Do you really think Bush is a conservative?

Aside from the war on terror, just how conservative is George Bush?

He gives 15 billion in foriegn aid to Africa to "help fight AIDS".

The only time he's ever addressed the immigration issue, was earlier this year when he proposed amnesty for working illegals. That's it. That's his plan.

He fought a tiny fight against affirmative action with the University of Michigan. And lost once it hit the supreme court. Never again to bring it up.

Oh these three fronts, the issues I feel strongest about, he hasn't made a shit's bit of difference. I want a president who is going to end affirmative action for good, stop illegal immigration and deport all illegals plus make them uneligible for any social services or assistance, and abolish all foriegn aid. If Bush gets re-elected it's just going to be more of the same....Nothing....No change. But if Kerry gets elected it'll get way worse. So, either way, I'm screwed. But for a minute let's just take the time out to admit to ourselves that Bush is not truly conservative on any of these issues. Because if he was he would do a helluva lot more about them then he has. Sorry, Bush your not getting my vote. I'm gonna sit this one out. I refuse to vote for the "lessor of two evils". That's because I don't want them thinking I approve of his lame work so far.

Honestly, I think Bush is a good man. But he has really let me down on the issues I care about most:
Illegal immigration
Foriegn Aid
Affirmative Action

Why in the hell should I vote for him then?!:confused:
I'm going to vote for Bush specifically because of his stance on immigration. BTW those 3 issues you say you feel so passionately about, your views will never see the light of day.

We will never stop giving foriegn aid
We will not stop immigration, legal or illegal
We will always have something setup so racists such as yourself cannot discriminate at will against minorities

Originally posted by OCA
I'm going to vote for Bush specifically because of his stance on immigration. BTW those 3 issues you say you feel so passionately about, your views will never see the light of day.

We will never stop giving foriegn aid
We will not stop immigration, legal or illegal
We will always have something setup so racists such as yourself cannot discriminate at will against minorities


Reminded me of this article I read this winter:

Is Bush a Conservative?
by Tom DeWeese
09 February 2004

The White House is so seriously out of tune with its political base one wonders how President Bush thinks he will be re-elected.

The great problem affecting Americans these days is a mixture of apathy and anger over the growing realization that nothing they say or do matters. It is a growing sense of hopelessness as government spirals out of control and beyond their reach.

What they see is a White House (1) that wants to loan $1.2 billion to the United Nations to renovate its headquarters in New York, (2) that signed agreements with India to accelerate the export of jobs, (3) that has proposed that Mexicans, here illegally, who take jobs from Americans, be granted a status that will lead to amnesty, (4) that has signed off on a profligate Medicare prescription drug plan that balloons this massive social program, (5) that offered a budget so packed with pork it promises an ever-growing deficit, and (6) that thinks it is the federal government’s job to encourage marriage.

It is a White House that (7) has totally taken control of education from states, cities and communities, and (8) is requesting more than $1.3 billion -- up $22.6 million from last year -- to underwrite still further efforts to “conserve” more land, taking the power of communities and owners of private property to determine what to do with their land. It is a White House so seriously out of tune with its political base one wonders how it can think it will be re-elected.

These are just a few examples of how totally off the rails the Republican train has become in the eyes of its own Party members. Many of its leaders, meeting in Philadelphia in early February, spent a behind-doors session grilling Karl Rove, President Bush’s political advisor, telling him “our constituents are upset.” At an earlier gathering of GOP big whigs, the former chairman of the Party, Haley Barbour, warned them that the November election was going to be close. Just to make sure they understood what he was telling them, he repeated himself.

A President and a Party get elected and reelected based as much on what they are for as what they are against. A lot of Republicans and independents who lean in their direction are against Big Government and Big Spending. Since 2000 that is all the Bush administration has given them and many are in a state of insurrection, desperately trying to get the White House to understand this is not what they voted for.

Does the White House need to be reminded how narrow their last victory was? Do they need to be reminded that they are in office only because the Supreme Court gave them an Electoral College victory, not a victory by the popular vote?

Instead, the entire tone of the White House since taking office has been one of hubris and secrecy. Were it not for 9-11, this President would have long since been abandoned by his constituency and, even with that awful event and all it portends for national security, it may not be enough for a second term.

Still, the White House argues that the economy is on the rebound and, if one looks at events on Wall Street, housing sales, and other economic indicators, such a case can be made, but what is being ignored is (1) the huge debt Americans, old and young, have individually as they struggle to pay rising property taxes, (2) meet the demands of an income tax that takes more than forty percent of their earnings, and (3) pay the countless hidden taxes on everything that affects their daily lives.

