Do you still have a car with these features?

My hub's car has manual windows (I still enjoy rolling a car window up/down) and key lock doors like dill's. And it has brakes. Know what brakes are good for? STOPPING, which is what my husband should have done before he rear ended the car in front of him coming home from work tonight! He is fine, the car is very, very sad. Oh crap.

LOL at motorized antennae and floor-mounted headlight dimmer switches. My first car (good times!!) had the latter.
My wife's car has a sunglasses holder in the ceiling, but it doesn't have a separate compartment for the remote control garage door opener!

Can you believe that we actually still have to clip the garage door opener onto the passenger visor??? That's why I don't drive her car very often.
We still have casettes and even a few eight tracks around. No players in the cars though.
My current P/U has the dimmer switch on the floor, but my last one didn' I went to the salvage yard, bought one and installed it. :eusa_shhh:

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