Does everyone remember the GOP outrage at's hitler ad?

Dec 3, 2003
It'll be interesting to see just how outraged republicans are at this new ad of george bush's, not a 3rd party site like, that feature's adolf hitler's voice with kerry's after it.


Edit-in case somebody doesn't remember the ad i am referencing, it had george bush's voice morphing into hitler's talking about how God ordered him to attack Iraq.
I'd watch that again if I were you. This doesn't resemble the moveon ad in any way, shape or form. The ad shows the pessimism of the democrats who spoke out and the ad that was aired on moveon, then it ends by switching over to Bush 'saying' there was no room for rage or pessimism. The clips you saw, specifically the one of hitler, were just showing what was played by moveon. Nothing new here, just repeats of the democratic ads.
What was the reasoning for putting Adolf Hitler's voice into the middle of Gore and Kerry speeches? To show they are pessimistic?! Maybe the alcohol killed the particular brain cell that Bush was keeping his information about WWII on, but saying Kerry and Hitler are alike in any way is ridiculous.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
What was the reasoning for putting Adolf Hitler's voice into the middle of Gore and Kerry speeches? To show they are pessimistic?! Maybe the alcohol killed the particular brain cell that Bush was keeping his information about WWII on, but saying Kerry and Hitler are alike in any way is ridiculous.

Again, I think you should look closer at the ad. The hitler portion is what was played in an anti-bush ad. They just replayed it to show the type of ads being played by the democratic party. Where did ANYONE say they were alike at all? I believe it was moveon and the dems who originally made that connection with Bush.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
What was the reasoning for putting Adolf Hitler's voice into the middle of Gore and Kerry speeches? To show they are pessimistic?! Maybe the alcohol killed the particular brain cell that Bush was keeping his information about WWII on, but saying Kerry and Hitler are alike in any way is ridiculous.

I think this sums it up nicely:

Friday, June 25, 2004
Posted 8:05 PM by Josh Chafetz
DISGUSTING IS RIGHT. A friend forwards this mass email from the Kerry Campaign. The email comes with the subject line, "Disgusting":

Dear [Name Withheld],

Yesterday, the Bush-Cheney campaign, losing any last sense of decency, placed a disgusting ad called "The Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party" as the main feature on its website. Bizarrely, and without explanation, the ad places Adolf Hitler among those faces.

The Bush-Cheney campaign must pull this ad off of its website. The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong.

We sent you a fundraising plea earlier this morning. But when this came up, we decided it was important to show you just what we're up against: a presidential campaign that is willing to do or say absolutely anything to win. You're our only line of defense against these underhanded tactics. Please contribute today:

If he were a real leader, George Bush would be talking about his first-term accomplishments -- and his second-term vision for America. But he has cast aside that opportunity because he has nothing to offer except a string of broken promises and a steady stream of fear and deception.

John Kerry is talking to this country about his optimistic vision for a stronger America. By contributing, you're giving him the resources to get that vision to millions more Americans every week. Help keep up the incredible momentum of this campaign by making a donation today:

Thank you,

Mary Beth Cahill
Campaign Manager

P.S. It's hard to believe that the Bush campaign would use images of Adolf Hitler. See it for yourself:
Indeed, do see it for yourself, because here's what the ad is: It's a series of clips of Al Gore, Howard Dean, Richard Gephardt, and John Kerry making totally over-the-top denunciations of Bush. Interspersed are clips from MoveOn.Org ads comparing Bush to Hitler. The ad ends with, "This is not a time for pessimism and rage. It's a time for optimism, steadly leadership, and progress. President Bush."

In other words, Bush is criticizing his opponents for, among other things, comparing him to Hitler. In response, the Kerry Campaign sends out this incredibly dishonest email suggesting that Bush has compared his opponents to Hitler and asking for money.

Both campaigns have their share of over-the-top supporters, and I don't think it's really fair to tar Kerry with Michael Moore and MoveOn.Org. That said, it's really unfair of the Kerry Campaign to suggest that Bush is comparing Kerry supporters to Hitler, when in fact all he's doing is pointing out that Kerry supporters have compared him to Hitler.

I'm not sure whether this is malice or incompetence on the part of the Kerry Campaign -- and I suspect the answer is incompetence -- but it doesn't bode well for them either way.
If the Kerry campaign came out with an ad that showed Bush talking and then switched it over to the Hitler audio from Bush's ad, would that make it alright?
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
If the Kerry campaign came out with an ad that showed Bush talking and then switched it over to the Hitler audio from Bush's ad, would that make it alright?

It would be alright if he was just repeating audio/video that was already aired by republican supporters - for comparison purposes.

