Do The Wealthy Even Pay Taxes?


Jul 5, 2017
There is a lot of talk on the news about taxing the rich. But do they even pay taxes? How would you know. Any information you hear comes from them! As for what any government agency may have to say, we all know what a revolving door it is between the private sector (the wealthy) and the political sector. And of course, the politicians that run the government agencies I mentioned are part of that.

Also, there are banks all over the world where the wealthy can deposit anonymously. Thereby avoiding taxes. Also, tax laws themselves are written by and for the wealthy. The wealthy can also afford to hire tax lawyers to find any of what are probably zillions of loopholes written into those tax laws. On top of all that, every year there are many companies that pay no taxes at all. Which I call corporate welfare.

On top of all that, back in the 60's, the average salary for a company executive was around 25 times what the average worker made. Today, it is around 250 times that. And not all that long ago, it for closer to 400 times what the average worker made! And the wealthy complain about being taxed too much?! Boo fukin Hoo!!!
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They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, they couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

Your link confirms his post

Kinda sorta, yeah, much different feel. And I hope we go right on with the societal wealth redistribution scam that began a half century ago, just let the entire thing collapse and we'll see what we can do with what's left when it does.
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, they couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

Don't worry Fenton, Trump loves you!! He loves the poorly educated!!

Don has no idea what he says from one moment to the next. Who is more uneducated than Don?
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, that couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

If you have evidence to the contrary you are free to present it. Ad Hominems don't interest me.
A link was added your majesty.

Fair is a matter of opinion. Numbers are a matter of fact.
80% of Americans own an unbelievably small portion of the country's wealth

The wealth redistribution embarked upon a half century ago is unsustainable, I hope they continue until things pop off.
There is a lot of talk on the news about taxing the rich. But do they even pay taxes? How would you know. Any information you hear comes from them! As for what any government agency may have to say, we all know what a revolving door it is between the private sector (the wealthy) and the political sector. And of course, the politicians that run the government agencies I mentioned are part of that.

Also, there are banks all over the world where the wealthy can deposit anonymously. Thereby avoiding taxes. Also, tax laws themselves are written by and for the wealthy. The wealthy can also afford to hire tax lawyers to find any of what are probably zillions of loopholes written into those tax laws. On top of all that, every year there are many companies that pay no taxes at all. Which I call corporate welfare.

On top of all that, back in the 60's, the average salary for a company executive was around 25 times what the average worker made. Today, it is around 250 times that. And not all that long ago, it for closer to 400 times what the average worker made! And the wealthy complain about being taxed too much?! Boo fukin Hoo!!!

I pay as little as possible in oh so many ways.

Why is the mentality take mine instead of earning your own.

Sad really.
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, they couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

Don't worry Fenton, Trump loves you!! He loves the poorly educated!!

Don has no idea what he says from one moment to the next. Who is more uneducated than Don?

Hmm.....let's see. ......

He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Wharton, amassed a multi-billion $ fortune, and is now the most powerful man on the planet.

What have you done? I mean, besides make a fool of yourself here?
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

You do realize that you get your information from liars, don't you. Also, do you pay taxes? If you said yes, I say BULLSHEIT! At least you don't pay what you think you pay. I know. Because if you were anything like me, every paycheck had taxes removed from it. But in the new year after you filed your tax returns, you got most of it back.

So for the most part, what you call taxes were nothing more than a temporary government loan. In fact, you were probably glad about it. Because instead of trying to save money, you got a nice fat tax return. To buy something you normally wouldn't have been able to afford. Am I right or am I wrong. Also, I will include a graph that shows the tax burden for state taxes by income level. See how your "top 20% paying 84%" fits into that.
There is a lot of talk on the news about taxing the rich. But do they even pay taxes?!

IRS tells us that top 1% pay them 44% of personal income tax they collect. Sorry to rock your world.

Did you miss the part where I mentioned government agencies? I have seen our government lie about so much that I wouldn't believe them if they said the sky was blue.
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, they couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

Don't worry Fenton, Trump loves you!! He loves the poorly educated!!

Don has no idea what he says from one moment to the next. Who is more uneducated than Don?

Hmm.....let's see. ......

He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Wharton, amassed a multi-billion $ fortune, and is now the most powerful man on the planet.

What have you done? I mean, besides make a fool of yourself here?

Jeebus, some folks have been programmed to worship wealth so much that nothing else matters. Wharton! Fucking business school. Silver spoon in his ass at birth, and I'm sorry, being president ain't all that impressive to me; especially when the jaggoff goes at it like this.

But you keep waiting for some wealthy aristocrat to come save you.
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, that couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

If you have evidence to the contrary you are free to present it. Ad Hominems don't interest me.
A link was added your majesty.

Fair is a matter of opinion. Numbers are a matter of fact.
80% of Americans own an unbelievably small portion of the country's wealth

The wealth redistribution embarked upon a half century ago is unsustainable, I hope they continue until things pop off.

agreed, the idea of stealing from the rich through taxation is blatant discrimination and unconstitutional.
They pay the vast majority of them.

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
Wall Street Journal, gee, they couldn't have a dog in that fight could they.

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?
the Constitution says we cant discriminate against the rich so why do we let liberals get away with it?
The constitution allowed slavery and genocide, I don't really view it as a guide to anything moral or just. And the working class and poor have been sodomized over the past half century. I say we stick to it until the unrest comes. Please.

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