Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem?

Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
Psalm 122: 6,7,8

Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem each day? The Bible commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that those who love Jerusalem will prosper. True prosperity is to know God and His Word and walk in His presence. There are people in this world who are so busy with seeking after wealth and the pleasures of this world that they have lost the meaning of what true joy is. True joy is found in the presence of the LORD and meditating upon His Word.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem today!
Every time you pray, you are asking for your god to intervene in mankind's affairs.
Have you forgotten that he refuses to help the millions of helpless children who die horrifying, needless deaths every year? Why would he help a bunch of belligerent grown-ups to resolve their selfish squabbles?
It's called Free Will, I think, the same sort of free will your god granted Hitler, so he could deny the exercise of free will to millions.
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?
Every time you pray, you are asking for your god to intervene in mankind's affairs.
Have you forgotten that he refuses to help the millions of helpless children who die horrifying, needless deaths every year? Why would he help a bunch of belligerent grown-ups to resolve their selfish squabbles?
It's called Free Will, I think, the same sort of free will your god granted Hitler, so he could deny the exercise of free will to millions.
God is spelled with a capitol "G." God has given all men a free will to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or to reject Him there in remaining condemned in their sins (see John Chapter 3). Hitler is in hell for all eternity. He exercised his free will and chose to send himself to hell. God doesn't refuse to help millions of helpless children. His Word is true, he hears the prayers of his children and many parents have prayed for their child to be healed and they were. On the other hand, if you are praying to Allah and your child dies how is that God's fault? God is not a moon god. His name is not Allah. He does not answer prayers to false gods. He answers prayers to him from people who believe on Him to answer and to help them. Don't blame God because people pray to a false god rather than going to God in heaven for their help. That isn't God's fault. That is the persons fault.

Again - Any child who dies goes immediately to heaven. For those who pray to God in Jesus name according to the Word of God and their child dies........ How do you know that God didn't see that the child would fall into great sin and forever turn away from the LORD and decided to take the child while young to prevent that wrong decision from taking place. God's ways are higher than our ways. You need to read the Word of God, trust in God and do what His Word says.

As for why God would help adults in Jerusalem and the rest of Israel? The Jews are the apple of God's eye. Why wouldn't he help them and answer their prayers when they cry out to him? Look at the many miracles God has done to protect the Israelis when they are under attack by Hamas and rocket fire! Look at how miraculously he has kept them safe in the midst of great danger! Never doubt that God is watching over Jerusalem. He watches over it day and night. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. If you died in your sleep tonight would you go to heaven or hell? Read Romans 10:9,10 this evening.
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Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
Hamas leader and one Muslim cleric identified them as from Egypt and Saudi Arabia originally. They started calling themselves Palestinians in the 1960's in order to cause trouble for the Israelites. Both the Hamas leader / Minister and the Muslim Cleric agreed that there was no real Palestinians. They are either Arabs or Egyptians.

Another reason why Believers should be praying for the peace of Jerusalem. The Arabs and Egyptians are creating a lot of trouble in Israel.
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Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
Psalm 122: 6,7,8

Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem each day? The Bible commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that those who love Jerusalem will prosper. True prosperity is to know God and His Word and walk in His presence. There are people in this world who are so busy with seeking after wealth and the pleasures of this world that they have lost the meaning of what true joy is. True joy is found in the presence of the LORD and meditating upon His Word.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem today!
There will be no peace until Christ returns.
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
Hamas leader and one Muslim cleric identified them as from Egypt and Saudi Arabia originally. They started calling themselves Palestinians in the 1960's in order to cause trouble for the Israelites. Both the Hamas leader / Minister and the Muslim Cleric agreed that there was no real Palestinians. They are either Arabs or Egyptians.