The whole reason for this ad is to show the type of ads that dem supporters were airing, and the speeches by dems, and then finishing by saying there is no room for this type of rage and pessimism. I agree with the ad in it's entirety.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
If the Kerry campaign came out with an ad that showed Bush talking and then switched it over to the Hitler audio from Bush's ad, would that make it alright?

Groups that support Kerry have been doing similar things for quite awhile. How about this:

Gore slams Bush `Brown Shirts'
By Noelle Straub
Friday, June 25, 2004

WASHINGTON - Former Vice President Al Gore yesterday unleashed another verbal assault on President Bush [related, bio], comparing him to Richard Nixon and his staff to Nazi ``Brown Shirts.''

Gore accused Bush of deliberately lying to the American people by drawing a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda in an effort to justify his administration's ``power grab.''

``So long as their big flamboyant lie remains an established fact in the public's mind, President Bush will be seen as justified in taking for himself the power to make war on his whim,'' Gore said in remarks to the American Constitution Society.

Gore also compared Bush to President Nixon, saying both held themselves ``above the law.''

``There has never been this kind of persistent and systematic abuse of the truth and institutionalization of dishonesty as a routine part of the policy process,'' he said.

The former vice president also said the administration works with ``a network of `rapid response' digital Brown Shirts'' that pressure reporters and editors, a reference to Nazi supporters of the 1930s.

He also referred to Abu Ghraib, the center of the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal, as ``the Bush Gulag.'' Gore slammed the Republican-led Congress for not standing up to Bush and claimed the administration has intimidated the media.

Republicans fired back at the attack. Ken Mehlman, chairman of Bush's re-election campaign, said Gore had delivered ``another gravely false attack.''

Jim Dyke, communications director of the Republican National Committee, also denied the charge.

``Al Gore's history of denial of the threat of terrorism is no less dangerous today in his role as John Kerry's surrogate than it was in the 1990s in his role as vice president, a time when Osama bin Laden was declaring war on the United States five different times,'' Dyke said.
Let me see if I understand this correctly

Kerry supporters are upset that President Bush and the Republicans are using an advertisement to say that Kerry supporters comparison between Bush and Hitler is low and the Kerry supporters are upset over this?
i think both the ads were stupid and do nothing for either candidate.... if BC04 were smart they would not resort to this kind of thing because basically, as the media hated gore's guts in 2000 (which helped contribute over time, culminating on election day, in a negative overall image of gore by many americans), they now hate bush's guts in 2004. going at kerry in this manner is only going to give the media ammunition to slam the bush administration some more and make them look even more far right.

i feel like a teacher (excuse me to the teacher who is here) but this is like a kid who throws a spitball knowing its wrong, then the kid he hit throwing a spitball right back in return... its dumb and inexcuseable.

whoever is running BC04 made a big boo-boo on this one. i don't care about who is right or wrong but this is not going to help BC04 at all, especially with the media.

and like it or not, the media is going to play a big role in this election, just as it did in 2000.
Originally posted by NATO AIR
i think both the ads were stupid and do nothing for either candidate.... if BC04 were smart they would not resort to this kind of thing because basically, as the media hated gore's guts in 2000 (which helped contribute over time, culminating on election day, in a negative overall image of gore by many americans), they now hate bush's guts in 2004. going at kerry in this manner is only going to give the media ammunition to slam the bush administration some more and make them look even more far right.

i feel like a teacher (excuse me to the teacher who is here) but this is like a kid who throws a spitball knowing its wrong, then the kid he hit throwing a spitball right back in return... its dumb and inexcuseable.

whoever is running BC04 made a big boo-boo on this one. i don't care about who is right or wrong but this is not going to help BC04 at all, especially with the media.

and like it or not, the media is going to play a big role in this election, just as it did in 2000.

The difference is, Bush's ad is not calling Kerry a Hitler, rather defending himself from these analogies.
Originally posted by Kathianne
The difference is, Bush's ad is not calling Kerry a Hitler, rather defending himself from these analogies.

Kath, you are assuming that everyone who watches the ads will note the similarities and differences and see the subtle messages and protests of previous. NOT. Many will assume as a previous poster did that THE GOP IS aligning Kerry with Hitler.

On first read, the above is gobbledygook huh? ONly a second read gives it any validity at all. Most media idiots and potential voters will only give the add, a first read.

Have an awesome day

Originally posted by pegwinn
Kath, you are assuming that everyone who watches the ads will note the similarities and differences and see the subtle messages and protests of previous. NOT. Many will assume as a previous poster did that THE GOP IS aligning Kerry with Hitler.

