Do Trump Supporters Understand Why Putin Wanted Him Elected?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
I wonder why this pressing question is not debated more often? We have Trump saying there was no collusion from his campaign with Russia, and we have 17 different intelligence agencies all agreeing that there was a concerted effort on the part of Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor.

My question to Trump supporters is: Why do you think Putin wanted Trump elected? Do you think that Putin wanted to Make America Great Again? Or do you think that Putin wanted leverage on the United States, perhaps has compromising information on Trump, and knows that he can blackmail our President?

It's obvious to thinking people that Putin gains an advantage with someone like Trump in the White House, and that the United States is weaker and more vulnerable with Trump as President. Already Trump has not enforced sanctions that congress almost overwhelmingly approved.

Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Setting Up Tough Choice for Trump

Furthermore, he held a private meeting in the White House on May 10, 2017, that was off limits to the press, and perhaps he was given his marching orders from Putin:

The strange Oval Office meeting between Trump, Lavrov and Kislyak

There is a reason the Russians want Trump as President: They now have the upper hand.

Only took two sentences to lie, good job regressive. Only 3 intel agencies were involved in the report, not 17. That's been well known for quite some time.

Come on man Trump supporter's don't understand shit. Hell most of them sucked on mothers tit until they were in their teen years.
Only took two sentences to lie, good job regressive. Only 3 intel agencies were involved in the report, not 17. That's been well known for quite some time.

Trump asked if the federal government really does have 17 intelligence organizations. Yes, it does.

They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.
I wonder why this pressing question is not debated more often? We have Trump saying there was no collusion from his campaign with Russia, and we have 17 different intelligence agencies all agreeing that there was a concerted effort on the part of Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor.

My question to Trump supporters is: Why do you think Putin wanted Trump elected? Do you think that Putin wanted to Make America Great Again? Or do you think that Putin wanted leverage on the United States, perhaps has compromising information on Trump, and knows that he can blackmail our President?

It's obvious to thinking people that Putin gains an advantage with someone like Trump in the White House, and that the United States is weaker and more vulnerable with Trump as President. Already Trump has not enforced sanctions that congress almost overwhelmingly approved.

Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Setting Up Tough Choice for Trump

Furthermore, he held a private meeting in the White House on May 10, 2017, that was off limits to the press, and perhaps he was given his marching orders from Putin:

The strange Oval Office meeting between Trump, Lavrov and Kislyak

There is a reason the Russians want Trump as President: They now have the upper hand.


Take your pills please
What so many fail to understand is Putin didn't give a shit who won the election he just wanted to sow discord if Hillary had won she would have come into office in a weakened state if Trump wins Putin gets people screaming about collusion and a stolen election and the sad part is so many morons in and out of the media walked right into that trap without a second thought. Putin was counting on all the hyper-partisan idiots to do his work for him and they did and continue to do so.
Only took two sentences to lie, good job regressive. Only 3 intel agencies were involved in the report, not 17. That's been well known for quite some time.

Trump asked if the federal government really does have 17 intelligence organizations. Yes, it does.

They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

During a Senate hearing in May, Clapper indicated that a report concluding Russia was responsible election meddling was only conducted by three agencies — the FBI, the NSA, and the CIA — plus the Office of DNI.

He repeated that fact on CNN on Thursday, saying, “how this narrative got out there about 17 components being involved, I don’t know.”

Former DNI James Clapper Reminds Everyone That Only Four Intel Agencies Contributed To Russia Report

I wonder why this pressing question is not debated more often? We have Trump saying there was no collusion from his campaign with Russia, and we have 17 different intelligence agencies all agreeing that there was a concerted effort on the part of Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor.

My question to Trump supporters is: Why do you think Putin wanted Trump elected? Do you think that Putin wanted to Make America Great Again? Or do you think that Putin wanted leverage on the United States, perhaps has compromising information on Trump, and knows that he can blackmail our President?

It's obvious to thinking people that Putin gains an advantage with someone like Trump in the White House, and that the United States is weaker and more vulnerable with Trump as President. Already Trump has not enforced sanctions that congress almost overwhelmingly approved.

Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Setting Up Tough Choice for Trump

Furthermore, he held a private meeting in the White House on May 10, 2017, that was off limits to the press, and perhaps he was given his marching orders from Putin:

The strange Oval Office meeting between Trump, Lavrov and Kislyak

There is a reason the Russians want Trump as President: They now have the upper hand.


They wanted Trump president because putin was trying to save the US constitution from the sissy left
I wonder why this pressing question is not debated more often? We have Trump saying there was no collusion from his campaign with Russia, and we have 17 different intelligence agencies all agreeing that there was a concerted effort on the part of Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor.

My question to Trump supporters is: Why do you think Putin wanted Trump elected? Do you think that Putin wanted to Make America Great Again? Or do you think that Putin wanted leverage on the United States, perhaps has compromising information on Trump, and knows that he can blackmail our President?

