Do Americans favor the creation of a public health insurance?

The USA claims to be the richest nation on earth and Americans actually believe it. How naive they are. They can't afford health insurance; get sick and die; even your arch enemy CUBA have it better than you..
The USA claims to be the richest nation on earth and Americans actually believe it. How naive they are. They can't afford health insurance; get sick and die; even your arch enemy CUBA have it better than you..

I wouldn't get so carried away there Dumbo. The fact is that Americans have the best healthcare available in the world. The problem is that it's not available for everyone, and we are paying more than we should be for what we are receiving.

As for our wealth, it would help if we didn't subsidize most of the world by paying more than a fair price for prescription drugs along with subsidizing most countries' military.
Let's see the actual plan first before we jump to the conclusion whether or not the government will put private insurers out of business.

As I said earlier, the plan as proposed by President Obama would put them out of business. However, that is not a final plan nor is it actually in the works. Also, I was concerned that medical professionals and those who desire to enter the field would be discouraged from practicing the trade at reduced wages. I didn't hear the President's speech yesterday. I'm willing to wait and see.

I'm against anything that will eliminate competition. But, I'd rather hear the plan and debate from there.


The key issue is whether or not a public plan would receive government subsidies not available to private plans so that it could charge artificially low rates and drive private insurers out of business. If the law were written so that the public plan could not receive such subsidies, there would be little opposition to it, and fact that Obama, Dodd, Pelosi, etc. have consistently refused to give that assurance tells us that they do not believe a public plan could provide healthcare more efficiently or less expensively than private plans now do, and when they talk about introducing competition into the market, they are lying.

At first the public plan will get government money, and then after that it will be funded by premiums.

All the for profits have to do is lower their costs and start being competitive. There goes that company jet.

And instead of a $20 million bonus, they'll only get $1 million dollar bonus'. Boo Hoo!!

I can't remember the details, but there was this doctor in charge of a hospital or in charge of a insurance company and his pay was so outragous you wouldn't believe it. I wish I could find the story. But that is why healthcare is out of control.

I remember a few years ago people on the right tried to tell me that CEO/Executive pay was a drop in the bucket. I always knew that was a lie but never had proof. Now we know.

Just the CEO alone. If he/she makes $20 million dollars, that's 400 people making $50K a year.

And look at how much CEO pay is now compared to years ago. Funny they get cost of living raises and raises to help with inflation but we don't?

In 2005 CEO's made 300 times more than their workers. Today 431 to one. Fuck anyone who says a line worker isn't worth $35 hr.

In the old days they made 40 times more than the average worker.

Again, fuck anyone who can justify this and not want to pay a line worker $35 hr.
I know the story you're thinking of ... the executive took home $1.7billion in one year. I've searched for it too.
No, actually we're finding out that you fearmongers are exxagerating. AND, the pre existing condition thing is happening here in America, no exxageration.

Talk about rationing healthcare.

So $2000 a year roughly for medical insurance? Now thats reasonable. How will it work? The for profits will take a huge hit. Explain how we will get it so cheap? But it sounds ok to me so far.

First, we get the lawyers out of the health business....huge malpractice suits drive up costs...

Next, we limit insurance companies to major medical only....this will get them out of the health management business....and back into the risk management business where they should be...perhaps this is where we could require all to participate (like with autos)...and forego pre-conditions...

We stop employers from providing health insurance so people buy direct...thus there is no dependence on keeping a particular job to keep your just pay your premium for the major medical of your choice...or pay directly in cash to your clinic...

Also, we promote tax-exempt health savings plans which will help people save to pay for ongoing regular health care costs that people will pay DIRECTLY in cash to their health care clinics/doctors when they go for services...

NO government....NO insurance companies (except MM)....NO employer-controlled insurance....NO lawyers....NO busy-body politicians...

Costs will plummet as people will do what they can to prevent excessive visits to the doctor when they have to pay cash each time they go...people will get more into healthy living for prevention (this is healthy rationing)...and competitition between clinics will lower costs as well...

