Do any of you white so called Christians


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.
see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.

Dear dfens
The spirit of Christianity is to forgive, and do all things with love,
and extend Charity to all especially the gift of grace and forgiveness.

Yes, it is possible to raise millions of dollars and really dedicate it to charity.
You have to be a very wise business minded person AND obedient in spirit to handle both.
But yes it can be done.

Is it easier to be charitable while staying poor?
Yes and no.
It's easier to manage, since there is less material volume to handle,
but it's more limited in how much you can help others by staying low budget.

Is greed and scarcity mentality only for the rich?
Poor people with nothing but resentment
can be materialistic and selfish. Some people have killed someone
arguing over 5 dollars, or a fancy jacket or pair of shoes!

So it's the SPIRIT of how we do things that matters,
not the amount of material being exchanged.

I have friends who run charities on zero budgets
and ones who manage huge charitable functions.

I find it's pretty "relative."

It's not the size of the charity but each person
has a different calling, and it's up to each of us to
find that in life.

In general,
I would not recommend judging people by appearance.
But if you look at
* how does that person think and talk of others?
in a forgiving uplifting light? or negative, divisive, backbiting and competing to put that person down?
* how does that person treat those who persecute them
or cause them harm? do they seek correction or retaliatory judgment and punishment?
* what does that person fear, or have trouble forgiving?
and once they know they have a problem or conflict, what steps do they take to remedy it?
* how does that person give or take correction?
are they as diplomatic and understanding of others as they want others to be towards them?
are they the better person who responds politely no matter how other people act towards them?

So that is how I see where people are in their social and spiritual development.

The Bible says to "Judge not, but Judge Righteous Judgment."
It is a Wise man who accepts rebuke.
And that we should remove the beam from our own eyes
before helping a neighbor remove a splinter. It does NOT
say to keep both in or to refrain from trying altogether;
but if you are going to remove both, take care of yours first.
You don't possess the power to curse a dandelion, d.
To the extent you judge another is the extent you will be judged.
My Christian walk is between me and the Lord. Unless you can see my heart then you do not have the ability to determine whether or not I am true to my faith or a hypocrite.

One of Christ's closest friends was the richest man in the world at the time. Making money is just fine. The love of it, is not.
The eye of the needle was a slit in the wall of the city that enabled people to enter after the city gates were closed. To traverse the eye, a man with many treasures on his camel, had to unload the camel, take it through the narrow opening, and then make trips back and forth to bring his belongings through the narrow opening. The more goods you had the harder it was to get in. Not impossible, but harder. Those are the facts behind the verse you referenced.
see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.
I'm sure you have taken a vow of poverty lest you be a fucking hypocrite , right?
OP wrote: when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?

He didn't say it was impossible...

... for with God all things are possible...

... he was just making the point it was difficult...

... to leave all that material wealth...

... for the spiritual kingdom of heaven.
OP wrote: when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?

He didn't say it was impossible...

... for with God all things are possible...

... he was just making the point it was difficult...

... to leave all that material wealth...

... for the spiritual kingdom of heaven.

The rich man did not boast about having money, he boasted about always following the law ever since he was a boy. Jesus was not telling the man to sell his material wealth. He was telling the man to sell off everything he had bought into about following the literal letter of the law and then follow his teaching about the figurative nature and hidden subjects in the law if he wanted to go all the way to be perfect and have life. It wasn't about giving up his money it was about him giving up everything he had been taught to believe in and hold dear ever since he was born.

His many possessions indicate that the man gained his wealth as a rabbi or head of a synagogue or large congregation that he would have to explain himself to and position that he would have to give up if he were to follow the revelation of Jesus.

Thats why the man walked away with a heavy heart.......

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You don't possess the power to curse a dandelion, d.
To the extent you judge another is the extent you will be judged.
My Christian walk is between me and the Lord. Unless you can see my heart then you do not have the ability to determine whether or not I am true to my faith or a hypocrite.

One of Christ's closest friends was the richest man in the world at the time. Making money is just fine. The love of it, is not.
The eye of the needle was a slit in the wall of the city that enabled people to enter after the city gates were closed. To traverse the eye, a man with many treasures on his camel, had to unload the camel, take it through the narrow opening, and then make trips back and forth to bring his belongings through the narrow opening. The more goods you had the harder it was to get in. Not impossible, but harder. Those are the facts behind the verse you referenced.

"By their acts you will know them".

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see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.

Look up "Straw man argument". Maybe you have the intellectual capacity to understand. I doubt it.
see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.

You really should do something about that Sanctimonious Rash.
see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.

