Do you love Satan and demons as scriptures say you should?

If the Bible was written by primitive men, then how did they know that the Earth is round?
That the Earth was divided and formed the contents (Scientists say that man was not around when this happened yet it is written in the Bible) and that certain types of food was unhealthy to eat?

You just keep on chompin' on that ancient horse shit but you had better go back and read the bible again. Anyone in there who ever wrote anything about it obviously thought the earth was flat. Besides's when mankind first began to believe the earth might be round:

Flat Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The paradigm of a spherical Earth was developed in Greek astronomy, beginning with Pythagoras (6th century BC)"
Most retained the flat Earth model until the end of the middle ages.

As far as the food....both my mother and one of her brothers ate pork meat twice a day nearly all their lives. My uncle farmed till he was 95 and my mother turned 100 the last day of July.

Do you realize how totally rediculous you appear to be to others....or do you even care?

Sorry that you can't accept facts.
Pork itself is not unhealthy. The preparation of pork, however, can be. There's a very nasty parasite called Trichinella spiralis that likes to live in pork, and it can be dangerous and even deadly if it gets into humans. The only way to neutralize it (i.e. kill it) is to heat it to high temperature.

The Bible lists many foods that are bad and good. All of the foods listed as good food in the bible, have good cholesterol.
Health experts disagree with you Cammmpbell
Cholesterol Diet: Good Vs Bad Foods |

Then why do the Jews still avoid eating it?

Catholics Fish on Friday
Jews No Pork....that's not kosher

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