Doctor Doom: Modernism Mystery


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a civilization-idealism vignette involving Batman (DC Comics) and Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics) and inspired by the industrialization-anxiety film The Toxic Avenger.



Batman was America's favorite masked urban vigilante, prowling the city streets of Gotham on weekend-evenings (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and tackling the most dangerous anti-social elements of society exhibiting extreme forms of criminal insanity. Batman dealt with 'terrorists' who manipulated peoples' sense of panic and temptation to exploit capitalism/consumerism in the name of revolution. These 'crazies' were nothing less than maddening.

Batman was looking over his notes about his interviews with the criminally-insane terrorists Scarecrow and Penguin at Arkham Asylum (the incarceration center where these ghouls were 'kept' for inspection and hopefully some kind of rehabilitation). Batman was pleased that Arkham was considered the penultimate institution for the treatment of pure evil, and he was content he was doing what was necessary to uphold democracy and defend the 'qualities' of social order, peaceful commerce, and of course vital consumerism (e.g., Wall Street, Burger King, etc.).

Batman was secretly Gotham's wealthy inheriting-son and socialite-businessman Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Industries which was involved in nuclear weapons disarmament negotiations between scientists and politicians, textiles manufacturing in Third World nations, clean coal technologies development in South Africa, continental trade between USA, Canada, and Mexico, and of course software development for the U.S. military. Bruce/Batman was sitting in his Wayne headquarters office one day when he noticed a very strange Gotham Gazette news-story.

"Gothamites flee in terror as a mysterious new nemesis calling himself 'Doctor Doom' breaks into the Gotham aquarium carrying explosives and flees with a very rare small goldfish which the aquarium acquired from Japan in a lucrative and high-profile eco-preservation initiative regarding marine-life! Doctor Doom left a note for the authorities which read, 'I challenge Gotham's masked vigilante Batman to debate with me about the value of espousing commerce in a world where profiteerism has created many forms of industrialization waste'!"

BATMAN: Why did you commit an act of 'eco-terrorism,' Doom?
DOOM: My real name is Eric, but you may call me 'Doctor Doom,' Batman! You know 'why'...
BATMAN: No, I want to hear your straightforward words.
DOOM: Eco-terrorism is simply a 'method' for conveying an interest in revolution!
BATMAN: How does creating more panic generate any comfort for people craving reform?
DOOM: What you call 'eco-terrorism' I simply term 'Machiavellianism.'
BATMAN: America's youth should not believe terrorism is the best method for reform...
DOOM: When you turn on the television, are you 'giddy' about bureaucracy?
BATMAN: No, but terrorism creates fear and mistrust, and no one is above the law.
DOOM: When a woman is raped, many empathize with her rage towards the justice system.
BATMAN: The legal system is fraught with problems, which makes citizens crave punishment.
DOOM: Yet when marine-life is endangered because of capitalism, it's considered 'rational.'
BATMAN: Americans have faith in Wall Street and don't want to be reminded of 9/11.
DOOM: When the World Trade Center was destroyed, everyone meditated on anarchy!
BATMAN: Anarchy/terrorism are signs of frustration, not creativity...
DOOM: You misunderstand consumerism; citizens pine for's natural.
BATMAN: There are ways to address 'sociological gluttony' while avoid terrorism.
DOOM: Wouldn't you admit that my 'insanity' is romantic (e.g., Bonnie and Clyde)?
BATMAN: Eco-terrorism is 'romantic,' since laymen are fatigued by bureaucracy (it's natural).
DOOM: In other words, I am a 'Devil's Advocate' for stirring 'reform dialogue.'
BATMAN: Arkham psychiatrists are willing to listen to your concerns regarding 'human frailty.'
DOOM: Perhaps what we need for our consumerism-culture is more 'faith' in psychiatry...
BATMAN: I suppose you're correct; Arkham will rehabilitate your 'patriotism.'
DOOM: I don't want to be remembered as a 'commercial puppet' of modernism.



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