Does high levels of CO2 in the past contradict the warming effect of CO2?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Does high levels of CO2 in the past contradict the warming effect of CO2?

Geologists refer to ancient ice-cap formations and ice-ages as "glaciations." One such glaciation that occurred during the Late Ordovician era, some 444 million years ago has captured the attention of climate scientists and skeptics alike. To get some perspective on timing, that's just over 200 million years before dinosaurs began to roam the Earth.

Unlike other glaciations in the last 500 million years, this one was exceptionally brief (lasting perhaps only a million years or so) but the main reason for generating so much interest recently is because it took place when CO2 levels were apparently sky-high. As Ian Plimer notes in his book, "Heaven and Earth", pp165:

"The proof that CO2 does not drive climate is shown by previous glaciations...If the popular catastrophist view is accepted, then there should have been a runaway greenhouse when CO2 was more than 4000 ppmv. Instead there was glaciation. Clearly a high atmospheric CO2 does not drive global warming and there is no correlation between global temperature and atmospheric CO2."

On the surface, Plimer does seem to have a point: if ice-caps managed to exist back then in an ultra-high CO2 environment, why are the vast majority of climate scientists worrying so much about keeping CO2 levels piddlingly low?

To answer this, we have to fill in some parts of the puzzle that are missing. Let's start with the CO2.

Plimer's stated value of 4000 ppmv or greater is taken from Robert Berner's GEOCARB, a well-known geochemical model of ancient CO2. As the Ordovician was so long ago, there are huge uncertainties for that time period (according to the model, CO2 was between an incredible 2400 and 9000 ppmv.) Crucially, GEOCARB has a 10 million year timestep, leading Berner to explicitly advise against using his model to estimate Late Ordovician CO2 levels due its inability to account for short-term CO2 fluctuations. He noted that "exact values of CO2... should not be taken literally."

What about evidence for any of these short-term CO2 fluctuations? Recent research has uncovered evidence for lower ocean temperatures during the Ordovician than previously thought, creating ideal conditions for a huge spurt in marine biodiversity and correspondingly large drawdown of CO2 from the atmosphere through carbon burial in the ocean. A period of mountain-building was also underway (the so-called Taconic orogeny) increasing the amount of rock weathering taking place and subsequently lowering CO2 levels even further. The evidence is definitely there for a short-term disruption of the carbon cycle.

Another important factor is the sun. During the Ordovician, it would have been several percent dimmer according to established nuclear models of main sequence stars. Surprisingly, this raises the CO2 threshold for glaciation to a staggering 3000 ppmv or so. This also explains (along with the logarithmic forcing effect of CO2) why a runaway greenhouse didn't occur: with a dimmer sun, high CO2 is necessary to stop the Earth freezing over.

In summary, we know CO2 was probably very high coming into the Late Ordovician period, however the subsequent dip in CO2 was brief enough not to register in the GEOCARB model, yet low enough (with the help of a dimmer sun) to trigger permanent ice-formation. Effectively it was a brief excursion to coldness during an otherwise warm era, due to a coincidence of conditions.

The following (somewhat simplified) diagram may make this easier to understand:

Ordovician Glaciation

When looking at events such as these from the deep geological past, it is vital to keep in mind that there are many uncertainties, and generally speaking, the further back we look, the more there are. As our paleo techniques improve and other discoveries emerge this story will no doubt be refined. Also, although CO2 is a key factor in controlling the climate, it would be a mistake to think it's the only factor; ignore the other elements and you'll most likely get the story wrong.