The Palestinians are probably the left over Canaanites who have been there for centuries, they go back many generations. That is why there are Muslim, Christian and Jewish Palestinians.
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
No, they are called Jews. The Arabs are not Palestinians. There is no history prior to 1960 mentioning such a term or name - ever. It's a made up name meant to confuse people into believing the Arabs have a legitimate claim to Israeli land. They don't.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
Psalm 122: 6,7,8

Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem each day? The Bible commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that those who love Jerusalem will prosper. True prosperity is to know God and His Word and walk in His presence. There are people in this world who are so busy with seeking after wealth and the pleasures of this world that they have lost the meaning of what true joy is. True joy is found in the presence of the LORD and meditating upon His Word.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem today!
There will be no peace until Christ returns.
There will not be "world peace" although there may be a time of false peace.
We are still to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
Hamas leader and one Muslim cleric identified them as from Egypt and Saudi Arabia originally. They started calling themselves Palestinians in the 1960's in order to cause trouble for the Israelites. Both the Hamas leader / Minister and the Muslim Cleric agreed that there was no real Palestinians. They are either Arabs or Egyptians.

The Palestinians are probably the left over Canaanites who have been there for centuries, they go back many generations. That is why there are Muslim, Christian and Jewish Palestinians.
I have considered that they are descendants of the Philistines because the Philistines were Baal worshippers too. While they worship Allah, the Philistines worshipped the false god Dagon. Idolatry is idolatry. According to Obadiah, they will be destroyed in the future.
The legend of how YeruShalem becomes the city (Yeru) of peace (Shalom) is when the Night removes the Day there will be peace.
You see if you were to look up Shalem is the Evening Star(Night) then you would know the Morning Star(Lucifer) is the Day that is removed for there to be peace.
Jesus is claimed that Morning Star nemesis of Shalem-Rev 22:16.
So ironically Jeremiah is praying for the overturning of her false prophet by the Shiloh who's name is in the holy city.
Do I pray for peace no, but I believe there is never a winner in war, praying for a city to have peace is kind of silly, I think you mean you are praying for the jews, and in that case you are asking God to be against the Palestinians.
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
Hamas leader and one Muslim cleric identified them as from Egypt and Saudi Arabia originally. They started calling themselves Palestinians in the 1960's in order to cause trouble for the Israelites. Both the Hamas leader / Minister and the Muslim Cleric agreed that there was no real Palestinians. They are either Arabs or Egyptians.

The Palestinians are probably the left over Canaanites who have been there for centuries, they go back many generations. That is why there are Muslim, Christian and Jewish Palestinians.
I have considered that they are descendants of the Philistines because the Philistines were Baal worshippers too. While they worship Allah, the Philistines worshipped the false god Dagon. Idolatry is idolatry. According to Obadiah, they will be destroyed in the future.

Maybe Yahweh is the real demon and Allah is the real name of God. You have to admit , neither had a son!
Apart from the fact that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, I do pray for the Arab Muslims, the Egyptian Muslims, all followers of Islam that the LORD will reveal Himself to them and that they will be saved, I pray for all unsaved souls that they may be saved but this thread is about praying for the peace of Jerusalem and God does bless those who love and pray for Israel. If praying for a city to have peace were silly God would never have desired for it to be done. It wouldn't be in the Scriptures. Yet is is! So it is good to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Penelope, I found it interesting that you felt that praying for the peace of Jerusalem meant praying against the Arabs and Egyptians living in Gaza and elsewhere inside Israel. Do you see it as a prayer that would cause the violence they have waged against Jews to end? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Why would you want a people to continue in violence against the Jews knowing that it is going to lead to their very destruction? Why would you want unrest and chaos in Jerusalem?

There you go, no such thing as a Palestinian, what do you call them, the name of the country has been Palestine, and people who live there and have lived there were Palestinians.

Where in the scriptures is it ?
Hamas leader and one Muslim cleric identified them as from Egypt and Saudi Arabia originally. They started calling themselves Palestinians in the 1960's in order to cause trouble for the Israelites. Both the Hamas leader / Minister and the Muslim Cleric agreed that there was no real Palestinians. They are either Arabs or Egyptians.

The Palestinians are probably the left over Canaanites who have been there for centuries, they go back many generations. That is why there are Muslim, Christian and Jewish Palestinians.
I have considered that they are descendants of the Philistines because the Philistines were Baal worshippers too. While they worship Allah, the Philistines worshipped the false god Dagon. Idolatry is idolatry. According to Obadiah, they will be destroyed in the future.

Maybe Yahweh is the real demon and Allah is the real name of God. You have to admit , neither had a son!

God's redemption plan is through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. There is only one God and the God of Israel, He is the LORD.
'God' could really be cajoled by the repetition of certain words? Doesn't that seem like voodoo?

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