Do you really WANT to rock-the democrat & repulican party aka Governement--then do it


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
While all of us--republicans & democrats that are so ticked off about this ridiculous wasteful spendng that you have been reading about all over these boards. Our elected officials on both sides of the isle are at fault. They continually ignore our telephone calls, our e-mails & our letters. So strike back in a manner in which they will finally notice.

Drop your party status from republican or democrat to independent. Then e-mail your elected officials & tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections.

Then--we will get this run-a-away big spending government under control. Put a pox on both their houses.

"When government can give you everything you want--it can also take everything you have"--Thomas Jefferson
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While all of us--republicans & democrats that are so ticked off about this ridiculous wasteful spendng that you have been reading about all over these boards. Our elected officials on both sides of the isle are at fault. They continually ignore our telephone calls, our e-mails & our letters. So strike back in a manner in which they will finally notice.

Drop your party status from republican or democrat to independent. Then e-mail your elected officials & tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections.

Then--we will get this run-a-away big spending government under control. Put a pox on both their houses.

"When government can give you everything you want--it can also take everything you have"--Thomas Jefferson

Good point Oreo, change to independent, they seem to be more worried about the independent vote than either the democrat or republican vote. That's what you always hear reported anyway.
While all of us--republicans & democrats that are so ticked off about this ridiculous wasteful spendng that you have been reading about all over these boards. Our elected officials on both sides of the isle are at fault. They continually ignore our telephone calls, our e-mails & our letters. So strike back in a manner in which they will finally notice.

Drop your party status from republican or democrat to independent. Then e-mail your elected officials & tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections.

Then--we will get this run-a-away big spending government under control. Put a pox on both their houses.

"When government can give you everything you want--it can also take everything you have"--Thomas Jefferson

Good point Oreo, change to independent, they seem to be more worried about the independent vote than either the democrat or republican vote. That's what you always hear reported anyway.

That's just it--no one can tell which way an independent is leaning. Meaning the more of us--the bigger threat we pose.

Especially--if we contact our current representatives & notify them of our change of party status & inform them that we will be supporting a tea party candidate or an endorsement from them---:lol::lol:

Enough of us do it--I doubt we'll have any congressman or senator that will plug in 2.7 million in any bill for a surgery center in outer space--without losing some sleep over it--:lol::lol:

The only thing those dickweeds will understand is a general tax revolt.

The sooner the better.

It's coming--it's already started. It's called the tea party movement. You can join in by changing your political status to independent.

Again-- "a pox on both houses" Democrat & Republican.
Or I can cancel my voter registration altogether.

Yes you can--but if you want to scare the crap out of your elected representatives who have been ignoring you--it would be better to change your status to independent--because they actually pay attention to that.
HIt em in the head with a shoe works too.
Preferably a steel toe.

The ONLY thing republicans & democrats pay attention to during election years is the INDEPENDENT vote--because independents & the way they vote is what wins elections.

Change your party status to independent & scare the crap out of both of them.

Then maybe they will think twice about adding pork to a spending bill.
Or I can cancel my voter registration altogether.

Yes you can--but if you want to scare the crap out of your elected representatives who have been ignoring you--it would be better to change your status to independent--because they actually pay attention to that.

I review and change my registration about once a year. I register based on which primary I want to vote in for whatever reason. Either see one defeated or win.
Or I can cancel my voter registration altogether.

Yes you can--but if you want to scare the crap out of your elected representatives who have been ignoring you--it would be better to change your status to independent--because they actually pay attention to that.

I review and change my registration about once a year. I register based on which primary I want to vote in for whatever reason. Either see one defeated or win.

ALL STATES--should let independents vote in Primaries. Many do, other's don't. It's ridiculous. An independent voter should be able to vote for anyone they dam well choose & be able to cast a vote for any party.

It's time the American public choose their candidates--not based on party--but based on their choice.

Our forefather who wrote the U.S. constitution were not referred to as Democrat or Republicans--they were Americans & that's where we need to get back to.

Changing your status from Democrat or Republican to Independent--is a real vote for bi-partinship--something that has been lacking in our federal government for the last 2 decades.
Or I can cancel my voter registration altogether.

Oreo has a good point. Best way to scare both parties.... go indie!

And for those of a mind to slap both parties until they listen, telling them that we will vote for the candidates endorsed by the Taxed Enough Already Party will be hard to ignore. The more that do it, the more chance of forcing politicians - of both sides - to listen.

Personally, I'm always up for annoying the crap outta the DC dickheads.
ALL STATES--should let independents vote in Primaries. Many do, other's don't. It's ridiculous. An independent voter should be able to vote for anyone they dam well choose & be able to cast a vote for any party.

It's time the American public choose their candidates--not based on party--but based on their choice.