Does high levels of CO2 in the past contradict the warming effect of CO2?
What do you think of this? Me I think it is possible for 1# Dimmer sun=more green house gas to keep the temperature high and 2# The mountain growing effects and the other factors(cooler oceans=less co2 in Atmosphere) should cause as this says....Seems reasonable.
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"The Late Ordovician Hirnantian Stage (∼444 million years ago) was one of three time periods during the past
half billion years in which large continental glaciers formed over Earth's polar regions. The effects of this
glaciation were far-reaching and coincided with one of the largest marine mass extinction events in Earth
history. The cause of this ice age is uncertain, and a paradoxical association with evidence for high
atmospheric CO2 levels has been debated. Precise linkages between sea level, ice volume, and carbon isotope
(δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg) proxy records of pCO2 have been poorly understood due in part to uncertainties in
stratigraphic correlation and the interpretation of globally important sections. Although correlation
difficulties remain, recent Hirnantian biostratigraphic studies now allow for improved correlations. Here
we show that consistent trends in both δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg from two well-dated stratigraphic sequences in
Estonia and Anticosti Island, Canada coincide with changes in Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) climate as
inferred from sea level and the extent of ice sheets. The integrated datasets are consistent with increasing
pCO2 levels in response to ice-sheet expansion that reduced silicate weathering. Ultimately, the time period
of elevated pCO2 levels is followed by geologic evidence of deglaciation.

Young et al. Did changes in atmospheric CO2 coincide with latest Ordovician
glacial–interglacial cycles?, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2010
Interesting research here.

Study Bolsters Greenhouse Effect Theory, Solves Ice Age Mystery

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Critics who dismiss the importance of greenhouse gases as a cause of climate change lost one piece of ammunition this week. In a new study, scientists found further evidence of the role that greenhouse gases have played in Earth’s climate.

Matthew Saltzman
In Thursday’s issue of the journal Geology, Ohio State University scientists report that a long-ago ice age occurred 10 million years earlier than once thought. The new date clears up an inconsistency that has dogged climate change research for years.

Of three ice ages that occurred in the last half-billion years, the earliest ice age posed problems for scientists, explained Matthew Saltzman, assistant professor of geological sciences at Ohio State.
Appalachian Mountains Rock Ice Age

North America during the late Ordovician. Credit: Dr. Ron Blakey, NAU Geology. That much CO2 should have kept the climate warm for eons, but a short 10 million years later atmospheric levels of the gas began to plummet. 5 million years after that, Earth entered a severe ice age. Seth A. Young et al., writing in the October issue of Geology, have proposed that weathering of rock in the Appalachian chain triggered the dramatic climate change. Their hypothesis is based on studying three sedimentary rock formations in Nevada, where sediments had washed down from the Appalachians 460 million years ago.
Previous research based on oxygen isotope excursions indicate that the end-Ordovician event lasted only about 500,000 years. The rapid drop in sea levels is an indication of how quickly continental ice-sheets formed, ushering in the End-Ordovician Ice Age. This caused a worldwide reduction in sea level of approximately 260 feet (80 meters), which dried up and exposed the extensive shallow-water continental shelves that existed throughout the world at that time. This led to the extinction of large numbers of species who depended on this shallow water environment. Scientists count the extinction at the end of the Ordovician as the second worst in terms of lost marine species after the great Permian-Triassic extinction
Gee, more CO2 found in ice, maybe thats why CO2 is dry ice.

You know whats really great about CO2, Democrat-scientist who never left the university get to use billions of dollars of tax money on super computers to come up with super cool formulas that only super computers and billions more in tax money can refute.

Its the perfect scam, take a simple gas that has zero ability to retain heat and wrap a billion dollar super computer formula around it.

Bravo, tax dollars hard at work keeping all those democrat-scientist employed, talk about the perfect welfare cases, scientist in the classroom, these bums should collect food stamps like all the other leeches of society.
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Gee, more CO2 found in ice, maybe thats why CO2 is dry ice.

You know whats really great about CO2, Democrat-scientist who never left the university get to use billions of dollars of tax money on super computers to come up with super cool formulas that only super computers and billions more in tax money can refute.

Its the perfect scam, take a simple gas that has zero ability to retain heat and wrap a billion dollar super computer formula around it.

Bravo, tax dollars hard at work keeping all those democrat-scientist employed, talk about the perfect welfare cases, scientist in the classroom, these bums should collect food stamps like all the other leeches of society.

So you don't think that co2 has any ability to hold in heat(green house effect)...How about methane? That is increasing at a quick pace too.
Gee, more CO2 found in ice, maybe thats why CO2 is dry ice.

