Does nobody realize doctors are killing people?


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
so...Chris Cornell is the latest celebrity to drop dead.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky , in his opinion , this has all the signs of a sexual erotic asphyxiation case.

(I don't know, and I don't want to know)

Dr. Drew says people who are prescribed Cornell's type of medication should never take prescription opiates, but doctors continue to prescribe them.

Does no one realize that all these celebrities are dying due to their drug pusher doctors?

...and it's not just celebrities , the United States has a major opiate epidemic, ...all being prescribes by "doctors"

pass Obamacare! , FORCE every working person in America to fund them

The only spark of good news is, Dr Drew says that rules are starting to change so doctors might be held responsible someday soon.
so...Chris Cornell is the latest celebrity to drop dead.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky , in his opinion , this has all the signs of a sexual erotic asphyxiation case.

(I don't know, and I don't want to know)

Dr. Drew says people who are prescribed Cornell's type of medication should never take prescription opiates, but doctors continue to prescribe them.

Does no one realize that all these celebrities are dying due to their drug pusher doctors?

...and it's not just celebrities , the United States has a major opiate epidemic, ...all being prescribes by "doctors"

pass Obamacare! , FORCE every working person in America to fund them

The only spark of good news is, Dr Drew says that rules are starting to change so doctors might be held responsible someday soon.

There are many people in the USA who have never suffered with intractable, excruciating, and relentless pain. Some of these people want to put an end to anyone getting relief from that pain, because other people are so irresponsible that they can not exercise discipline in taking their medications (Limbaugh comes to mind). It would appear that you are one of those people would would deny pain relief for the people who really need it.
so...Chris Cornell is the latest celebrity to drop dead.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky , in his opinion , this has all the signs of a sexual erotic asphyxiation case.

(I don't know, and I don't want to know)

Dr. Drew says people who are prescribed Cornell's type of medication should never take prescription opiates, but doctors continue to prescribe them.

Does no one realize that all these celebrities are dying due to their drug pusher doctors?

...and it's not just celebrities , the United States has a major opiate epidemic, ...all being prescribes by "doctors"

pass Obamacare! , FORCE every working person in America to fund them

The only spark of good news is, Dr Drew says that rules are starting to change so doctors might be held responsible someday soon.

There are many people in the USA who have never suffered with intractable, excruciating, and relentless pain. Some of these people want to put an end to anyone getting relief from that pain, because other people are so irresponsible that they can not exercise discipline in taking their medications (Limbaugh comes to mind). It would appear that you are one of those people would would deny pain relief for the people who really need it.
You may choose to rephrase your statement, or not.
so...Chris Cornell is the latest celebrity to drop dead.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky , in his opinion , this has all the signs of a sexual erotic asphyxiation case.

(I don't know, and I don't want to know)

Dr. Drew says people who are prescribed Cornell's type of medication should never take prescription opiates, but doctors continue to prescribe them.

Does no one realize that all these celebrities are dying due to their drug pusher doctors?

...and it's not just celebrities , the United States has a major opiate epidemic, ...all being prescribes by "doctors"

pass Obamacare! , FORCE every working person in America to fund them

The only spark of good news is, Dr Drew says that rules are starting to change so doctors might be held responsible someday soon.
You may have not noticed but obiecare was passed and has been law for several years now.
Getting people hooked on opiates churns the wheels of big pharma that are benefiting from record poppy crops in Afghanistan . One of the biggest reasons Afghanistan was invaded after the "FALSE FLAG" that was 9/11/01 was to get the heroin flowing back into the states after the Taliban burned the poppy fields in retaliation for what they perceived as a screw job on a pipeline deal. Opium, the addictive qualities to that drug and the wars over it goes back to the 1800s. Hell, the Vietnam War was fought over who was going to control the Golden Triangle and the control of the opium trade.

Big pharma doesn't make money from curing people, they make money from treating symptoms, creating addictions, creating new business by selling drugs for the problems caused by their "cure". Cannabis oil is cheaply produced, easy to grow and can cure a litany of illnesses while easing pain and it's non-addictive...which is why they fight the legalization of it.
Getting people hooked on opiates churns the wheels of big pharma that are benefiting from record poppy crops in Afghanistan .
Are you fucking stoned?

Excuse me???? Do you have a question to ask? Do you wish to take me to task over something I stated here? I will presume on the off chance that you are questioning the source big pharma uses for it''s pain medication that contains opiates??? Do you honestly believe that they grow "poppy fields" under lab conditions? And that all heroin from Afghanistan and Asia is powderdized and put on the street in little baggies? If that is what you believe, you couldn't be more wrong....not even if you showed up at a Rosie O'Donnell LGBTQ benefit wearing a "Straight Lives Matter" T-shirt.......
Getting people hooked on opiates churns the wheels of big pharma that are benefiting from record poppy crops in Afghanistan . One of the biggest reasons Afghanistan was invaded after the "FALSE FLAG" that was 9/11/01 was to get the heroin flowing back into the states after the Taliban burned the poppy fields in retaliation for what they perceived as a screw job on a pipeline deal. Opium, the addictive qualities to that drug and the wars over it goes back to the 1800s. Hell, the Vietnam War was fought over who was going to control the Golden Triangle and the control of the opium trade.

Big pharma doesn't make money from curing people, they make money from treating symptoms, creating addictions, creating new business by selling drugs for the problems caused by their "cure". Cannabis oil is cheaply produced, easy to grow and can cure a litany of illnesses while easing pain and it's non-addictive...which is why they fight the legalization of it.

Part of this insurance and govt cost control. Chucking people out of hospitals post op to manage their pain at home by themselves with large bottles of CHEAP pills. A couple days at the hospital under managed pain care and they could go home on NSAIDs.

