CDZ Do we have the right to be obese?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Obesity is a severe and growing problem in America I grew up in Texas, a state containing some of the fattest cities in America (San Antonio, Houston, Dallas). Do we have an 'unalienable right' to be obese?
do you see a scenario in the foreseeable future in which obesity to a certain degree could become illegal?
How would a government 'correctional facility' for obese people work?
what's your viewpoint? We've all heard the 'genetics' argument. At what point is it immoral to be morbidly obese? How do you cope and contrast your current state with starving children all across the world?
funny post Buddah , are you a dem progressive ?? Anyway I've comfortably avoided Anorexia all my life and I hope to continue doing that !! To me a persons weight , size , are none of my business although I may comment to myself .
starving children , most societies that have lots of starving children are older than the USA and some of the western world . What , they don't have the desire to save their starving children from starvation ??
Obesity is a severe and growing problem in America I grew up in Texas, a state containing some of the fattest cities in America (San Antonio, Houston, Dallas). Do we have an 'unalienable right' to be obese?
do you see a scenario in the foreseeable future in which obesity to a certain degree could become illegal?
How would a government 'correctional facility' for obese people work?
what's your viewpoint? We've all heard the 'genetics' argument. At what point is it immoral to be morbidly obese? How do you cope and contrast your current state with starving children all across the world?

It is not a matter of whether we have a right to be obese? That's an absurd concept. Obesity is a disease.

Debate Is Obesity A Disease Prevention
Does a person have the right to eat as much as they want and can afford? Yes.

Does a person have the "right" to become obese? Well, if part of your pursuit of happiness comes from food, you are guaranteed that right to pursue it.

Free will which was given to mankind by God also dictates that we have the right to be obese. I mean..............if God gives us the ability to choose Him or not, we can surely choose our own lifestyle as well.

Anyone who would suggest "corrective" measures for it is a halfwit and a moron as well. You can't stop people from choosing their own lifestyle.
Does a person have the right to eat as much as they want and can afford? Yes.

Does a person have the "right" to become obese? Well, if part of your pursuit of happiness comes from food, you are guaranteed that right to pursue it.

Free will which was given to mankind by God also dictates that we have the right to be obese. I mean..............if God gives us the ability to choose Him or not, we can surely choose our own lifestyle as well.

Anyone who would suggest "corrective" measures for it is a halfwit and a moron as well. You can't stop people from choosing their own lifestyle.

Wow, that is the silliest argument I've ever heard on USMB.
Does a person have the right to eat as much as they want and can afford? Yes.

Does a person have the "right" to become obese? Well, if part of your pursuit of happiness comes from food, you are guaranteed that right to pursue it.

Free will which was given to mankind by God also dictates that we have the right to be obese. I mean..............if God gives us the ability to choose Him or not, we can surely choose our own lifestyle as well.

Anyone who would suggest "corrective" measures for it is a halfwit and a moron as well. You can't stop people from choosing their own lifestyle.
That's not going to stop the self-righteous and self-important, who think/feel they know best, from trying to inflict their choices on others.
well they can try BIKER , they can try , dems like making coercive laws !!
Obesity is a severe and growing problem in America I grew up in Texas, a state containing some of the fattest cities in America (San Antonio, Houston, Dallas). Do we have an 'unalienable right' to be obese?
do you see a scenario in the foreseeable future in which obesity to a certain degree could become illegal?
How would a government 'correctional facility' for obese people work?
what's your viewpoint? We've all heard the 'genetics' argument. At what point is it immoral to be morbidly obese? How do you cope and contrast your current state with starving children all across the world?
Obesity is a growing problem worldwide. The reasons for this are myriad and not simple to identify and rectify. People do have the right to do to themselves what they wish. The rest of us should have the right not to be forced to subsidize the choices made by others, and the outcome of their choice.
Does a person have the right to eat as much as they want and can afford? Yes.

Does a person have the "right" to become obese? Well, if part of your pursuit of happiness comes from food, you are guaranteed that right to pursue it.

Free will which was given to mankind by God also dictates that we have the right to be obese. I mean..............if God gives us the ability to choose Him or not, we can surely choose our own lifestyle as well.

Anyone who would suggest "corrective" measures for it is a halfwit and a moron as well. You can't stop people from choosing their own lifestyle.
That's not going to stop the self-righteous and self-important, who think/feel they know best, from trying to inflict their choices on others.
Boy, does that sound like the far left and the far right, particularly social conservatives.
Does a person have the right to eat as much as they want and can afford? Yes.

Does a person have the "right" to become obese? Well, if part of your pursuit of happiness comes from food, you are guaranteed that right to pursue it.

Free will which was given to mankind by God also dictates that we have the right to be obese. I mean..............if God gives us the ability to choose Him or not, we can surely choose our own lifestyle as well.

Anyone who would suggest "corrective" measures for it is a halfwit and a moron as well. You can't stop people from choosing their own lifestyle.
That's not going to stop the self-righteous and self-important, who think/feel they know best, from trying to inflict their choices on others.
Boy, does that sound like the far left and the far right, particularly social conservatives.
Yes, far either way, but certainly not limited, nor even particularly the domain of "social conservatives". So-called "liberal progressives" are just as inclined to cram their ideology down other's throats.
Folks, what part of obesity being a disease do you not understand? It's like asking if we have a right to have the flu or ebola. It's a friggin DISEASE.
not a disease , imo !! Weak willed overeaters with the possible exception of those with some kinda gland problem that can actually be proved by medical science . Anyway , no ones business but the fat guys business .
Shouldn't this thread have a Trigger Warning for the Chubby Special Snowflakes?
I don't know that its a disease but we all make choices every single meal. Most are digging their own graves with their forks and they downright testy if anyone dares to point that out to them.

I think people have the right to eat meat, get fat, smoke cigs, sit on their couch, yadda yadda, but they don't have the right to make the rest of us pay for it.

Like the guy who refused to buy health care insurance, is now risking blindness and furiously signing up for ObamaCare - you should get to lie in the bed you make for yourself.

Then, there's the question of their kids ...
Being obese may be bad for society and bad for the individual, but it does not follow that people therefore shouldn't have the right to be that way. Being an asshole isn't good for society or the individual either, but no one is trying to outlaw that!

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