You know whats really great about CO2, Democrat-scientist who never left the university get to use billions of dollars of tax money on super computers to come up with super cool formulas that only super computers and billions more in tax money can refute.

Its the perfect scam, take a simple gas that has zero ability to retain heat and wrap a billion dollar super computer formula around it.

Bravo, tax dollars hard at work keeping all those democrat-scientist employed, talk about the perfect welfare cases, scientist in the classroom, these bums should collect food stamps like all the other leeches of society.

So you don't think that co2 has any ability to hold in heat(green house effect)...How about methane? That is increasing at a quick pace too.

Zero ability to hold in heat, that is fact, that is why CO2 is not used as an insulating gas insulated windows, they get filled with Argon gas.

CO2 is heavier than air, it sinks and is absorbed into the earth, heat rises. Further if you take a look at Titan, its atmosphere is mostly CO2 and its well below freezing.

Methane, sorry I have no comment on methane, I have not studied Methane, not at all.
NF3, oh my god, we better spend billions of dollars, I propose first we give grants to all the democrat-scientist so they can stay in school and study NF3. We must hurry, most likely we are to late.
NF3, oh my god, we better spend billions of dollars, I propose first we give grants to all the democrat-scientist so they can stay in school and study NF3. We must hurry, most likely we are to late.
That would greatly beat spending all the billions making life giving CO2 the devil.... When the REAL and MUCH MORE POTENT, DEFINITELY TOXIC AND LONG LASTING greenhouse gas is being spewed into the atmosphere more and more, with "green" solutions like solar panels.

This is why Environazis like OldCrocks scoff at it... They don't really care about the environment. They only care about stopping combustion of fossil fuels no matter the cost. Otherwise, they WOULD be sweating NF3 much more than CO2.

NF3 isn't a product of combustion, therefore you never hear anything about it.
NF3, oh my god, we better spend billions of dollars, I propose first we give grants to all the democrat-scientist so they can stay in school and study NF3. We must hurry, most likely we are to late.
That would greatly beat spending all the billions making life giving CO2 the devil.... When the REAL and MUCH MORE POTENT, DEFINITELY TOXIC AND LONG LASTING greenhouse gas is being spewed into the atmosphere more and more, with "green" solutions like solar panels.

This is why Environazis like OldCrocks scoff at it... They don't really care about the environment. They only care about stopping combustion of fossil fuels no matter the cost. Otherwise, they WOULD be sweating NF3 much more than CO2.

NF3 isn't a product of combustion, therefore you never hear anything about it.

Parts per trillion and parts per million are two very different things...Methane which is 70 times more powerful then co2 has more then doubled to. So not all the blame can be placed on co2 alone. Methane is nothing to play around with. And already makes up more then 6 percent of the effect...Wouldn't take much for it to be a respectable part of the green house effect if the perma frost melts.

"Methane is a relatively potent greenhouse gas. Compared with carbon dioxide, it has a high global warming potential of 72"

it is true about NF3, but a whole crap load of solar panels will have to be made for any impact. Wouldn't that be fucked up if we made billions of solar panels and went from trillions to billionths of ppm's with this monster gas. :eek:
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NF3, oh my god, we better spend billions of dollars, I propose first we give grants to all the democrat-scientist so they can stay in school and study NF3. We must hurry, most likely we are to late.
That would greatly beat spending all the billions making life giving CO2 the devil.... When the REAL and MUCH MORE POTENT, DEFINITELY TOXIC AND LONG LASTING greenhouse gas is being spewed into the atmosphere more and more, with "green" solutions like solar panels.

This is why Environazis like OldCrocks scoff at it... They don't really care about the environment. They only care about stopping combustion of fossil fuels no matter the cost. Otherwise, they WOULD be sweating NF3 much more than CO2.

NF3 isn't a product of combustion, therefore you never hear anything about it.