Our forefather who wrote the U.S. constitution were not referred to as Democrat or Republicans--they were Americans & that's where we need to get back to.

Changing your status from Democrat or Republican to Independent--is a real vote for bi-partinship--something that has been lacking in our federal government for the last 2 decades.

Why would Republicans want non-Republicans determining who their candidate should be? :eusa_eh:
Why would Democrats want non-Democrats determining who their candidate should be? :eusa_eh:

Sorry, but I think it should be up to the political parties and up to the citizens of the Several States to decide what's appropriate for them. Personally, I prefer the closed primary I have in my own state. I don't want a bunch of liberals deciding my candidate's fate.

There's been alot of talk about putting a third party together. But at this time, I see it as benefiting Socialist Democrats and not Conservatives, Constitutionalists, or Republicans.
There are only two choices in basic ideology... Individualism (Liberty) or Collectivism. Dividing the Liberty vote allows the Collectivists to stay in power.

We needn't throw the baby out with the bath water in order to put RINOs out of business. A better plan would be to run meaningful primaries and to work hard for Campaign Finance Reform. Career politicians, when left to their own devices, will build networks over the course of time, growing corruption as they go. Party affiliation doesn't make a difference if the system itself is a corrupting influence. We fix the system by putting a barrier between public service and CASH. Corporate and special interest groups can't corrupt government, when they can't buy in.

Remove the profit-motive in public service and the system will no longer serve corruption.

To do that, we need to break the unwritten Rule of Incumbency. We need a "newby" Congress that will be willing set limits on itself. A seasoned Congress will NEVER downsize its own power.
While all of us--republicans & democrats that are so ticked off about this ridiculous wasteful spendng that you have been reading about all over these boards. Our elected officials on both sides of the isle are at fault. They continually ignore our telephone calls, our e-mails & our letters. So strike back in a manner in which they will finally notice.

Drop your party status from republican or democrat to independent. Then e-mail your elected officials & tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections.

Then--we will get this run-a-away big spending government under control. Put a pox on both their houses.

"When government can give you everything you want--it can also take everything you have"--Thomas Jefferson

I was with you up to here:
"& tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections."

What is the platform of the "Tea Party"? Who leads them?
The words, liberty, freedom, and responsibility are lost on those that represent us these day's. Take your choice I don't care which party you belong too. If your a Democrat your party most likely abandoned the principles that it ran on even just one year ago, and ask yourself this, the party that stood side by side and defended a womens right to choose, those that represent it now, would in the name of getting re-elected take that same right away though mandates to purchase healthcare. The Republican party, for years championed itself as the stewards of small Govt. and fiscal responsibility and promised it's members that they would be strong on defense and yet. in the last several years entered into 2 wars, and at the same time fought those wars on the cheap, closing bases and outsourcing anything they could get and free spending to the point where it was hard to tell if the R meant D and the D meant R. The words of our constitution begin with the words " WE THE PEOPLE" not WE THE CONGRESS and sometimes they forget that it is they who are our employees not the other way around . Many in congress ignore the needs of the people they represent and vote for issues take your pick against the will of the very people they represent, and until such time as those people fire those employee's they will continue to ignore the will of those that put them there.
While all of us--republicans & democrats that are so ticked off about this ridiculous wasteful spendng that you have been reading about all over these boards. Our elected officials on both sides of the isle are at fault. They continually ignore our telephone calls, our e-mails & our letters. So strike back in a manner in which they will finally notice.

Drop your party status from republican or democrat to independent. Then e-mail your elected officials & tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections.

Then--we will get this run-a-away big spending government under control. Put a pox on both their houses.

"When government can give you everything you want--it can also take everything you have"--Thomas Jefferson

I was with you up to here:
"& tell them that you will be supporting the tea party candidate--& all of their endorsements for elections."

What is the platform of the "Tea Party"? Who leads them?

amazing how a sheep can be in the middle of the flock and think they are independent of it.
The only way any politician will pay attention is if they see evidence of your efforts for the opposition... and if your efforts draw in others... switching party affiliation or simply voting for a non-viable candidate in some independent party will do nothing to change them or what is going on... But if you do follow thru and raise funds, be prominent in functions, are visible, and make strides for an opposition candidate in a primary that fits your beliefs and has appeal to a significant group of others like you, you will either see change with a change in the political guard, or change in the person you opposed with the realization that something has to be done to appease your stances else their job is going to continually be in jeapordy
Who is at fault? We the people are for demanding goodies from our government whether it be local, state or federal. The politicians have been only too eager to satisfy us if we only vote them into office.

There used to be a comic strip called Pogo. Pogo once famously said "we have met the enemy and it is us!". Learn from this the next time a politician promises you something, and ask where is the money coming from?
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