Do you think obama will help al-Qaeda anymore like he did in Libya?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
obama has a lot of explaining to do about this.

Libyan Rebels Accused of "Ethnic Cleansing," Black Genocide

The al-Qaeda-linked rebels’ campaign of racist terror began shortly after the Benghazi uprising in February. More than a few videos surfaced on the internet in the early months of the conflict showing brutal lynchings and beheadings while Western-backed rebels cheered.

But as insurgent forces solidify their grip over most of Libya, the race-based persecution is quickly intensifying. Entire cities and towns formerly occupied by blacks have been ethnically cleansed and destroyed.

Libyan Rebels Accused of "Ethnic Cleansing," Black Genocide
God i hope not, but anything's possible. Ole Hitlery Clinton was out there last week claiming Syria had those dreaded WMD's. So nothing would surprise me at this point.
The foreign policy of Bush and Obama helps Al-Qaeda, so of course he will.

The last thing our gov't wants is for Al-Qaeda to go away, we need a boogeyman to blame all the messes we make on. We need Al-Qaeda around to make it look like we aren't warmongering for other reasons (oil, other treasures, power, submission, world dominance).
Great foreign policy you are working with obama.

Obama does not want his foreign policy to succeed in making America stronger.

Obama is a Marxist!

He will give our tax dollars away to anybody....just to weaken the US economy. He does not care if the rebels kill innocent people or engage in genocide.
Great foreign policy you are working with obama.

Obama does not want his foreign policy to succeed in making America stronger.

Obama is a Marxist!

He will give our tax dollars away to anybody....just to weaken the US economy. He does not care if the rebels kill innocent people or engage in genocide.

So marxiist doctrine dictates that the leader should give away all the nations money?
Great foreign policy you are working with obama.

Obama does not want his foreign policy to succeed in making America stronger.

Obama is a Marxist!

He will give our tax dollars away to anybody....just to weaken the US economy. He does not care if the rebels kill innocent people or engage in genocide.

When talking about the rebels let's clear one thing up right now. They aren't rebels they are Al-Qaeda
Great foreign policy you are working with obama.

Obama does not want his foreign policy to succeed in making America stronger.

Obama is a Marxist!

He will give our tax dollars away to anybody....just to weaken the US economy. He does not care if the rebels kill innocent people or engage in genocide.

When talking about the rebels let's clear one thing up right now. They aren't rebels they are Al-Qaeda

tell that to the natives of the Americas and the onslot of Europeans.
Great foreign policy you are working with obama.

Obama does not want his foreign policy to succeed in making America stronger.

Obama is a Marxist!

He will give our tax dollars away to anybody....just to weaken the US economy. He does not care if the rebels kill innocent people or engage in genocide.

So marxiist doctrine dictates that the leader should give away all the nations money?

Al-Qaeda is the enemy obama helped in Libya. Now Al-Qaeda is turning it's guns against the people of Libya.
Obama does not want his foreign policy to succeed in making America stronger.

Obama is a Marxist!

He will give our tax dollars away to anybody....just to weaken the US economy. He does not care if the rebels kill innocent people or engage in genocide.

When talking about the rebels let's clear one thing up right now. They aren't rebels they are Al-Qaeda

tell that to the natives of the Americas and the onslot of Europeans.
apples to oranges. Which doesn't explain why obama helped America's enemy Al-Qaeda in Libya
obama has a lot of explaining to do about this.

Libyan Rebels Accused of "Ethnic Cleansing," Black Genocide

The al-Qaeda-linked rebels’ campaign of racist terror began shortly after the Benghazi uprising in February. More than a few videos surfaced on the internet in the early months of the conflict showing brutal lynchings and beheadings while Western-backed rebels cheered.

But as insurgent forces solidify their grip over most of Libya, the race-based persecution is quickly intensifying. Entire cities and towns formerly occupied by blacks have been ethnically cleansed and destroyed.

Libyan Rebels Accused of "Ethnic Cleansing," Black Genocide

No one has helped al Qaeda more then Republicans. Just the FACT that Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him proves it. I've already explained how Republicans bringing down the economy and dividing the nation has caused more damage than al Qaeda ever could. I sometimes wonder if Republicans are getting their instructions from al Qaeda, for all the damage they've done and all the Americans maimed and killed.

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