Parts per trillion and parts per million are two very different things...Methane which is 70 times more powerful then co2 has more then doubled to. So not all the blame can be placed on co2 alone. Methane is nothing to play around with. And already makes up more then 6 percent of the effect...Wouldn't take much for it to be a respectable part of the green house effect if the perma frost melts.

"Methane is a relatively potent greenhouse gas. Compared with carbon dioxide, it has a high global warming potential of 72"

it is true about NF3, but a whole crap load of solar panels will have to be made for any impact. Wouldn't that be fucked up if we made billions of solar panels and went from trillions to billionths of ppm's with this monster gas. :eek:
It's 17,600 times more powerful of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Trillions become billions in ppm very quickly, since it takes 17,600 times less of the NF3 to get the same effect as CO2 is alleged to have.

Another really toxic and really bad GG is CO -- Carbon Monoxide. Why is it getting into our atmosphere more and more? Ethanol. Though ethanol is "cleaner" if all you look at is CO2 emissions, it puts out 200% more CO than any fossil fuel does as a product of combustion. AND it is toxic to every living thing on the planet, just like NF3.

There's not a "green alternative" I've seen yet, that isn't actually WORSE for the environment than fossil fuels. And that's the true mission of the environazis -- eugenics.
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Wouldn't that be fucked up if we made billions of solar panels and went from trillions to billionths of ppm's with this monster gas. :eek:
That's exactly what's coming, and it would take alot less NF3 than you think, alot less solar panels than you think. Because it's not just solar panels. Every flat screen TV, every computer motherboard and flat screen monitor, every "smart phone," every digital reader like Kindle and the I-Pad, just about everything that is "cool" today, creates NF3 in the manufacturing process. And it's totally unregulated.
That would greatly beat spending all the billions making life giving CO2 the devil.... When the REAL and MUCH MORE POTENT, DEFINITELY TOXIC AND LONG LASTING greenhouse gas is being spewed into the atmosphere more and more, with "green" solutions like solar panels.

This is why Environazis like OldCrocks scoff at it... They don't really care about the environment. They only care about stopping combustion of fossil fuels no matter the cost. Otherwise, they WOULD be sweating NF3 much more than CO2.

NF3 isn't a product of combustion, therefore you never hear anything about it.

Parts per trillion and parts per million are two very different things...Methane which is 70 times more powerful then co2 has more then doubled to. So not all the blame can be placed on co2 alone. Methane is nothing to play around with. And already makes up more then 6 percent of the effect...Wouldn't take much for it to be a respectable part of the green house effect if the perma frost melts.

"Methane is a relatively potent greenhouse gas. Compared with carbon dioxide, it has a high global warming potential of 72"

it is true about NF3, but a whole crap load of solar panels will have to be made for any impact. Wouldn't that be fucked up if we made billions of solar panels and went from trillions to billionths of ppm's with this monster gas. :eek:
It's 17,600 times more powerful of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Trillions become billions in ppm very quickly, since it takes 17,600 times less of the NF3 to get the same effect as CO2 is alleged to have.

Another really toxic and really bad GG is CO -- Carbon Monoxide. Why is it getting into our atmosphere more and more? Ethanol. Though ethanol is "cleaner" if all you look at is CO2 emissions, it puts out 200% more CO than any fossil fuel does as a product of combustion. AND it is toxic to every living thing on the planet, just like NF3.

There's not a "green alternative" I've seen yet, that isn't actually WORSE for the environment than fossil fuels. And that's the true mission of the environazis -- eugenics.

We are on the same page, I dont know anything about methane, I do know that most of our atmosphere is Nitrogen, than Oxygen. I am not worried at all.

That said we should do much to prevent pollution, like building housing in Los Angeles and every other big city to reduce commute times from 2 hours a day to about 10 minutes.

How about getting rid of all the damned traffic lights, I see some places with a light every half block, two lights in one city block, maybe more.

Politicians are getting rich off global warming, its the biggest rip off of public money next to the Bank/Wall Street bailout-swindle.
Politicians are getting rich off global warming, its the biggest rip off of public money next to the Bank/Wall Street bailout-swindle.
The eugenics angle is very well summed up by a recent quote from a Dem congresscritter, "We are a species that is out of control."