As (4) jobs disappear to nations where wages are so much lower than ours, (5) as our manufacturing base decreases, as (6) our agricultural interests reap more government financial support, as (7) more and more jobs in America become “service”, i.e., low-paying Mc-jobs, and (8) as the most important segment of our economy, entrepreneurs and small retailers, are strangled with endless mandates, ordinary people who vote are asking themselves if this White House understands or cares about their problems.

If the economy, despite all the talk of its health and growth, isn’t enough to still the fears of Americans, the nation’s education system hits every home where children are passing through it. The Bush administration signed off on “Leave No Child Behind,” a huge, socialist plan designed by arch-liberal Senator Teddy Kennedy, that is now being criticized for its one-size-fits-all mandate that requires the same tests for urban or rural schools, large or small. Neither school administrators, nor teachers, joined by a growing chorus of citizens saddled with huge property taxes, deem this program appropriate to the need to reform an educational system that fails to provide adequate instruction in even the most basic skills.

Worse yet, the Bush administration is now sponsoring a United Nations curriculum designed to deny the sovereignty of the United States, teaching a “citizen of the world” philosophy. In another social area, schools continue to ignore an “abstinence” message in favor of lessons in sexuality that grant equality to all forms of sex. The use of drugs like Ritalin to control children continues unabated. Schools are no longer safe zones and even the daily pledge of allegiance is disputed in the courts.

While most Americans grasp the need to fight the worldwide Islamic Jihad threatening our nation and the West, concerns about nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq will continue to worry them despite our evident successes in regime change in those nations.

In a nation that remains sharply divided, the Republican Party and the White House have abandoned the very principles that drew people increasingly to its ranks. Half or more of all Americans no longer even bother to vote and, if disaffected Republicans and Independents stay home on Election Day in November, George W. Bush will become, as his father before him, a one-term President.

Are there differences between the Republican and Democrat Parties? Yes, but the line has been so blurred by the policies and actions of the White House, a rising tide of distress is being expressed from within the Party and may well be reflected in a new administration in January 2005, one that will win because too many are asking, “Is Bush listening? Is Bush a conservative?”

Tom DeWeese is publisher and editor of The DeWeese Report and president of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, VA.

Not to mention, Bush turned an annual surplus of $167 billion into an annual deficit of over $400 billion.
gee flasher, this has been your complaint all along, right? Bush is not conservative enough.

He's a pragmatic conservative. Sadly, true conservatism is dead. The lefties have gotten people too addicted to services and government. The entitlement mindset has been implanted in far too many. The republicans are just trying to protect the legitimate role of the private sector in the new modern superstate everyone seems to want so much.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
gee flasher, this has been your complaint all along, right? Bush is not conservative enough.

He's a pragmatic conservative. Sadly, true conservatism is dead. The lefties have gotten people too addicted to services and government. The entitlement mindset has been implanted in far too many. The republicans are just trying to protect the legitimate role of the private sector in the new modern superstate everyone seems to want so much.

Why don't you take a shot at explaining to everyone what is so conservative about Bush?
Originally posted by nycflasher
Why don't you take a shot at explaining to everyone what is so conservative about Bush?

Why don't I just take a shot at your round, moon-like face with my glue cannon?
Bush's lack of adherence to core conservative principles is disappointing. But this is not the 1990's; we don't currently have the luxury of thinking only about domestic policy and ignoring the rest of the world. I think Bush's action in the war on terrorism more than justifies my vote. And while Bush is not as conservative as many of us on the Right would like, his stances are certainly better than Kerry's.
Originally posted by Captain_Steel
But if Kerry gets elected it'll get way worse.

Remember this. These are your words. Please reconsider rocking the vote for Bush/Cheney 2004!
Originally posted by Captain_Steel
Aside from the war on terror, just how conservative is George Bush?

He gives 15 billion in foriegn aid to Africa to "help fight AIDS".

The only time he's ever addressed the immigration issue, was earlier this year when he proposed amnesty for working illegals. That's it. That's his plan.

He fought a tiny fight against affirmative action with the University of Michigan. And lost once it hit the supreme court. Never again to bring it up.

Oh these three fronts, the issues I feel strongest about, he hasn't made a shit's bit of difference. I want a president who is going to end affirmative action for good, stop illegal immigration and deport all illegals plus make them uneligible for any social services or assistance, and abolish all foriegn aid. If Bush gets re-elected it's just going to be more of the same....Nothing....No change. But if Kerry gets elected it'll get way worse. So, either way, I'm screwed. But for a minute let's just take the time out to admit to ourselves that Bush is not truly conservative on any of these issues. Because if he was he would do a helluva lot more about them then he has. Sorry, Bush your not getting my vote. I'm gonna sit this one out. I refuse to vote for the "lessor of two evils". That's because I don't want them thinking I approve of his lame work so far.

Honestly, I think Bush is a good man. But he has really let me down on the issues I care about most:
Illegal immigration
Foriegn Aid
Affirmative Action

Why in the hell should I vote for him then?!:confused:

You're looking to the wrong person to end most of the crap you are bitching about. Most issues really can't be changed except through both houses.

