DOD Green Energy Project to Pay Off in 447 Years = WTF


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

DOD Green Energy Project to Pay Off in 447 Years

December 07, 2012

In a mind-boggling example of government waste, it will take the U.S. Navy an astounding 447 years to benefit from a costly green-energy project that’s supposed to save money by lowering utility bills.

Like many other failed renewable energy experiments, the Navy project was funded with money from President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus, the fraud-infested disaster that was supposed to jump start the economy and put Americans back to work. Instead, big chunks of money have gone to wasteful projects, including green energy ventures like the northern California solar panel company (Solyndra) that folded after bilking taxpayers out of $535 million.


DOD Green Energy Project to Pay Off in 447 Years | Judicial Watch

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