I'd really like to see the stats on CHRONIC pain prescriptions UNRELATED to surgery vs post op addiction.. And Yes -- Dr Drew should go fuck himself. I'm sure he's tried..
Getting people hooked on opiates churns the wheels of big pharma that are benefiting from record poppy crops in Afghanistan . One of the biggest reasons Afghanistan was invaded after the "FALSE FLAG" that was 9/11/01 was to get the heroin flowing back into the states after the Taliban burned the poppy fields in retaliation for what they perceived as a screw job on a pipeline deal. Opium, the addictive qualities to that drug and the wars over it goes back to the 1800s. Hell, the Vietnam War was fought over who was going to control the Golden Triangle and the control of the opium trade.

Big pharma doesn't make money from curing people, they make money from treating symptoms, creating addictions, creating new business by selling drugs for the problems caused by their "cure". Cannabis oil is cheaply produced, easy to grow and can cure a litany of illnesses while easing pain and it's non-addictive...which is why they fight the legalization of it.

Part of this insurance and govt cost control. Chucking people out of hospitals post op to manage their pain at home by themselves with large bottles of CHEAP pills. A couple days at the hospital under managed pain care and they could go home on NSAIDs.

I'd really like to see the stats on CHRONIC pain prescriptions UNRELATED to surgery vs post op addiction.. And Yes -- Dr Drew should go fuck himself. I'm sure he's tried..

Dude, I am one of your biggest fans here....we are on the same page on so many areas but IMHO, you are wrong about the healthcare system that is being ran by eugenicists...milk the patient for all he/she has and then close out their bond with the death certificate...that is how "gubermint' is funded...eliminate the creditors which is us, collect the rest of what is left from the birth certificate bond and the cycle continues.
prescriptions were to make sure powerful drugs were needed and not being abused.
these days they sell what ever people want to buy
Not all!! but I definitely agree that few doctors are just doing this for money nowadays and they don't care about their patients
prescriptions were to make sure powerful drugs were needed and not being abused.
these days they sell what ever people want to buy
And the doctors who are entrusted to write those prescriptions should never refuse pain killers to somebody who says they are in pain. Plain and simple.

Otherwise. Legalize it!
so...Chris Cornell is the latest celebrity to drop dead.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky , in his opinion , this has all the signs of a sexual erotic asphyxiation case.

(I don't know, and I don't want to know)

Dr. Drew says people who are prescribed Cornell's type of medication should never take prescription opiates, but doctors continue to prescribe them.

Does no one realize that all these celebrities are dying due to their drug pusher doctors?

...and it's not just celebrities , the United States has a major opiate epidemic, ...all being prescribes by "doctors"

pass Obamacare! , FORCE every working person in America to fund them

The only spark of good news is, Dr Drew says that rules are starting to change so doctors might be held responsible someday soon.
You post is funny, why? I have had to take heavy amount of drugs for over20 years because I received damage in a crushing accident that damaged my ability to breath and other problems. The FDA has order Doctors to cut the amount of doses 30 percent across the board so stop the sale of drug on the street. This about the stupid government involvement in the Medical treatment of victims of illness. The fact is the rich can get flunkys to do the buying for them and or go across the boarder and have a Mexican Doctor write the scrip for them So boo hoo about actors dying from their own stupid acts and blame Doctors for their own problems. Sitting up right now for pain to stop so I can just sleep a few hours....
Getting people hooked on opiates churns the wheels of big pharma that are benefiting from record poppy crops in Afghanistan . One of the biggest reasons Afghanistan was invaded after the "FALSE FLAG" that was 9/11/01 was to get the heroin flowing back into the states after the Taliban burned the poppy fields in retaliation for what they perceived as a screw job on a pipeline deal. Opium, the addictive qualities to that drug and the wars over it goes back to the 1800s. Hell, the Vietnam War was fought over who was going to control the Golden Triangle and the control of the opium trade.

Big pharma doesn't make money from curing people, they make money from treating symptoms, creating addictions, creating new business by selling drugs for the problems caused by their "cure". Cannabis oil is cheaply produced, easy to grow and can cure a litany of illnesses while easing pain and it's non-addictive...which is why they fight the legalization of it.
You almost got it right, except that junk they send is deadly and will end up killing someone. The big Pharma don't buy it or sell it. It's ashame that they don't because it is better than what is available. Fewer side effect also.
prescriptions were to make sure powerful drugs were needed and not being abused.
these days they sell what ever people want to buy
And the doctors who are entrusted to write those prescriptions should never refuse pain killers to somebody who says they are in pain. Plain and simple.

Otherwise. Legalize it!
They can tell is it really need if they got the training, which they don't. I surprised to learn that now to long ago.
so...Chris Cornell is the latest celebrity to drop dead.

According to Dr. Drew Pinsky , in his opinion , this has all the signs of a sexual erotic asphyxiation case.

(I don't know, and I don't want to know)

Dr. Drew says people who are prescribed Cornell's type of medication should never take prescription opiates, but doctors continue to prescribe them.

Does no one realize that all these celebrities are dying due to their drug pusher doctors?

...and it's not just celebrities , the United States has a major opiate epidemic, ...all being prescribes by "doctors"

pass Obamacare! , FORCE every working person in America to fund them

The only spark of good news is, Dr Drew says that rules are starting to change so doctors might be held responsible someday soon.
I was surprised to learn that pain can kill you. I learned it from a TV story about Howard Huges (sp?) and that the medcial exam of his body showed so much damage that he had to be in constant pain and that the illegal drugs that he took made me survive as long as he did. The Doctor went on about how pain affects the CNS and upset the total body chemistry which causes high blood pressure high heart rate and e,t,c. Surprise what you can learn.

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