Let me guess, you are a non white Muslim.
OP wrote: when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?

He didn't say it was impossible...

... for with God all things are possible...

... he was just making the point it was difficult...

... to leave all that material wealth...

... for the spiritual kingdom of heaven.

The rich man did not boast about having money, he boasted about always following the law ever since he was a boy. Jesus was not telling the man to sell his material wealth. He was telling the man to sell off everything he had bought into about following the literal letter of the law and then follow his teaching about the figurative nature and hidden subjects in the law if he wanted to go all the way to be perfect and have life. It wasn't about giving up his money it was about him giving up everything he had been taught to believe in and hold dear ever since he was born.

His many possessions indicate that the man gained his wealth as a rabbi or head of a synagogue or large congregation that he would have to explain himself to and position that he would have to give up if he were to follow the revelation of Jesus.

Thats why the man walked away with a heavy heart.......

I do not agree with that.

20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”

21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Jesus, knowing the hearts of men, was able to zero in on this man's idol, which was wealth. Since Jesus' command was to SELL and GIVE to the poor, obviously He was talking about physical wealth.
I don't know what the OP is talking about. I am responsible for my own thoughts and actions, I am not responsible for things I have no control of.
see any contradiction in your professed beliefs, and your actual actions, such as
-the rampant commercialism and money making of religion, when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? I don't see it anywhere in the Bible, "make billions of dollars selling stuff to people" If you do, let me know where it is
-the fact that American foreign policy is based around the idea that we can indiscriminately bomb anyone around the world, when Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness and blessed are the peacemakers?

Of course you don't. Because you as much as you may claim to be Christian, in reality you are all too human and the greed and power that is offered to you in America is too much to resist. So, in the end the moneymaking and the warmongering will win out, and you will do so even as you hypocritically pretend to be Christian.

A curse on all of you.

As I see, the question about sin in money making is still disputable... American foreign policy - no :)
OP wrote: when in fact Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?

He didn't say it was impossible...

... for with God all things are possible...

... he was just making the point it was difficult...

... to leave all that material wealth...

... for the spiritual kingdom of heaven.

The rich man did not boast about having money, he boasted about always following the law ever since he was a boy. Jesus was not telling the man to sell his material wealth. He was telling the man to sell off everything he had bought into about following the literal letter of the law and then follow his teaching about the figurative nature and hidden subjects in the law if he wanted to go all the way to be perfect and have life. It wasn't about giving up his money it was about him giving up everything he had been taught to believe in and hold dear ever since he was born.

His many possessions indicate that the man gained his wealth as a rabbi or head of a synagogue or large congregation that he would have to explain himself to and position that he would have to give up if he were to follow the revelation of Jesus.

Thats why the man walked away with a heavy heart.......

I do not agree with that.

20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”

21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Jesus, knowing the hearts of men, was able to zero in on this man's idol, which was wealth. Since Jesus' command was to SELL and GIVE to the poor, obviously He was talking about physical wealth.

You haven't though about this very deeply have you?

Do you think Jesus told the man to become destitute and then follow Jesus wandering around the Judean countryside? Do you think this story was included in the gospels to teach people that they have to part with all of their material possessions to have treasure in heaven?

If so why do you own anything? Why aren't you wandering around the deserts of Israel ?

Makes no sense.

The rich mans question to Jesus about what he should do to be saved was incredulous. He thought he was already saved and assured a place in the world to come.

The man bragged about his assumed security in adhering to Mosaic law since childhood. Thats what constituted his wealth and what Jesus told the man to sell. By telling the man to follow him Jesus was telling him to follow his interpretation and application of Mosaic law. Thats what would give him rewards in heaven, access to the tree of life, the promise for the righteous compliance with the Law fulfilled whether he was materially rich or poor, Jew or Gentile.

Giving in charity to the poor would reflect instruction to enlighten his followers, or in other words, release the possessions in his captivity, the poor in spirit.

It would be like Jesus telling one of those preachers of a mega church to admit to his many followers that he was wrong and then free them from the captivity of following him in error. Can you name even one who would have the honesty or integrity required to do that? Even the much loved and admired Billy Graham who has made millions of dollars by misleading millions of people into idolatry for decades?


It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it would be for a TV preacher to enter the kingdom of heaven.

One cannot put anything into the cup of the person who is already full of themselves.

That makes sense.
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If a rich man sells and then gives to the poor, he enriches the poor. What an evil, ungodly thing to do, eh.

Too many people read the Scriptures literally, and then wonder why they're in such a small minority when they say the earth is 6,000 years old.

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