Does anyone watch the news on ABC, NBC or CBS anymore?


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
If you do you are not getting the news. Charlie Gibson, major news anchor, had not heard of the corruption at Acorn and the resulting action by the senate. Unbelivable!! If you are still hooked on these channels, I can guarantee you, you will be left clueless.

It took 2 kids, one who acted like a pimp and one a prostitute to bring this organization down and expose the corruption that goes on with them. These two kids are amatures, they are not professional journalists or investigative reporters, just two kids who were suspicious about the goings on of these people.

FOX news is the only station that is covering this with any interest what-so-ever.

It's totally irresponsible!!!!

Where do you get your news?
Chicken Little, millions and millions and millions of Americans watch the big 3 every morning, noon and night for their daily news.

None of the cable news channels hold a candle to any SINGLE one of the Big 3's numbers at any given time.

Calm down.

What "news" do you watch...FAUXNews?
Here's your "unbiased" and "mainstream" media at work!

[ame=]YouTube - Rude MSNBC Host Attacks Peter Schiff 8/6/09 on The Ed Show[/ame]

What interviewing skills! What journalism! What social skills!
The only news channel I watch is Fox News. The rest are all liars and Obama spokespersons.
If you do you are not getting the news. Charlie Gibson, major news anchor, had not heard of the corruption at Acorn and the resulting action by the senate. Unbelivable!! If you are still hooked on these channels, I can guarantee you, you will be left clueless.

It took 2 kids, one who acted like a pimp and one a prostitute to bring this organization down and expose the corruption that goes on with them. These two kids are amatures, they are not professional journalists or investigative reporters, just two kids who were suspicious about the goings on of these people.

FOX news is the only station that is covering this with any interest what-so-ever.

It's totally irresponsible!!!!

Where do you get your news?
I don't like any of them, including FOX. While it's the least offensive, that isn't saying anything. I'll stick with bloggers and read hit and miss from msm, which FOX is part of.
Imagine, if you will, where ACORN would be if the main stream media outlets had invested half the time investigating the allegations against this criminal organization as they did trying to link Jack Abramoff to Bush. Just imagine...
interesting how not a single other news outlet has a single report on Acorn except for Fox...
That was O'Donnell doing hard-hitting journalism, challenging the speaker to defend his lies and propaganda. Which he couldn't.
interesting how not a single other news outlet has a single report on Acorn except for Fox...

That goes to show the level of Moonbattiness that resides on FOXNews.

Forever screaming at the walls, making mountains out of molehills.
Thats why he's making more money than you will ever see in two lifetimes dude.

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