Do you have compassion for all innocent sentient creatures?


Gold Member
May 6, 2019
What do YOU think or feel is "ethical"?
I understand it is not practical to be compassionate toward ALL living sentient creatures who are born "innocent", but why not demonstrate compassion and respect for MOST animals, especially ALL people on this Earth?

It seems to me there is too much greed and fighting between humans, who dominate this planet Earth.
Perhaps we can "come together" a bit more regarding our common priorities, such as the Pursuit of Happiness, including those of dogs, cats, elephants, whales, etc.
I have infinite compassion for all creatures....all animals big and small

I love them all so much....that sometimes I think in my heart I would give my life to save them.

That's just me
I think you can "feel" compassion for all creatures how ever to be ethical I believe one should take the time to create a hierarchy of values of which kind of life tramples others.
I don't believe one should torture a dog for shits and giggles but I would gladly trade in an infinite amount of dogs for one human life. Of course if one believes in "souls" and the such that can change the perspective on how the hierarchy should be made.

Also understand that sometimes what you want to do is not what you ought to do. Unless you are someone who believes morality is subjective.
GOD created all animals to share this Earth with us!

Bless them all!

What do YOU think or feel is "ethical"?
I understand it is not practical to be compassionate toward ALL living sentient creatures who are born "innocent", but why not demonstrate compassion and respect for MOST animals, especially ALL people on this Earth?

It seems to me there is too much greed and fighting between humans, who dominate this planet Earth.
Perhaps we can "come together" a bit more regarding our common priorities, such as the Pursuit of Happiness, including those of dogs, cats, elephants, whales, etc.



I never owned a cat in my life...never wanted to!

In mid july a cat came into my back yard & started meowing at me...I pet the thing & felt it was wasting away...beyond starving to death...No muscle & the bone structure was severely lacking. She also has a cloudy eye so nobody is going to adopt her.

I started feeding it (soup at was too weak to eat solids)...she became my buddy & started asking to come into the house...I said no.

She was trying so hard to prove her worth to me...patrolling my garden & she brought me a dead mouse. She was doing everything she could.

Eventually the nights started getting cold & I knew she'd never survive outside in a Minnesota winter...So I went and bought a litter box. She used it right away so she knew what it was.

And now I have a cat named "kitty" :)
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I never owned a cat in my life...never wanted to!

In mid july a can came into my back yard & started meowing at me...I pet the thing & felt it was wasting away...beyond starving to death...No muscle & the bone structure was severely lacking. She also has a cloudy eye so nobody is going to adopt her.

I started feeding it (soup at was too weak to eat solids)...she became my buddy & started asking to come into the house...I said no.

She was trying so hard to prove her worth to me...patrolling my garden & she brought me a dead mouse. She was doing everything she could.

Eventually the nights started getting cold & I knew she'd never survive outside in a Minnesota winter...So I went and bought a litter box. She used it right away so she knew what it was.

And now I have a cat named "kitty" :)

Great story! It's the pets we don't want that end up being the best ones.
I never owned a cat in my life...never wanted to!

In mid july a can came into my back yard & started meowing at me...I pet the thing & felt it was wasting away...beyond starving to death...No muscle & the bone structure was severely lacking. She also has a cloudy eye so nobody is going to adopt her.

I started feeding it (soup at was too weak to eat solids)...she became my buddy & started asking to come into the house...I said no.

She was trying so hard to prove her worth to me...patrolling my garden & she brought me a dead mouse. She was doing everything she could.

Eventually the nights started getting cold & I knew she'd never survive outside in a Minnesota winter...So I went and bought a litter box. She used it right away so she knew what it was.

And now I have a cat named "kitty" :)

Great story! It's the pets we don't want that end up being the best ones.

I think you can "feel" compassion for all creatures how ever to be ethical I believe one should take the time to create a hierarchy of values of which kind of life tramples others.
I don't believe one should torture a dog for shits and giggles but I would gladly trade in an infinite amount of dogs for one human life. Of course if one believes in "souls" and the such that can change the perspective on how the hierarchy should be made.

Also understand that sometimes what you want to do is not what you ought to do. Unless you are someone who believes morality is subjective.
An infinity amount of dogs for ANY person? I would save a hundred dogs for one bad person that intentionally kills dogs.

There has to be a judgement of character when evaluating people. Some don't deserve compassion.
What do YOU think or feel is "ethical"?
I understand it is not practical to be compassionate toward ALL living sentient creatures who are born "innocent", but why not demonstrate compassion and respect for MOST animals, especially ALL people on this Earth?

It seems to me there is too much greed and fighting between humans, who dominate this planet Earth.
Perhaps we can "come together" a bit more regarding our common priorities, such as the Pursuit of Happiness, including those of dogs, cats, elephants, whales, etc.
The American Indians used to thank the antelope or buffalo for their meat they where about to eat, the spirit of the animal they where about to consume. They did a prayer of thanks.
I never owned a cat in my life...never wanted to!

In mid july a cat came into my back yard & started meowing at me...I pet the thing & felt it was wasting away...beyond starving to death...No muscle & the bone structure was severely lacking. She also has a cloudy eye so nobody is going to adopt her.

I started feeding it (soup at was too weak to eat solids)...she became my buddy & started asking to come into the house...I said no.

She was trying so hard to prove her worth to me...patrolling my garden & she brought me a dead mouse. She was doing everything she could.

Eventually the nights started getting cold & I knew she'd never survive outside in a Minnesota winter...So I went and bought a litter box. She used it right away so she knew what it was.

And now I have a cat named "kitty" :)
Thank you for rescuing her. Please take her to a vet to have her checked and spayed, if she hasn't been already. And please keep her indoors if you can, the life expectancy is at least double of those that are kept inside vs. those that are let outside. It's so much safer for them indoors. And the fact that she knows how to use a litter box means she was probably someone's pet before. Thanks again for saving her.
Thank you for rescuing her. Please take her to a vet to have her checked and spayed,

That's a conundrum.

I asked all around the neighborhood & checked on-line & nobody is missing a cat that fits kittys description.

Getting to know her, she has shown me EVERY sign that she's been abused (and I've never even raised my voice to her)...I think her tail was even broken. I massage the base of her spine & it gives her great relief.

It was 3 months of good nutrition before I saw her run for the first time.

But if I bring her to a vet...and she's chipped...they'll take her away from me. I would have no problem if she was going to a good home...but I don't want her to go back to an abusive home.

WTF do I do?
Thank you for rescuing her. Please take her to a vet to have her checked and spayed,

That's a conundrum.

I asked all around the neighborhood & checked on-line & nobody is missing a cat that fits kittys description.

Getting to know her, she has shown me EVERY sign that she's been abused (and I've never even raised my voice to her)...I think her tail was even broken. I massage the base of her spine & it gives her great relief.

It was 3 months of good nutrition before I saw her run for the first time.

But if I bring her to a vet...and she's chipped...they'll take her away from me. I would have no problem if she was going to a good home...but I don't want her to go back to an abusive home.

WTF do I do?
for a cat to leave her home, I believe you are right she chose to leave even if not abused it was her decision that's the breaks for whoever had her before.

mine has the option indoor or outdoor but still uses the kitty litter, if it weren't for her sweetness I might send her your way and find one that knows where to use the restroom.

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