Do Conservatives Fan The Flames Of Poverty?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
As you will notice, discrimination is one tool used to create poverty by limiting opportunities in many different areas of society, and why we still have Affirmative Action programs. Here is a little enlightenment on poverty, followed by a couple of questions that require logical, cognitive answers.

"The lack of basic security connotes the absence of one or more factors enabling individuals and families to assume basic responsibilities and to enjoy fundamental rights. The situation may become widespread and result in more serious and permanent consequences. The lack of basic security leads to chronic poverty when it simultaneously affects several aspects of people’s lives, when it is prolonged and when it severely compromises people’s chances of regaining their rights and of reassuming their responsibilities in the foreseeable future."

Extreme poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living in a given country."
Poverty threshold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.Suppose somehow we significantly reduce racial discrimination. Will total poverty fall?

2.Suppose we give poor people effective skill training and compensatory education. Will total poverty fall?
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[rhetorical question]Does SkinnedToe spin the fog of stupidity?[/rhetorical question]
Liberals enable and breed generational poverty, something our Founders took into consideration for eradication when designing our system.
We've had programs at the Federal level to help the poor for 75 years or longer and the best offered is "are conservatives fanning the Flames Of Poverty and we have more in the grasp of poverty;not as a percentage but in actual numbers than ever?:eusa_eh:
Are we not supposed to discuss how Obama and the Dems have set records for driving Americans into poverty just like Roosevelt's New Deal?
In spite of racial discrimination and poverty, at schools with the worst dropout rates and poorest graduation percentages, you can generally find a handful of students who do well in such environments. And I contend it is because they come to school with an attitude that they're going to succeed rather than with attitudes exhibited by most of their fellow students.

Those who turn their backs on opportunity are doomed to a life of poverty.
SkinnedToe - hey, I like that Boe!!:D Is this guy completely nutz? From day one he's posted nothing but gripes and bellyaching about anything and everything that happens to cross what mind he has.

Opportunity is ALWAYS there and some have very clearly taken advantage of the opportunities and pulled themselves up by the boot straps and out of poverty. Responsibility for one's life is nothing that can be forced on individuals - only they can make the decision that there's more to life than what they have ... AND they're willing to WORK for loftier goals.
As you will notice, discrimination is one tool used to create poverty by limiting opportunitiesin many different areas of society, and why we still have Affirmative Action programs. Here is a little enlightenment on poverty, followed by a couple of questions that require logical, cognitive answers.

"The lack of basic security connotes the absence of one or more factors enabling individuals and families to assume basic responsibilities and to enjoy fundamental rights. The situation may become widespread and result in more serious and permanent consequences. The lack of basic security leads to chronic poverty when it simultaneously affects several aspects of people’s lives, when it is prolonged and when it severely compromises people’s chances of regaining their rights and of reassuming their responsibilities in the foreseeable future."

Extreme poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living in a given country."
Poverty threshold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.Suppose somehow we significantly reduce racial discrimination. Will total poverty fall?

2.Suppose we give poor people effective skill training and compensatory education. Will total poverty fall?

Causes of Poverty

you certainly fan the flames of your own stupidity with nearly every post.

Ultra partisan hacks like you are the biggest problem with the country. My party is great, the other guys are the root of all evil.

You sound like an idiot.
In spite of racial discrimination and poverty, at schools with the worst dropout rates and poorest graduation percentages, you can generally find a handful of students who do well in such environments. And I contend it is because they come to school with an attitude that they're going to succeed rather than with attitudes exhibited by most of their fellow students.

Those who turn their backs on opportunity are doomed to a life of poverty.

I think it's moreso the parents. There are exceptions to every rule, however.
Liberals enable and breed generational poverty, .

Expalin in detail how this occurs, and back it up with some documentation please. It is an often made rightwing claim, so it should be easy to document for the folks here.
We've had programs at the Federal level to help the poor for 75 years or longer and the best offered is "are conservatives fanning the Flames Of Poverty and we have more in the grasp of poverty;not as a percentage but in actual numbers than ever?:eusa_eh:

So what is wrong with the system? Why is there poverty in the richest country (if that is still so) on Earth? After 200 years, you think there might be a solution.
Are we not supposed to discuss how Obama and the Dems have set records for driving Americans into poverty just like Roosevelt's New Deal?

If you care to. I don't see any end to poverty in sight, regardless of who is administering the programs or doing the studies. Yet other countries have managed to deal with their poverty. Why is that?
Conditioning with a 'reward' that is barely able to attain sustainability...
Classical conditioning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When used to getting something from nothing, even if amounts that don't breed success, they become accustomed to the reward and still remain envious of those from whom their entitlements are confiscated from... think of the votes for the liberal politicians who keep ensuring the 'poverty stricken' get their entitlements as the salivary response to the stimulus given... this behavior is passed on in the culture through time

These entitlements and handouts are facilitated by the liberal mindset/political machine and approach to the 'needy', in combination with their will to wield power over the system
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We've had programs at the Federal level to help the poor for 75 years or longer and the best offered is "are conservatives fanning the Flames Of Poverty and we have more in the grasp of poverty;not as a percentage but in actual numbers than ever?:eusa_eh:

So what is wrong with the system? Why is there poverty in the richest country (if that is still so) on Earth? After 200 years, you think there might be a solution.

You are not, nor should you be, guaranteed not to be poor... you are guaranteed the same freedoms of every other citizen, however.. and with those freedoms comes the freedom to succeed that goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail

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