Normally I would agree with you that as the leader of the GOP, Bush should be pushing better ideas on some of the issues you have brought up. But right now, Bush is leading the country during a time of war and unfortunately, that means MANY of the issues we care about have to go on the back burner as the War is our nation's priority right now. I don't think us "average" Americans can comprehend how much crap he has on his plate in dealing with the war alone. Yet you want him to pursue ideas that are going to require A LOT of his time if we (conservatives) are going to win on those issues. To bring them up now would make him a target of those that want to say, "look, he is not doing anything about the WoT".

Your stance is pretty selfish actually. Sorry you feel the way you do.
America has swung SO far to the left, copycatting the Euros, that this election is pretty much between socialists and liberals - the Republicans being the liberals.

I believe heartland America is still conservative (what's left of it) so I don't think they will go so far as to put socialists into power (but do they recognize the Dems as such?) When Bush wins hopefully the swing to the right will commence.
The fact is that America is swinging right, thankfully. The full horror of neo liberalism has been unmasked through the recent actions of the eurolibs and the american libs, and we're not gonna take it anymore!

We have the house, the senate, the presidency. Fox news is #1, just for showing both sides. What does it say when showing both points of view makes you a "right wing network"? It says the liberals are getting more and more desperate with their label and villify strategy of public discourse. They cannot win on the issues. Never could. They're so yesterday's news. Now we can get focused on the business of builidng a better world instead of endlessly wringing our hands over our own power, like wussies.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The fact is that America is swinging right, thankfully. The full horror of neo liberalism has been unmasked through the recent actions of the eurolibs and the american libs, and we're not gonna take it anymore!

We have the house, the senate, the presidency. Fox news is #1, just for showing both sides. What does it say when showing both points of view makes you a "right wing network"? It says the liberals are getting more and more desperate with their label and villify strategy of public discourse. They cannot win on the issues. Never could. They're so yesterday's news. Now we can get focused on the business of builidng a better world instead of endlessly wringing our hands over our own power, like wussies.

I agree things are starting to swing to the right as you say. And the right still needs to view itself as a powerful force that can get things done instead of wasting our time defending against nasty lib attacks. (Drown out the liberal media!) However too many of Bush's actions or inactions are still too liberal, to the point that he is making conservatives angry. When he is elected again hopefully this will change and we will see more conservative action.
Originally posted by Captain_Steel
Sorry, Bush your not getting my vote. I'm gonna sit this one out. I refuse to vote for the "lessor of two evils". That's because I don't want them thinking I approve of his lame work so far.

Why in the hell should I vote for him then?!:confused:

It's late and my fingers are tired, but I think I have time for this because it will be short.

Boycotting the vote is counter-productive. Any voter who would have voted conservative and stays home this election day may as well vote for kerry because the effect will be the same. I believe that this election will be a squeaker.

And if the unthinkable happens and you see kerry's ugly horseface leering at you through the window of the Oval Office, the fact that you did not vote for him will be of no solace whatsoever.

If you truly are a conservative, you should know that you do not abandon the party that most closely represents your views. If the Republican party is too liberal, as I believe they are, then change can be effected only by those working within the party. You cannot make your views known by picking up your marbles and staying home.
Originally posted by Merlin1047
It's late and my fingers are tired, but I think I have time for this because it will be short.

Boycotting the vote is counter-productive. Any voter who would have voted conservative and stays home this election day may as well vote for kerry because the effect will be the same. I believe that this election will be a squeaker.

And if the unthinkable happens and you see kerry's ugly horseface leering at you through the window of the Oval Office, the fact that you did not vote for him will be of no solace whatsoever.

If you truly are a conservative, you should know that you do not abandon the party that most closely represents your views. If the Republican party is too liberal, as I believe they are, then change can be effected only by those working within the party. You cannot make your views known by picking up your marbles and staying home.

I don't believe this to be true. By voting for Bush your giving him a big slap on the back signafying your approval of his administration. But as I stated, I am in no way approving of his administration's lack of corcern for my issues. Trust me, working within the party will never work now. Not when there are so many fake conservatives within the party.

I'll vote if I find a third party guy, whose truly conservative on my issues. If Kerry wins, it will be Bush's fault for not giving me an alternative to Kerry, not my fault.
The most striking thing about Bush that separates him from being a true conservative is his welfare policy. Bush has created the largest welfare system ever. But this is not a welfare system for the poor and huddled blacks and whites and Latinos in ghettos and trailer parks and our urban streets.

Bush has given an extraordinary amount of welfare to the richest Americans through his tax cuts. Seems like its welfare for the rich and free market whims for the rest of us. This is indeed a strange breed of liberalism that Bush's coven has concocted.

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