Does being black make you different?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I heard the phrase in a movie today "A big, proud, BLACK woman" from a black woman. I've heard it before. Blacks speaking proudly and boldly, always emphasizing the "black" man or "black" woman.

Just curious. Does being black in any way make you different?
I heard the phrase in a movie today "A big, proud, BLACK woman" from a black woman. I've heard it before. Blacks speaking proudly and boldly, always emphasizing the "black" man or "black" woman.

Just curious. Does being black in any way make you different?

I don't know. I think though, that a newly perceived sense of power makes most people different.
I heard the phrase in a movie today "A big, proud, BLACK woman" from a black woman. I've heard it before. Blacks speaking proudly and boldly, always emphasizing the "black" man or "black" woman.

Just curious. Does being black in any way make you different?

only when democrats need them to be.
My Mom use to say "that's such a pretty little black baby", I said "UH, would it still be pretty if it was white?". She stopped say that after saying "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT". Had a black neighbor lady I heard say "That's such a pretty little white baby". I said "UH, would it still be pretty if it was black" I never heard her say it again after saying "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT".
And yes I did knew what they meant. Context and tone of voice mean a whole lot. In the sixties 'BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL' was in vogue, along with 'BLACK PRIDE'. There was a time in OUR not too distant past that blacks were treated as a people that need not be proud, so I don't see it as anything racist or bigoted in the statement mentioned by the OP whereas, I MIGHT if someone white made the statement "I'm a proud WHITE man or woman", Because sometimes (not always) it is a statement of superiority. Whereas when a black person says "I'm a proud BLACK man or woman", it is a statement of equality". But that's just my experience. I could be wrong.
I heard the phrase in a movie today "A big, proud, BLACK woman" from a black woman. I've heard it before. Blacks speaking proudly and boldly, always emphasizing the "black" man or "black" woman.

Just curious. Does being black in any way make you different?

I heard someone say "I'm proud to be American." Does that make that person different?

People identify with who they are.
The Black race has been enslaved since time immemorial. Their best and brightest were slaughtered and thus had to be hidden away or made to pretend being slow. For them to have increased as much as they have in the short time of their gaining a choice in the matter is phenomenal. A testament to humanities strength of spirit. I only hope for a reverse Diaspora (by choice) which can only help Africa itself. The best of Africa find their true potentials elsewhere and this also drains a continent of its best.

For the Black Americans to be able to pull themselves up is poof of their human strength of character. Their commitment to America has been shown in every war America has EVER been involved. As soon as they were given a choice to fight for America, even through the hate that we sometimes see on here, was much stronger back then.

There is something else that happens when a people are subject to such enslavement and racism. Symbols and words imply this less than 'ness of attack on the spirit.

Different? Of course. Special? For some time I would say, yes, and props to you American people who elect leaders who see this specialness and their obligation to the Black Americans increase.

I think what America has done to pull up themselves for their past is amazing. The pendulum swung too far one way, but that is usually the case. From slaves to the White House? Now I am a number person. I like statistics and determinations from symbolic logic when applied to truth table functions. I wagered McCain would win. Why? I looked at the statistics since the birth of America.

The pattern was simple to me:

  • Old white guy --> Old white guy --> ... Old white guy --> (McCain)
Most certainly not:
  • Old white guy --> Old white guy --> ... Young black guy --> (Obama)


I believe that America knows not yet what effect this has had on the rest of the world. Many countries young are being shown what is possible in life and he has, on that level alone been a major change to the world.
I think verbiage like that is attempts compensate for a basic inferiority complex. It's a psychological defense mechanism, in my opinion.

If that was referring to me let me just say that I was being satirical with my full metal jacket quote, LOL. Race debates are pretty silly for the most part.
I think verbiage like that is attempts compensate for a basic inferiority complex. It's a psychological defense mechanism, in my opinion.

If that was referring to me let me just say that I was being satirical with my full metal jacket quote, LOL. Race debates are pretty silly for the most part.