Simple, yet effective...the big FOR PROFITS insurers that you hate can go take a hike...along with big daddy government...and leave us free people in control of our own heath care...

That is a plan I could live with. Of course, you'll still have Medicare, but that could be somewhat revamped also. The biggest issue for me is making catastrophic insurance available to everyone at a fair price. I'd be more than willing to pay my own way on the normal costs, even though mine are much higher than most.

Yeah, Medicare (another failed government program) could be phased out over time as medical savings accounts grow. Catastrophic (aka major medical) insurance could be reasonably priced if people bought it young in life and if the pool is large...for that reason it might be good to require its purchase...much like auto insurance is required. Old age brings more problems and more medical costs but people can deal with that if we plan ahead with enough medical savings and enough major medical (catastrophic) insurance....and if costs are kept at a reasonable level....which can only happen if we have a free market. I would also want major medical insurance to be totally portable no matter where I chose to live.
The USA claims to be the richest nation on earth and Americans actually believe it. How naive they are. They can't afford health insurance; get sick and die; even your arch enemy CUBA have it better than you..

So...farthead....which nation is richer than US? (and btw where are YOU from?)

We can afford health fact, only about 15 million can't....that's only like about 5% of 300 million Americans....and those 15 million are probably mostly illegals who sneaked into our country...the 45 million figure is a farce and is being bandied about by fear-mongering liberals seeking to establish socialism in our country...

Cuba has it better?....hahahaha....not unless you like dirty bedsheets and non-existent're an idiot....and a liberal koolaid drinker.....
We may be stupid, but we can get this:

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Obama’s Michael Dukakis moment

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Obama’s Michael Dukakis moment

Barack Obama got ABC to move their news division into the White House in order to make the big pitch for his egalitarian, everyone-gets-treated-equally ObamaCare push. Instead, Obama fumbled into a Michael Dukakis moment that exposed him as a hypocrite. ABC itself leads with Obama’s response that he wouldn’t stay within his own plan for his family:

President Obama struggled to explain today whether his health care reform proposals would force normal Americans to make sacrifices that wealthier, more powerful people — like the president himself — wouldn’t face.

The probing questions came from two skeptical neurologists during ABC News’ special on health care reform, “Questions for the President: Prescription for America,” anchored from the White House by Diane Sawyer and Charles Gibson.

Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a neurologist and researcher at the New York University Langone Medical Center, said that elites often propose health care solutions that limit options for the general public, secure in the knowledge that if they or their loves ones get sick, they will be able to afford the best care available, even if it’s not provided by insurance.

Devinsky asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn’t seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he’s proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get.

The president refused to make such a pledge, though he allowed that if “it’s my family member, if it’s my wife, if it’s my children, if it’s my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care.["]

Oopsie! So ObamaCare for thee, but not for me? Hope and change, baby!

In 1988, Michael Dukakis blew a question about the death penalty when asked about whether he’d want it if his wife Kitty had been raped and murdered. Dukakis said no, but addressed it clinical legalese rather than absorbing the opportunity to address the emotional impact of violent crime, and his candidacy cratered. In this case, Obama did a reverse Dukakis. He went with the emotional argument, and effectively rebutted his own proposal and its egalitarian purpose. It’s a moment of sheer hypocrisy, caught in the modern amber of video.

If ObamaCare isn’t good enough for Sasha, Malia, or Michelle, then it’s not good enough for America. Instead of fighting that impulse, Obama should be working to boost the private sector to encourage more care providers, less red tape and expense, and better care for everyone.

Update: RCP has the video of the exchange.
Touchy, aren't we? I guess one gets that way when one considers what will actually happen down the line with socialized health one can easily see happening in other countries that tried/are trying it...

and I totally agree that depending on your employer (another middleman) for your insurance is just plain stupid....and also hampers one's freedom.....I think every citizen should get their own individual major medical insurance policy plan that they pay for directly to the insurance company....not through one's shouldn't cost any more than what you pay for auto insurance....somehow people still manage to drive insured cars when they lose their jobs....and I am all for medical savings accounts like what Bush proposed....

