Do you 99% envy what the 1% have or do you resent what the 1% has?

The 1% have more then the 99%. If you are in the 99% do you

  • want what the 1% has taken away from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I envy what they have but don't want it taken from them

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I am envious but am motivated to have what they have

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There is a big big distinction here.
If you envy what the 1% have, that's fine .. not a problem.
BUT if you resent what the 1% has and want what they have taken from them that's a problem.
I don't really envy anyone who is in the top 1 percent.

Seems that having that much money turns a person into a heartless douche.

Me? I'd rather live humbly and be happy, you learn more that way.
I notice you're referring to the 99% as "you".

Are you a multi-millionaire then?

Because if you're not, then you are part of the 99%.

And if you're not already there, there's a 99% percent chance that you will never be one of the 1%.

And THAT is the problem.
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There is a big big distinction here.
If you envy what the 1% have, that's fine .. not a problem.
BUT if you resent what the 1% has and want what they have taken from them that's a problem.

I see where you coming from, but there is nothing wrong with them having what they worked hard to obtain.

There is a difference when they get it by lobbying and having special relationships with regulators and politicians to get where they are. Also, to make matters worth is when they use those relationships to block competition into industries that would lower prices and provide higher quality to consumers.

What needs to happen is the real recession to liquidate all this bad debt and the politicians and Fed need to stay out of bailing out there buddies and let them fail. We cannot continue this much longer because there is a financial crises around the corner that is being ignored. What I fear is when panic grips the market again they will call for a new WTO type international agency to oversea the world economies and this would be disastrous for human liberty and prosperity.
I am NOT in the 1% but I honestly don't resent and definitely am motivated to be there!
And if I don't get there at least I have tried and by trying have a better chance then just wasting my life with resentment for what the 1% have.
"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better." Sophie Tucker
I am NOT in the 1% but I honestly don't resent and definitely am motivated to be there!
And if I don't get there at least I have tried and by trying have a better chance then just wasting my life with resentment for what the 1% have.
"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better." Sophie Tucker

I have enough to eat, enough to drink, a roof over my head and water to bathe with.

No............I'm NOT motivated to be in the top 1 percent.

Why? Because along the way in a pursuit of nothing but money, you lose your humility and humanity.
Old jok of Mark Twain's. Their money is twice tainted. Taint mine and it taint yours either.

I don't give a rip about them or their cash.

What I do care about is that a government that has licence to steal from one group to give to another also has licence to steal from me. Their security is my security
I am NOT in the 1% but I honestly don't resent and definitely am motivated to be there!
And if I don't get there at least I have tried and by trying have a better chance then just wasting my life with resentment for what the 1% have.
"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better." Sophie Tucker

You can be as motivated as you want. The desk is marked. The dice are loaded.

Chances are extremely small that you will ever be there.
I only envy the wealthy for having a government that actually represents them. I have no use for anything made of solid gold or anything else "exclusive" or luxurious. I have simple working class tastes that are easily satisfied, anything else is just trying to keep up with the Jones's, status symbols are for consumerist dupes.
I don't really envy anyone who is in the top 1 percent.

Seems that having that much money turns a person into a heartless douche.

Me? I'd rather live humbly and be happy, you learn more that way.

How many people do you personally know that are:
1) in the top 1 percent and of them
2) are heartless douches?

OR are you a pawn of the MSM constantly creating negativity because as the adage in journalism "if it bleeds, it leads"..

Personally I know some 1% people and frankly without them millions of people would be hungry tonite. Millions of people would have NO jobs. Millions of people would die, literally in that without their philanthropy thousands of hospitals would never exist!
Millions of people would have NEVER read a book without Carnegie building libraries.
Millions of students would NOT have an education without those 1% benefactors.
And these are just the people WE hear about!
Millions of people have been helped silently by benefactors that don't want to be known!

I think you have been influenced by watching too much TV soap operas!
You may want to get a life!
Old jok of Mark Twain's. Their money is twice tainted. Taint mine and it taint yours either.

I don't give a rip about them or their cash.

What I do care about is that a government that has licence to steal from one group to give to another also has licence to steal from me. Their security is my security

So, you have an issue with weath redistribution then?

Like, the 15% capital gains tax rate for instance?
How many people do you personally know that are:
1) in the top 1 percent and of them
2) are heartless douches?

OR are you a pawn of the MSM constantly creating negativity because as the adage in journalism "if it bleeds, it leads"..

Personally I know some 1% people and frankly without them millions of people would be hungry tonite. Millions of people would have NO jobs. Millions of people would die, literally in that without their philanthropy thousands of hospitals would never exist!
Millions of people would have NEVER read a book without Carnegie building libraries.
Millions of students would NOT have an education without those 1% benefactors.
And these are just the people WE hear about!
Millions of people have been helped silently by benefactors that don't want to be known!

I think you have been influenced by watching too much TV soap operas!
You may want to get a life!

I work at an upscale firm that has a whole lot of extremely well-paid folks working at it. I will not say which firm it is of course, but there's a whole lot of 1 percenters working here that I personally interact with every day.

