Does it matter who is President?

Does it really matter who is elected? After much thought on the matter and with the economy tanking, even after the "so called bailout" Does anyone think that Barack Obama or John McCain is going to do ANYTHING to stop the amazing lack of attention that Washington has paid to this country in the last 35 years? Does anyone believe that when elected that one or the other of these men will reach across the isle to the other side to bring together all Americans to come up with real solutions for this country or do you think that it will be business as usual. That both John McCain and Barack Obama will pay lip service to that and act in such a highly partisan manner that the real work never gets done.

You mean given our current two to choose from? Not much.
For almost all of the past 50 years the Congress and Presidency have been divided between the two parties. As a result nothing gets done and they both point the blame at each other.

For 6 of the past 8 years though, the Republicans have had the vast majority of the power. Given this opportunity, they FUCKED UP IN EVERYWAY THEY POSSIBLY COULD - BEYOND IMAGINATION OF EVEN DIEHARD LIBERALS (like myself).

Now I think it's only fair to give the Democrats their chance to FUCK UP IN EVERYWAY THAT THEY POSSIBLY CAN.

Or of course, maybe they won't.

And that's what Republicans fear the most, now isn't it?

R.I.P. Milton Friedman
IMO the time is ripe to push for TERM LIMITS and I would love to see the rise of a third party. The other side of the aisle has some virtues and my side has some major defects but personally I will never vote for a pro-abortion on demand candidate.
yes, it does matter who is president, navy.

they set the agenda and the path we go on....

they choose their advisors...secretary of state, defence, treasury, homeland security, health....and attorney generals...supreme and district court justices/judges....Generals he wants to lead his military...The Fed Chair, head of the SEC, the Presidents of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....etc!

they are judged on their own merits and capability to lead and pick the people to lead us Americans in the right direction, whether their congress is democratic or republican...

many of our presidents have had BOTH democratic and republican congresses while they have served their doesn't change much....

the iraqi war resolution was passed under a democratic majority senate, republican house majority...this trillion dollar bailout, under democratic in would have been passed with Republicans in the majority as well....the president's approach to the solution to the financial crisis was the plan of the man he appointed as Secretary of the Treasury, Paulson's...

presidents do matter.

i have never been an obamaite, or mcsame fan...there are things i really dont like or am uncomfortable with on both of them....but they are who we are having to choose from, ONE will be president, and will be making choices that will matter to all of us, regardless of their congress's majority....

So, i am disagreeing with you! ;)

Does it really matter who is elected? After much thought on the matter and with the economy tanking, even after the "so called bailout" Does anyone think that Barack Obama or John McCain is going to do ANYTHING to stop the amazing lack of attention that Washington has paid to this country in the last 35 years? Does anyone believe that when elected that one or the other of these men will reach across the isle to the other side to bring together all Americans to come up with real solutions for this country or do you think that it will be business as usual. That both John McCain and Barack Obama will pay lip service to that and act in such a highly partisan manner that the real work never gets done.

The sad thing is, I think you are right. It is painfully obvious that Washington has lost touch with the rest of the country, but what can we really do to change it? There would have to be a massive grass roots movement against the current government in order to make any substantial change at all and I am just not sure how that would happen. I honestly believe that if someone was actually able to start such a movement, the government would find some way to get rid of them before they became a serious threat. I don't have much faith, but I keep hoping Obama will follow through on his plans for change. So until I find a better option, that is the way I am going and just hoping that things works out. That is all we can do at this point it seems.

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