Do American Christians serve god or money?

Yeah your rambling statements here aren't making any sense.

I'm just pointing out that you don't want to be the type of Christian that god wants you to be.

You're not a follower of Jesus, you're just a fan.

No. You don't know much at all about me. And you dont understand the scriptures. But one day you will.

I'm reading it clear as day.

How do you not understand this bit of scripture?

17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. Timothy 6:17-19

Do you have to be a fucking interpreter to understand what it's saying? Do you have to be "educated in the intent of god" to see what it's saying?

If Christianity isn't for you man, that's fine. If you want to be the thing you are, that's cool. But it's not really "Christian", or at least not the way that god wants you to be.

Being a Christian takes a painstaking amount of sacrifice and charity... not just an occasional, "Yeah, I'll give a few dollars to the church today, so I can feel good". It's not an equivalent of selling the clothes off of your back to feed and clothe the needy.
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The bible can be a bit contradictory at times.

Such as this.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Corinthians 9:7
A true God loving Christian will serve Him. If they truly worship Him, He makes sure you have all you need.

The true basis of this country's love of money, and the idea that wealth equals virtue.

Explain Job, please, and the Samaritans.
Some serve God. Some serve money.

However, your implication that not letting the government rob us is serving money, you are wrong. Its quite the opposite. It's those who want to keep and support themselves that are being charitable. They dont want to be a burden on others. People who want to provide charity for themselves and outsource their responsibilities to the government are the ones who are truly serving God.

Good stuff
I'm just pointing out that you don't want to be the type of Christian that god wants you to be.

You're not a follower of Jesus, you're just a fan.

No. You don't know much at all about me. And you dont understand the scriptures. But one day you will.

I'm reading it clear as day.

How do you not understand this bit of scripture?

17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. Timothy 6:17-19

Do you have to be a fucking interpreter to understand what it's saying? Do you have to be "educated in the intent of god" to see what it's saying?

If Christianity isn't for you man, that's fine. If you want to be the thing you are, that's cool. But it's not really "Christian", or at least not the way that god wants you to be.

Being a Christian takes a painstaking amount of sacrifice and charity... not just an occasional, "Yeah, I'll give a few dollars to the church today, so I can feel good". It's not an equivalent of selling the clothes off of your back to feed and clothe the needy.

I agree. Which is one the reasons why having an over intrusive government prevents Christians from doing their duty. We can't provide the charity we need to provide if we are robbed of the resources we labor for.
The bible can be a bit contradictory at times.

Such as this.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Corinthians 9:7

Not really contradictory at all if you understand that God doesn't force us to keep the commandments.
I agree. Which is one the reasons why having an over intrusive government prevents Christians from doing their duty. We can't provide the charity we need to provide if we are robbed of the resources we labor for.
Jesus paid his taxes: Matthew 17:24-27, Mark 12:13-17.

Paul also said we should pay our taxes: Romans 13:1-2.

Besides, saying that taxes prevent us from our Christian duty to care for the poor is like saying laws prevent us from our Christian duty to follow the Commandments. "How can I truly follow Thou Shalt Not Kill when there's a law preventing it?" Yes, if taxes take so much that we cannot take care of ourselves and/or others, then that's a problem. It's also a problem if the gov't is using our taxes for things God has said not to do. But beyond war, I'm not seeing it.

As for the original point of this thread, power corrupts. It's not a given, but the higher up in a religious organization you get, the more likely you'll find people who are more concerned about money and power than God. I find the most truly faithful are the ones with little power or authority, such as parish priests and lay volunteers.
Do you believe that a Christian who is very involved in business and who ensures every step of the way that his money is well invested, well protected and always earning more for him, can be as much of a servant of God as he is to his money?

Now, a normal person would just say... "What do I care? That's between him and god..."

But you see, many Christians seem to act this way about themselves... the fact that nobody else should be concerned with their value placed on money, as a sort of a shield and self delusion.

Sure, you say you serve God, but when you spend so much time obsessing over wealth, money and the rich, can you really say with confidence that god is looking at you with praise?

Believe it or not there are many wealthy Christians that are true Christians. God never said we shouldn't be wealthy. He's told us how we're to be, and if you're wealthy it's important what you do with your money. The top thing is helping the poor. Giving to charities.

God never said though that we should give to the idle. He said if you don't work, you don't eat. Now the "idle" would be the ones that just don't want to work to support his family, he wants handouts.

And just as we have false teachers (priests, pastors, etc) we also have many false Christians. Most of the false ones are rich.....

If god said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven, do you really think that most rich Christians would be worthy of god?

Or do you think it'd be something more realistic for the difficulty level, such as 5% or less of rich people actually worthy enough to enter heaven.

Those Pat Robertson types... those types who are obviously not the type of individuals we're talking about, they're few and far between compared to the average rich American Christians. Are those average rich Americans so incredible in their personalities and faith to be more believable than a camel being thread through a needle?

It's true it's hard for a rich man to get to is the root of all evil. I think most people with lots of money are more in love with their money than anything else. God said it's "easier" for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to make it to heaven, He didn't say it was impossible. Having money for many tho makes them think they have everything they need and forget about God.

There are many non-christians that are more giving that a lot of Christians.
American Christians serve Israel. Ok, now you can all go back to sleep. :D
The extremists of the Far Right certainly serve $$$$ and mammon, particularly the "christian" Conservatives.
with the commercialization of christmas i am going with money....i hear christians complain that everyone else is destroying christmas and the war on christmas and yet i see spending plus spending at christmas...

you have christmas items going on sale before halloween...that is too the spending that is expected....all those presents under the tree...serve what purpose?

i am always amused by so called 'christains' who have no idea what their bible says....perhaps they should read it and find out where god says to pray....etc and so forth
I guess this all depends on the Christians.Some like the ones televised such as Pat Robertson is just all about money,money and more money. Take a poor backwoods church on the other hand that is when you see Christianity in its truest form.


I have never wanted to go to one of the big mega Church' me it's all fake.
I love a small church with few members. People are much more closer to eachother and it's more personal.
There isn't enough game to go around, therefore money is the only asset that can provide a decent meal.

On a similar note,

The Jews, Christians, and Catholics that use America as a base camp and pulpit to spread their hatred of others around the world should save it for Sunday and keep it in church.

You're going to get us all killed.
Americans worship materialism.
Merkans worship fast food and being fat. But don't worry, they have a gun to protect their fat butts and to replace their dicks, which they can no longer see over the rolls of fat.
You better believe we worship at the Altar of Fast Food, but some of us to stay and shape and exercise and eat correctly.

And clean our weapons regularly.
You better believe we worship at the Altar of Fast Food, but some of us to stay and shape and exercise and eat correctly.

And clean our weapons regularly.

I'm sure you spend a lot of time "cleaning your weapon". :D

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