people called "Palestinian" who were only invented 50 years ago are now the recipient of more aid per capita than any other group in the world thanks to their relentless terrorism of Jews.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

If it's intended goal is to change your life and push for more restrictions on your freedom and way of life, yes it works.

9/11 caused more harm and destruction to those who attacked America. Yet, which society was impacted most? Western civilization in my opinion.

I always disliked people saying "don't let the terrorists win! Go about your life, do what you normally do, spend money in the economy!" etc. Yet, many of these same clowns want to have cameras at every corner and the freedom to just enter your home at will, a la the Gestapo. Canada has been stuck in such a system for a century, at great social failure, and some in America wanted you to adopt it.

Terror wins when you let them win. I'm starting to see how this creates division within a society, and one has to ask just how far might a foreign state go to sponsor this stuff in the shadows, in order to harm America in particular?
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Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.
5hose who committed 9/11 are terrorists...they dont represent the 8 million muslims in the US...just like Timothy McVeigh doesnt represent all white Christians. Got it ?
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I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

wrong-----terrorism is very effective-------It not only accounts for the spread of islam----
it even galvanized the spread of Christianity. -------also communism and Nazism -----
and to a very minor degree-----believe it or not----Buddhism
Terrorists create the fear.

Then the so-called "moderate" Muslims show up and say, hey, we can be reasonable. Let's talk. Let's cut a deal.

People are so grateful to meet "moderate" Muslims, they don't notice that these guys are radical Jew-hating extremist assholes who beat their wives with a stick no thicker than their thumb.
I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I'm wondering, has terrorism ever actually achieved the desired effect that the terrorist intended?

Instead of causing fear, Islamic terrorist attacks usually cause people to band together like 9/11. They actually create courage, not fear. Yes, there will be more security than before, but people are still going to visit the Christmas markets in Berlin. That won't change.

Now let's look at this new guy. Does he really think Muslims are going to stop moving around the world because of his actions? It will ultimately be pointless because, in my opinion, TERRORISM IS NOT EFFECTIVE. Why people keep trying to make it work, I can't understand. Maybe it is just a narcissism thing.

If it's intended goal is to change your life and push for more restrictions on your freedom and way of life, yes it works.

9/11 caused more harm and destruction to those who attacked America. Yet, which society was impacted most? Western civilization in my opinion.

I always disliked people saying "don't let the terrorists win! Go about your life, do what you normally do, spend money in the economy!" etc. Yet, many of these same clowns want to have cameras at every corner and the freedom to just enter your home at will, a la the Gestapo. Canada has been stuck in such a system for a century, at great social failure, and some in America wanted you to adopt it.

Terror wins when you let them win. I'm starting to see how this creates division within a society, and one has to ask just how far might a foreign state go to sponsor this stuff in the shadows, in order to harm America in particular?

Except our lives haven't really changed that much. More security? Big fucking deal. I still do all the same shit I would've done anyway.
Of course terrorism works. How do you think Islam spread throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Europe in just a few hundred years?

Look how “progressives” have surrendered and joined with Muslims since 9/11.
Does terrorism actually work? Of course it does.

Just look how a fictitious people called "Palestinian" who were only invented 50 years ago are now the recipient of more aid per capita than any other group in the world thanks to their relentless terrorism of Jews.

That is a lie.
First of all, the word Palestine was used to describe the region going back at least 4000 years, way before the Hebrew invasion.
Palestine referred mostly to the coastal area of the Land of Canaan, and mostly the Phoenicians and Philistines.
But current Palestine is 12 million Canaanites, Akkadians, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, etc., who always lived there, never left, and are the only legal land owners.
Palestine was promised independence for their help against the Ottoman Empire, and their independence was made law in 1920, by the Treaty of Sevres.

The Israelis are illegally beyond the 1949 UNR 181 that established Israel, so deserve all the terrorism one can apply until they leave Jerusalem, the West Bank, and any other territory they now occupy illegally.
The Israeli occupation is just as bad as Hitler occupying France, and deserves the same resistance with violent force.
Of course terrorism works. How do you think Islam spread throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Europe in just a few hundred years?

Look how “progressives” have surrendered and joined with Muslims since 9/11.

That is silly.
Would you prefer the Old Testament Judaism that was there before Mohammad?
What Mohammad did was to reform Judaism so that women no longer were considered to have no souls, rights, ability to own property, inherit, divorce, etc. Islam fixed all that, as well as bringing algebra, calculus, science, to Europe when they were still in the Dark Ages.
Almost all of civilization is owed to Islam.
The best proof of the success of terrorism is the criminal justice system.
You want people to stop doing something, like smoking pot, you arrest them and threaten anyone else who would even consider it.
We have half a million nonviolence drug users imprisoned, and tens of millions not allowed to vote.
The police prove that terrorism is very effective.
The best proof of the success of terrorism is the criminal justice system.
You want people to stop doing something, like smoking pot, you arrest them and threaten anyone else who would even consider it.
We have half a million nonviolence drug users imprisoned, and tens of millions not allowed to vote.
The police prove that terrorism is very effective.

The police are not terrorists. Wtf ...
The best proof of the success of terrorism is the criminal justice system.
You want people to stop doing something, like smoking pot, you arrest them and threaten anyone else who would even consider it.
We have half a million nonviolence drug users imprisoned, and tens of millions not allowed to vote.
The police prove that terrorism is very effective.

The police are not terrorists. Wtf ...

Have you ever heard of a dictatorship or police state where the police were not terrorists?
And how can those torturing people at Guantanamo not be terrorists?
Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.

While they are claiming that others are fearful, it's themselves, as usual, who are actually the fearful. Muslim terrorism has got them by the balls, shivering in fear to criticize Islam.
Does terrorism actually work? Of course it does.

Just look how a fictitious people called "Palestinian" who were only invented 50 years ago are now the recipient of more aid per capita than any other group in the world thanks to their relentless terrorism of Jews.

That is a lie.
First of all, the word Palestine was used to describe the region going back at least 4000 years, way before the Hebrew invasion.
Palestine referred mostly to the coastal area of the Land of Canaan, and mostly the Phoenicians and Philistines.
But current Palestine is 12 million Canaanites, Akkadians, Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, etc., who always lived there, never left, and are the only legal land owners.
Palestine was promised independence for their help against the Ottoman Empire, and their independence was made law in 1920, by the Treaty of Sevres.

The Israelis are illegally beyond the 1949 UNR 181 that established Israel, so deserve all the terrorism one can apply until they leave Jerusalem, the West Bank, and any other territory they now occupy illegally.
The Israeli occupation is just as bad as Hitler occupying France, and deserves the same resistance with violent force.

Liberals are a lot more respectful to Muslims since 9/11, it's like the worse Muslims behave, the more liberals want to be their friends.

While they are claiming that others are fearful, it's themselves, as usual, who are actually the fearful. Muslim terrorism has got them by the balls, shivering in fear to criticize Islam.

Take Charlie Hebdo for instance.

I think it all started with The Satanic Verses. The author had a Fatwah placed on him.
Does terrorism actually work? Of course it does.

Just look how a fictitious people called "Palestinian" who were only invented 50 years ago are now the recipient of more aid per capita than any other group in the world thanks to their relentless terrorism of Jews.
It also helped create the state of Israel.

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