No, actually we're finding out that you fearmongers are exxagerating. AND, the pre existing condition thing is happening here in America, no exxageration.

Talk about rationing healthcare.

So $2000 a year roughly for medical insurance? Now thats reasonable. How will it work? The for profits will take a huge hit. Explain how we will get it so cheap? But it sounds ok to me so far.

First, we get the lawyers out of the health business....huge malpractice suits drive up costs...

How much is your kids life or your mothers life worth if a doctor's neglegence causes their death?

No, do not take lawyers out of healthcare. Are you insane?

Secondly, medical malpractice accounts for 1/2 of 1% of the total costs. Just another distraction/bullshit argument from the people who don't want healthcare reform.
No, actually we're finding out that you fearmongers are exxagerating. AND, the pre existing condition thing is happening here in America, no exxageration.

Talk about rationing healthcare.

So $2000 a year roughly for medical insurance? Now thats reasonable. How will it work? The for profits will take a huge hit. Explain how we will get it so cheap? But it sounds ok to me so far.

First, we get the lawyers out of the health business....huge malpractice suits drive up costs...

How much is your kids life or your mothers life worth if a doctor's neglegence causes their death?

No, do not take lawyers out of healthcare. Are you insane?

Secondly, medical malpractice accounts for 1/2 of 1% of the total costs. Just another distraction/bullshit argument from the people who don't want healthcare reform.

Yes and creating a national emergency for universal health care due to the number of uninsured people that is based on non americans, people who are entitled to public health care coverage and people who have already denied health coverage is ok by your book...:cuckoo:
Here is the biggest problem. If we don't make health insurance mandatory, nothing will keep costs from rising, and there is no other way to insure everyone. Either you have a one payer system that is, for the most part, paid for by taxes, and everyone is covered, or you have a mostly private system where insurance is mandatory and no one can be denied. Rates are based on the over overall risk pool

This is one thing the Hillary was 100% correct about. You cannot have universal healthcare unless everyone pays something into the system.

"Everyone" does not pay into any of the Systems now. Why should we expect that to change? I think the main reason the majority polled like the idea is that they think they will get it for free. Some of them may be right, but someone will have to pay what they don't.
"SSA is the most efficiently run insurance program ever conceived. That's why the health insurance industry is lobbying so hard to keep their gravy train to themselves - they would fold under the competition."

You are kiddin, aren't you? You want the government to compete with private enterprize, ain't gonna work bubba.
Obama and members of congress and the senate won't be signing on for the health care that they are forcing down our throats, no way. They know it sucks and will ration quality care for all us pea-ons out here in the real world.

This can be fixed in the private industry, government healthcare IS NOT FREE.

1. Tort reform. A must, all that malpractice insurance is passed right back on to us, the consumer.

2. EVERYONE HAS TO PAY, even the poor, but they can do so on a sliding scale.

3. EVERYONE IS REQUIRED TO HAVE IT, no more showing up in the emergency rooms to have others flip the bill.

4. You own your health plan and take it with you should you leave your job.

5. You purchase it yourself and can pick and choose what coverage you need, you don't need maternity care when you are 80. This will create competition within the industry and keep our costs down.

6. Legislate and get rid of the pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies have to cover, they can not deny you due to a pre-existing condition.

Regulate the private insurers, mandate that it's the law for everyone to have coverage, even if it's a simple major medical plan, get tort reform and we will have a nation of people that have the health insurance that we need and the competition in place to keep everyone honest.
"SSA is the most efficiently run insurance program ever conceived. That's why the health insurance industry is lobbying so hard to keep their gravy train to themselves - they would fold under the competition."

You are kiddin, aren't you? You want the government to compete with private enterprize, ain't gonna work bubba.
Why not?

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