Yes they are, particularly because the people who debate race the most intensely are usually the same ones who say race shouldn't matter.
Well...I'll say this. Race does not matter people are people, and people are a product of their environment. Since I grew up in Detroit, I grew up in the same environment as everybody else, there was no difference between blacks and whites we all spoke the same, had similar mannerisms, listened to similar music, did pretty much the same things, I would even say that I would fit in better in that community, then in most upper middle class Jewish communities. The problems blacks have today is the stupid liberal model of splitting people into little groups and pandering to those groups. We here in the United States are all Americans, it doesn't matter what color you are.


I believe that America knows not yet what effect this has had on the rest of the world. Many countries young are being shown what is possible in life and he has, on that level alone been a major change to the world.

Why is that Ropey? I don't see it that way; I don't care what color he is, that doesn't matter to me at all. I would not vote for a Jewish man for president simply because he is Jewish, it doesn't make any sense to me. So Obama got elected, fine and dandy, but he was elected based on a lie, it was a production; it wasn't real, In other words.. Fraud, Maybe you think the world is so impressed by his election but in my opinion, he is weakening our country, Most of our enemies don't respect or fear us anymore, what good has come of it? The "Hope and Change" crap is not, and was not ever anything real sad to say.
Well...I'll say this. Race does not matter people are people, and people are a product of their environment. Since I grew up in Detroit, I grew up in the same environment as everybody else, there was no difference between blacks and whites we all spoke the same, had similar mannerisms, listened to similar music, did pretty much the same things, I would even say that I would fit in better in that community, then in most upper middle class Jewish communities. The problems blacks have today is the stupid liberal model of splitting people into little groups and pandering to those groups. We here in the United States are all Americans, it doesn't matter what color you are.


I believe that America knows not yet what effect this has had on the rest of the world. Many countries young are being shown what is possible in life and he has, on that level alone been a major change to the world.

Why is that Ropey? I don't see it that way; I don't care what color he is, that doesn't matter to me at all. I would not vote for a Jewish man for president simply because he is Jewish, it doesn't make any sense to me. So Obama got elected, fine and dandy, but he was elected based on a lie, it was a production; it wasn't real, In other words.. Fraud, Maybe you think the world is so impressed by his election but in my opinion, he is weakening our country, Most of our enemies don't respect or fear us anymore, what good has come of it? The "Hope and Change" crap is not, and was not ever anything real sad to say.

He didn't do it Jrock.

The American people did. It's so deeper than what he could ever accomplish as a President. If he had become (or does become) the best President he will always be in that shadow of the American spirit.

How did he get there? Who put him there. That's what is truly, amazingly remarkable to me.

Ropey said:
I believe that America knows not yet what effect this has had on the rest of the world.

This is an historical perspective of mine Jroc. It might have been better had I put that more stringently. I will edit the above statement.

I believe that America knows not yet what effect this has had on the rest of the world and will not know for a few generations.

Regardless if he makes a second term. Irrespective of how much of a personal political legacy he leaves. America took a black man to the Presidency a mere hundred and forty eight years since slavery was abolished.
<snip> the people who debate race the most intensely are usually the same ones who say race shouldn't matter.
Says the guy with 2 race threads started within 24 hours of each other


Oh, but I'm not one of the one's who says it shouldn't matter. Race does matter. A lot. If it didn't, we wouldn't need all the African American Studies groups, the NAACP, La Raza, the thousands of on-campus race based associations and clubs, etc, etc, etc, etc.

I only say it matters.......because if it didn't, then why do we have all these racial associations?
Of course being Black makes you different. Being White makes you different. Being Hispanic makes you different. Being Jewish, Arab, Chinese, Samoan, Korean, Japanese makes you different. Most of those differences are cultural, some are a product of experience, and least important is the difference of appearance.

It's sort of like growing up in a family with three kids. They all grow up in a different family. One kid grows up in a family where he is the oldest, another where he is the youngest, the third right in the middle. Same family, yet each has a different experience.

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