And yes, most of them are heartless douches. There are many exceptions, but most of them are.

In addition, most of the richest of them are cheap as hell in everyday life. Which is part of why "trickle-down" doesn't work.
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How many people do you personally know that are:
1) in the top 1 percent and of them
2) are heartless douches?

OR are you a pawn of the MSM constantly creating negativity because as the adage in journalism "if it bleeds, it leads"..

Personally I know some 1% people and frankly without them millions of people would be hungry tonite. Millions of people would have NO jobs. Millions of people would die, literally in that without their philanthropy thousands of hospitals would never exist!
Millions of people would have NEVER read a book without Carnegie building libraries.
Millions of students would NOT have an education without those 1% benefactors.
And these are just the people WE hear about!
Millions of people have been helped silently by benefactors that don't want to be known!

I think you have been influenced by watching too much TV soap operas!
You may want to get a life!

I work at an upscale firm that has a whole lot of extremely well-paid folks working at it. I will not say which firm it is of course, but there's a whole lot of 1 percenters working here that I personally interact with every day.

And yes, most of them are heartless douches. There are many exceptions, but most of them are.

I worked in Palm Beach for a number of years as an artisan and they suck balls to work directly for.
I'm not envious at all, I want what's best for the country, which is not aReaganist Gilded Age where only the top 1% prosper while the country slides into being a banana republic. We need health reform, higher education for those who want it, and a living wage. All that has gone to hell in the last 30 years, especially during the Booosh catastrophe. And a return to the Fairness Doctrine so 40% of the country doesn't believe a pile of Pubcrappe.
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I don't really envy anyone who is in the top 1 percent.

Seems that having that much money turns a person into a heartless douche.

Me? I'd rather live humbly and be happy, you learn more that way.

How many people do you personally know that are:
1) in the top 1 percent and of them
2) are heartless douches?

OR are you a pawn of the MSM constantly creating negativity because as the adage in journalism "if it bleeds, it leads"..

Personally I know some 1% people and frankly without them millions of people would be hungry tonite. Millions of people would have NO jobs. Millions of people would die, literally in that without their philanthropy thousands of hospitals would never exist!
Millions of people would have NEVER read a book without Carnegie building libraries.
Millions of students would NOT have an education without those 1% benefactors.
And these are just the people WE hear about!
Millions of people have been helped silently by benefactors that don't want to be known!

I think you have been influenced by watching too much TV soap operas!
You may want to get a life!

I first came across those in the 1 percent when my Aunt Laurie married an insurance salesman for NY Life and moved to Foxfarm Road (the place where all the extremely rich people lived in Great Falls Mt). Used to have a girlfriend there (visited my aunt on the weekends) who was really into me up until her parents found out that I actually lived in Vaughn (farming town 10 miles out), and then she quit seeing me.

Also had a chance to hang out with a lot of 1 percenters while I was stationed at Newport RI (EXCEEDINGLY wealthy place where a lot of 1 percenters are, especially in the summer time as all the wealthy people have summer homes there) for 4 years, because I was pretty active in the community as well as was part of a bicycle group out there. experience with the 1 percent is based on meeting them in high school and being around them over the 20 years that I served in the U.S. Navy.

Like I said.............most of the 1 percenters are heartless pricks.
Old jok of Mark Twain's. Their money is twice tainted. Taint mine and it taint yours either.

I don't give a rip about them or their cash.

What I do care about is that a government that has licence to steal from one group to give to another also has licence to steal from me. Their security is my security

So, you have an issue with weath redistribution then?

Like, the 15% capital gains tax rate for instance?

If they can redistribute money from anyone else, they can redistribute from me.

I don't understand your argument about Capital Gains rates. Elucidate.
I am NOT in the 1% but I honestly don't resent and definitely am motivated to be there!
And if I don't get there at least I have tried and by trying have a better chance then just wasting my life with resentment for what the 1% have.
"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better." Sophie Tucker

You can be as motivated as you want. The desk is marked. The dice are loaded.

Chances are extremely small that you will ever be there.

Hey you are right regarding the chances!

BUT evidently the difference between you and me is I'm at least trying.. been trying for 50 years..haven't got there but in trying I have even in failures created entities that created jobs for people, created learning experiences that helped expand successful entities .. one of which I am sure you have seen if you've ever been in a doctor's office!
Old jok of Mark Twain's. Their money is twice tainted. Taint mine and it taint yours either.

I don't give a rip about them or their cash.

What I do care about is that a government that has licence to steal from one group to give to another also has licence to steal from me. Their security is my security

So, you have an issue with weath redistribution then?

Like, the 15% capital gains tax rate for instance?

If they can redistribute money from anyone else, they can redistribute from me.

I don't understand your argument about Capital Gains rates. Elucidate.

Quick question.............why should those who earn most of their money via capital gains pay a tax rate of 15 to 20 percent while the rest of us pay 28 percent?

I think capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as everyone else.

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