Do you support euthanasia?

I'm for choice. I would NEVER force my views on assisted suicide/euthanasia on someone who is dying and begging to be put out of their misery. Anyone would would force someone to stay alive because of their own personal beliefs is FUCKED UP! And should re-check what their morals are.
Euthanasia (mercy killing) and assisted suicide are actually, by my understanding, two different things.

Euthanasia is someone else making the decision to put another being (whether that other being is human or animal) out of its misery. While assisted suicide is the person who is dieing makes the decision to die gracefully with the help of someone else, usually a doctor. .

Euthanasia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Euthanasia suicide mercy-killing right-to-die physician assisted suicide living wills research - Frequently Asked Questions

9. Wouldn't euthanasia and assisted suicide only be at a patient's request?

No. As one of their major goals, euthanasia proponents seek to have euthanasia and assisted suicide considered "medical treatment." If one accepts the notion that euthanasia or assisted suicide is a good medical treatment, then it would not only be inappropriate, but discriminatory, to deny this good treatment to a person solely because that person is too young or mentally incapacitated to request it.

You might notice in the link that euthanasia AND assisted suicide are listed separately

As far as I am concerned those who deliberately attempt to tie the two together are being dishonest. Note: I am not saying that is what Wry Catcher is doing here.

I do not support euthanasia. As for assisted suicide, well, I'm a little bit quesy on that especially after going through my dad's cancer two months ago. He did not go that route, but had he chosen to, I could have understood.


If you put it that way--Euthanasia is wrong. Suicide and assisted suicide OK.
Sarah Palin's recent assertion aside, do you support assisted suicide? Isn't the right to die with dignity, at the time YOU choose, and without pain a basic right?

I support physician assisted suicide as long as it follows the Oregon model where there is a process and a patient's right to choose is paramount.

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