Wouldn't that be fucked up if we made billions of solar panels and went from trillions to billionths of ppm's with this monster gas. :eek:
That's exactly what's coming, and it would take alot less NF3 than you think, alot less solar panels than you think. Because it's not just solar panels. Every flat screen TV, every computer motherboard and flat screen monitor, every "smart phone," every digital reader like Kindle and the I-Pad, just about everything that is "cool" today, creates NF3 in the manufacturing process. And it's totally unregulated.

Report from 2008, but anyways it is increasing quickly.

Levels of Super Potent Greenhouse Gas NF3 Four Times Higher Than Previously Thought
by Jeremy Elton Jacquot, Los Angeles on 10.24.08
Science & Technology


nf3 weiss image
Image from Ray Weiss

When it comes to ranking anthropogenic greenhouse gases based on their warming potential, carbon dioxide actually falls pretty low on the list -- the problem is that there's just too damn much of it. Thankfully, the atmospheric concentrations of far more potent GHGs, such as nitrous oxide and methane, have not yet followed carbon dioxide's dramatic ascent over the last half-century (though there are some concerns methane levels could soon begin to spike if present trends continue).

Though their combined contribution to the global warming effect may still be low, scientists have been dismayed to learn that their estimates for current and future levels, once considered fairly reliable, have often fallen off the mark. A case in point is a new study led by a team of researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography that has found that levels of nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), an extremely potent greenhouse gas (almost 17,000 times more potent than an equivalent mass of carbon dioxide on a 100-year time horizon), are at least four times higher than previously thought.

nitrogen trifluoride image

NF3: not as innocuous as previously thought
Nitrogen fluoride is typically used during the manufacture of LCD displays, microcircuits and thin-film solar cells as an alternative to perfluorocarbons (PFCs), another well-known class of greenhouse gases. Because it was thought that no more than 2 percent of emissions found their way into the atmosphere, NF3 was never considered a major contributor to climate change; indeed, it isn't even covered by the Kyoto Protocol. (NF3 emissions only contribute about 0.15 percent of the global warming effect contributed by carbon dioxide emissions.)

To measure current and past emission levels, the Scripps researchers studied air samples gathered by a network of NASA-funded clean-air stations in California and Tasmania (part of the agency's Advanced Global Atmospheric Gas Experiment network) over the last 3 decades. They used a method that combined the use of chromatography and mass spectrometry to separate NF3 from other volatile atmospheric gases, such as krypton and carbon dioxide, in order to receive more accurate results.

11% annual growth since 1978
The scientists found that the average global tropospheric concentration of NF3 rose quasi-exponentially from roughly 0.02 ppt (parts per trillion) in 1978, when measurements first began, to 0.454 ppt in July 2008; this represents an annual increase of about 0.053 ppt (equivalent to the release of about 620 metric tons of NF3), or 11 percent per year. Not surprisingly, the air samples revealed that there were significantly greater concentrations of NF3 in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere.

According to lead author Ray Weiss, a professor of geochemistry, previous estimates, which relied on now dated techniques, had pegged the amount of atmospheric NF3 at 1,200 metric tons in 2006; the actual amount was 4,200 metric tons. The amount has since increased to 5,400 metric tons.

"From a climate perspective, there is a need to add NF3 to the suite of greenhouse gases whose production is inventoried and whose emissions are regulated under the Kyoto Protocol, thus providing meaningful incentives for its wise use," said Weiss. While not a disastrous finding in of itself, this study does reinforce the need to always err on the cautious side when relying on emission estimates and underlines the importance of a broad, multifaceted approach that targets all greenhouse gases effectively.

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By 2010, methane levels, at least in the Arctic, were measured at 1850 ppb, a level scientists described as being higher than at any time in the previous 400,000 years.[7] Historically, methane concentrations in the world's atmosphere have ranged between 300 and 400 ppb during glacial periods commonly known as ice ages, and between 600 to 700 ppb during the warm interglacial periods
Increasing quickly again,,,50 ppb.

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