It's obvious to thinking people that Putin gains an advantage with someone like Trump in the White House, and that the United States is weaker and more vulnerable with Trump as President. Already Trump has not enforced sanctions that congress almost overwhelmingly approved.

Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Setting Up Tough Choice for Trump

Furthermore, he held a private meeting in the White House on May 10, 2017, that was off limits to the press, and perhaps he was given his marching orders from Putin:

The strange Oval Office meeting between Trump, Lavrov and Kislyak

There is a reason the Russians want Trump as President: They now have the upper hand.


My question to Trump supporters is: Why do you think Putin wanted Trump elected?

Exactly. After all the Putin ass kissing by Obama and Hillary, you'd think he'd support the
crusty old vodka swilling corrupt hag.

Only took two sentences to lie, good job regressive. Only 3 intel agencies were involved in the report, not 17. That's been well known for quite some time.

Trump asked if the federal government really does have 17 intelligence organizations. Yes, it does.

They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

Unfortunately you'll be getting a whole bunch of Trump cult members nitpicking whether its was 3 or 4 or 17 agencies confirming the meddling....AND avoid the crux of this scandal.

Let them.....Its not worth the time.

In my opinion, Putin well knew that to directly collude with Trump would be dangerous. The clown in the oval office is too volatile, too unpredictable too much of a big mouth to trust.

rather, Putin's minions colluded with Trump's easily corruptible acolytes ......

Bottom line for Putin wanting to help Trump was:

1. Putin's abject HATRED of Hillary, and

2. To have in the WH a much more easily fooled neophyte whose personality disorders would actually make him throw his own mother under a bus for a "compliment and praise" from anyone.
Because Hillary is an insufferable and unpredictable little bitch and he didn't want to have to deal with her shit for 4 years :dunno:
Putin is a smart guy and a former KGB agent. Why in the world would he want a tough talking American capitalist to win the election rather than a pushover quasi-socialist babe with a pervert husband who paved the way for the Russians to purchase vital uranium sites? My guess is that Putin would have preferred Hillary.
What I don’t understand is why obummer told the Russians he would have more flexibility after the elections! And further I don’t understand why the libtards were not bothered by that.
I wonder why this pressing question is not debated more often? We have Trump saying there was no collusion from his campaign with Russia, and we have 17 different intelligence agencies all agreeing that there was a concerted effort on the part of Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor.

My question to Trump supporters is: Why do you think Putin wanted Trump elected? Do you think that Putin wanted to Make America Great Again? Or do you think that Putin wanted leverage on the United States, perhaps has compromising information on Trump, and knows that he can blackmail our President?

It's obvious to thinking people that Putin gains an advantage with someone like Trump in the White House, and that the United States is weaker and more vulnerable with Trump as President. Already Trump has not enforced sanctions that congress almost overwhelmingly approved.

Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Setting Up Tough Choice for Trump

Furthermore, he held a private meeting in the White House on May 10, 2017, that was off limits to the press, and perhaps he was given his marching orders from Putin:

The strange Oval Office meeting between Trump, Lavrov and Kislyak

There is a reason the Russians want Trump as President: They now have the upper hand.
and none of that adds up to collusion or even hints at it and that is why muellers investigation died and you are forced to make threads like this one...but all of this could have been avoided if you were not communist
Putin is a smart guy and a former KGB agent. Why in the world would he want a tough talking American capitalist to win the election rather than a pushover quasi-socialist babe with a pervert husband who paved the way for the Russians to purchase vital uranium sites? My guess is that Putin would have preferred Hillary.
Oops it appears that yer reason dutifully waned... mid-paragraph
Former US Ambassador: Putin 'absolutely' wanted Trump to win
Putin's Revenge | Part One | FRONTLINE | PBS
Putin's Revenge | Part Two | FRONTLINE | PBS
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The world is upside down to ignorant angry lefties. The U.S. Intelligence agencies have been in the business of trying to influence foreign elections for fifty years and Russia tries to do it to the U.S. It's no freaking secret, it's been spy vs spy since JFK tried to invade Cuba but nothing ever happens. The dirty little secret is that the democrats were caught using intelligence agencies to try to influence domestic elections. As soon as the dust settles and we find out what Clapper really knew and when he knew it and how Barry Hussein authorized the FBI to interfere with a presidential election the democrat party is history.
17 groups in the overall intel community (not 3) have said the Russians colluded. The Senate Intel Cmte agrees. DOJ agrees. FBI agrees.

Anybody who disagrees is wrong. End of story.
Only fools and tools still believe that Putin and Russia wanted Trump to beat Hillary....look at what has happened to Russia since Trump won....if Putin could prove he helped Trump he could do it and would do it tomorrow....especially after our bombers killed Russians in Syria.....dummys!!!!!!

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