Does Amendment One Appply To Black Clergy, E. G. MLK, Jr & Great Prophet Rev. Wright?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Four Score and Seven Times Thirty-Six Yards Away, more or less, our fathers brought forth upon the Washington, D. C. mall an even greater Abomination than the Lincoln Memorial! How could this be, no one asks(?)!

In the United States, Rev. MLK, Jr., is either a theologian or he is not. Since scholarship tends to show how the new theology could fit the Black Liberation movement of an SLC(?): The religious theologian, with doctor of divinity degree to boot is some nature of clergy, with a church, like the recently Predator Pope, the cardinals and biships. . .and of course, Great Prophet, Rev. Jeremiah Wright of South Chicago. The Greater Prophet actually preached the abomination of the U. S. financial system, while others slept(?): If not necessarily through it! Foreclosures became commonplace. Bail-Outs became greater in scope than the Tower of Babel. The theological implications were made clear. There was abomination in attenpts at extracting usury from the poor.

The Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr.- Articles-

I myself have a distanct cousin who actually met, and learned from Ghandi, the famous living fakir, fabled in Prime Minister Winston Churchill's various and memorable fantasies. "Moral Jiu Jitsu" is an applied concept of the Quaker, even put into a book. There is no memorial made to the book. Quakers tend to be shy on the matter of formal clergy at any rate. Women, for example, have been able to be church leaders from day one, for over 350 years.

Some came to Philadelphia, PA, even after my own people, from 1683 time-frame. We brought no particular human trade along with us. My own grandfather could comment of his famous neighbor to the North, William Randolph Hearst, of San Simon castle: "The sonofabitch just wanted to build a goddamned monument to himself!" Quaker sermons are also, famously short: But we learn a lot, about high-minded people!

Reverend Jeremiah Wright would come later, after 1787, to show the planet the general error of the apostasy that because a nation-state. Bankers extracting usury from the poor, ARM's sold to the rich as comfortable investment assets.

Mostly, Amendment One is not supportive of U. S. government embracement of religion. Embracement neither of Governor Perry's religion, Rev. Jeremiah Wright's religion, the abomination of Sidwell Friends School, contrasted with The D. C. public schools: None of those merit federal monuments or support--though expression of each is permitted. Jesus is famously shown to have commented unfavorably on the Laws of Moses, in crucifix art: But not with any federal support!

The federal embracement in the birthday calendar is improper law aa policy on its own. Now there is a monument to a particular theology: Unless it is not. . .since none of those kinds of people. . . .can at all be regarded. . . .deitiies or religious(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(No Monument to Great Spirit of Many Nations is shown in any birthday calendar! Many must guess: Probably Unitarians! Great Spirit not interfere too much in religious practices!)
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"Arty" people are more famous for their azimuths than are most people!

We have had the economic "preservative" of the Obama Administration so far, and so soon there will be an actualy "stimulus" proposed. Adults might call the economy so far a large dose of Vaseline, awaiting a milder "intervention," or some such conept. Rep. Frank can famously explain to his constituents as that now, "The Federal City now knows about these matters for all peoples, too."

Anyone might guess that even a monument to Marilyn Monroe in Chicago, would be outclassed by that kind of monumnet to "Hope and Change."

No one seems to notice that an unwarranted amount of federal money and attention is getting devoted to only one allegedly divine point of view?! Soon we are to have a monument to the birds and the locusts of Utah--doing whatever it is they do?

Reverend Jeremiah likely understands better the natue of "human freedom," on the planet. Even the Presidential Model of government is now being viewed less favorably than the more sophisticated parliamentary model, for example. That is happening in the bond rating services.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Many young braves go to wild ponies in decency Great Spirit intended--not to dump pollution in Boston Harbor!)

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