Does anyone here have a solution to corruption or just your stinking candidate from


Nov 17, 2011
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?
Does anyone here have a solution to corruption

Vote Democrat.

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Does anyone here have a solution to corruption

Vote Democrat.

By all means give up your Freedoms, and vote Democrat. That way the Government can cradle to grave you with other people's money just like Oblamo's Julia... At least of course, until the other people's money runs out.
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Vote for Gary Johnson.
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
I bounce you back to the OP:
They all talk nice, but what proof can we have, what insurance, what warantee on their promises?
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

The only way I see that you can curtail, not stop Corruption is through a combination of Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform of some kind.

Only that you should assume the worst not the best. When Bush said "no Nation Building" you should have been able to see through that, and understand Nation Building was Inevitable.

When Obama says you will be able to keep your Doctor, or I wont raise your Taxes, You should be able to see through that as well.
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

This is going to be a hard fought election. I would suggest that you look at the record of the president and the Republican candidate. Decide if you are happy with the economy and job reports. Look at the ads that each campaign is producing for their campaigns and check with fact check and news agencies to see if they are credible ads.

Check their websites for their plans for the future. What promises have they made in the past and did they live up to most of those promises. Good luck my friend, you are in the same boat most of us are in. :)
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
I bounce you back to the OP:
They all talk nice, but what proof can we have, what insurance, what warantee on their promises?


But when they break those promises they should be voted out. That's where "we the people" keep failing. We forget, or even excuse, their lies so we can justify voting for them again. All in the name of the beating the other party.
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Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
Supporting either major candidate is just throwing your vote away.

You know how I know Gary Johnson would be a good President? His platform would earn him an assassins bullet. Same as Ron Paul.

That's how I know.
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
Supporting either major candidate is just throwing your vote away.

You know how I know Gary Johnson would be a good President? His platform would earn him an assassins bullet. Same as Ron Paul.

That's how I know.

He won't be a good President because he will NEVER be President. Next?
This thread sounds like the average age is very young, very idealistic. like elections make any difference. There is no answer, there is no panacea, there is no perfect government. Maybe we should try the "genius" of the "Natural Law Party"? John Hagelin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Otherwise it the same old DC whores selling us out to whoever has the biggest bribes. The Chinese call it "Moneybag Politics". The only problem is that the amplitudes between patrties is getting larger and larger. After WW2 we were either moderate or slightly conservative. Now we have the Ultra-right against the Ultra-Left. It's bound to get very ugly unless we get back to the center.
Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
Supporting either major candidate is just throwing your vote away.

You know how I know Gary Johnson would be a good President? His platform would earn him an assassins bullet. Same as Ron Paul.

That's how I know.

He won't be a good President because he will NEVER be President. Next?

So what's your answer? Should we just be like the rest of the sheep and keep voting for the same corrupt assholes? Hoping that this time they learned their lesson, or by some miracle things will be different?
Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
Supporting either major candidate is just throwing your vote away.

You know how I know Gary Johnson would be a good President? His platform would earn him an assassins bullet. Same as Ron Paul.

That's how I know.

He won't be a good President because he will NEVER be President. Next?
Blind allegiance to Party is the reason we get sh*t candidates every election.

Americans should be steering the Parties yet we get steered by them every time.

Stop obeying and falling in line Willow.
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

The only way I see that you can curtail, not stop Corruption is through a combination of Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform of some kind.

Only that you should assume the worst not the best. When Bush said "no Nation Building" you should have been able to see through that, and understand Nation Building was Inevitable.

When Obama says you will be able to keep your Doctor, or I wont raise your Taxes, You should be able to see through that as well.
What kind? I know you do not like kind, too pure or something. care to describe what kind?
Accusations for one of the two sides is flying like from a machinegun in the world of politics. and what can be easier then to accuse each other when both sides are scum. But I've been deceived in 2000 by Bush who promissed no nation building, and I have no one to vote for, I can not trust another politician telling the same old lies about how he's just going to leave people alone.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

This is going to be a hard fought election. I would suggest that you look at the record of the president and the Republican candidate. Decide if you are happy with the economy and job reports. Look at the ads that each campaign is producing for their campaigns and check with fact check and news agencies to see if they are credible ads.

Check their websites for their plans for the future. What promises have they made in the past and did they live up to most of those promises. Good luck my friend, you are in the same boat most of us are in. :)
We're in the same boat yes, and we're all using same goggles to find candidates also
Vote for Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson 2012
I bounce you back to the OP:
They all talk nice, but what proof can we have, what insurance, what warantee on their promises?


But when they break those promises they should be voted out. That's where "we the people" keep failing. We forget, or even excuse, their lies so we can justify voting for them again. All in the name of the beating the other party.
If on the establishment media they will put up a man with one criminal record against a man with multiple criminal records, a criminal may end up wining. such is the case with demo republic rat circus, even if they will throw in another third party candidate. problem is us being too comfortable in front of television

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