On first read, the above is gobbledygook huh? ONly a second read gives it any validity at all. Most media idiots and potential voters will only give the add, a first read.

Have an awesome day


The stupidiity of the general population cannot be held against republicans, phil.
The video was sent out to people on a mailing list. I happen to be on that mailing list. Here is the text that accompanied the video.

Dear James,

On Thursday, the campaign launched a web video titled Kerry's Coalition of the Wild-eyed. The video featured Democrats who support John Kerry making negative and baseless attacks against the President. Interspersed in the video were segments of two ads that appeared on a website sponsored by - a group campaigning for Kerry - in January.

On Friday night, John Kerry's campaign denounced our use of these ads, and called that use "disgusting."

The Kerry campaign says, "The use of Adolf Hitler by any campaign, politician or party is simply wrong."

We agree. These ads, like much of the hate-filled, angry rhetoric of Kerry's coalition of the Wild-eyed, are disgusting.

Where was John Kerry's disgust when he hired Zack Exley - the man responsible for encouraging the production of these ads as part of a MoveOn contest - to run the Kerry campaign's internet operation?
Where was John Kerry's sense of outrage when Al Gore, just yesterday afternoon, compared the Bush Administration to the Nazis saying, "The Administration works closely with a network of 'rapid response' digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for 'undermining support for our troops.'"
Where was John Kerry's anger when Al Gore in May spoke of "Bush's Gulag"?
Why has John Kerry not denounced billionaire and Democrat Party donor George Soros for comparing the Bush Administration to Nazis. Soros stated, "When I hear Bush say, 'You're either with us or against us,' it reminds me of the Germans. It conjures up memories of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind Hort mit ('The enemy is listening')."
Why has Kerry not spoken out against filmmaker Michael Moore who last October compared the Patriot Act to Mein Kampf. "The Patriot Act is the first step. 'Mein Kampf' - 'Mein Kampf' was written long before Hitler came to power."
We created this web video to show the depths to which these Kerry supporters will sink to win in November.

Is this the Democratic Party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who reassured his countrymen we have nothing to fear but fear itself?

No. This is John Kerry's Coalition of the Wild-eyed, who have nothing to offer but fear-mongering.


Ken Mehlman
Campaign Manager
I got that too. That's why I wasn't surprised to see the blowback.
Originally posted by Kathianne
I got that too. That's why I wasn't surprised to see the blowback.

I can't say it surprises me. They have latched onto everything they can through this campaign and twisted it beyond belief. Of course, what else are they going to do? Run on Kerry's record? How about emphasising Kerry's integrity? The attempts to spin the economy in their favor ran out of gas, they can't get any dirt without conspiracy theories, and Kerry the "war hero" can only rely on a small percentage of Vietnam Vets to support him. The only thing left for them to do is take an ounce of truth and create a gallon of BS.
I'm surprised that the Bush team has tried to blame the Democrats of being too negative.

The latest stat I read showed the Bush Campaign to be airing a higher percentage of negative ads than the Kerry camp.
Originally posted by menewa
I'm surprised that the Bush team has tried to blame the Democrats of being too negative.

The latest stat I read showed the Bush Campaign to be airing a higher percentage of negative ads than the Kerry camp.

Now factor in the three or four months the Dems were trashing Bush before he even threw the first counter punch, the rants by Al Gore,, and Michael Moore's so called documentary. Plus, I don't think the Bush Campaign is calling them negative so much as they are calling them trashy.
frankly i'm just tired of political ads in general, i mean i'm not taking a side, i just despise them

they are almost never true, never correct, they always just demonize or are just so full of crapola fluff it makes me want to gag

and then to imagine they spend tens of millions of dollars on the things, i'm sorry that's outrageous to me

fighting back in such a manner with such negative ads (on bush's part) smack of desperation, i've heard this from several people who don't even like kerry, again, i know a dem said this but they were right, bush should be running on his record, not running on how bad the other opponnent is... anything else is just plain desperation because it then seems your record is bad

and like i said before, the media is going to pounce on us and bush is missing his biggest booster that got him the election in 2000... the media

they helped the republicans make gore look so inept, they parroted all the lies and half-truths and negative stories about him, and they made him look stupid... meanwhile, they gave bush a literal free ride except for a few circumstances

this time around...the media can't stand bush and they've been showing that for the past 4-5 months... my god you can't turn on the tv w/o thinking the world is going to end or america is run by space monkeys

that's why i have to read about twenty magazines and listen to international news to get the real deal, some of it good, some of it bad, some of it promising to pres. bush's election hopes, some of it damaging

but anything is better than the TV news now, jesus

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