DNC's Keynote Speaker IS Allegedly A Rapist


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It's funny.......the DNC's keynote speaker for the 2012 convention has been accused of rape....course it never made it to a courtroom.


There were four witnesses who told NBC that Broaddrick had revealed to them years ago that Clinton had brutally raped her in 1978. One was a nurse who told NBC that she tended to Broaddrick after the assault, applying ice to the victim’s bruised face and badly swollen lips. It was right after the attack that Broaddrick first revealed the rape, telling the nurse that Clinton had sex with her "against her will," NBC reported. ABC News released a statement from Broaddrick friend Phillip Yoakum, who identified the nurse as Norma Rogers.

The Clinton Rape-Charge Cover-Up

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_urvjCXg6c&feature=related]Blazing Saddles Bad Man Lineup - YouTube[/ame]
Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections?

By Bruce Baker

Rep. Paul Ryan's ex-girlfriend -- who happens to be black -- is the focus of a debate on whether race matters in the 2012 elections for the GOP. Who knew African American girlfriends from the past would become an issue of debate to measure Mitt Romney's running-mate's electability?

Monday, Keli Goff, the political correspondent for TheRoot.com, published a story that has ignited a discussion about race in America and if it is fair game during an election year. The post is titled, "What We Know About Paul Ryan and Blacks."

An ex-girlfriend of Paul Ryan is black. Furthermore, the congressman's sister-in-law is African American as well. So what's the focus on Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running-mate at this juncture?

More: Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections? - National Top News | Examiner.com

Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter? - The Root
I'm thinking Ted Kennedy and Dodds and the famous "waitress sandwich".

Democrats respect women so very much.

Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections?

By Bruce Baker

Rep. Paul Ryan's ex-girlfriend -- who happens to be black -- is the focus of a debate on whether race matters in the 2012 elections for the GOP. Who knew African American girlfriends from the past would become an issue of debate to measure Mitt Romney's running-mate's electability?

Monday, Keli Goff, the political correspondent for TheRoot.com, published a story that has ignited a discussion about race in America and if it is fair game during an election year. The post is titled, "What We Know About Paul Ryan and Blacks."

An ex-girlfriend of Paul Ryan is black. Furthermore, the congressman's sister-in-law is African American as well. So what's the focus on Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running-mate at this juncture?
More: Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections? - National Top News | Examiner.com

Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter? - The Root

The thread is about raPe, not raCe,

fucking idiot
Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections?

By Bruce Baker

Rep. Paul Ryan's ex-girlfriend -- who happens to be black -- is the focus of a debate on whether race matters in the 2012 elections for the GOP. Who knew African American girlfriends from the past would become an issue of debate to measure Mitt Romney's running-mate's electability?

Monday, Keli Goff, the political correspondent for TheRoot.com, published a story that has ignited a discussion about race in America and if it is fair game during an election year. The post is titled, "What We Know About Paul Ryan and Blacks."

An ex-girlfriend of Paul Ryan is black. Furthermore, the congressman's sister-in-law is African American as well. So what's the focus on Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running-mate at this juncture?
More: Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP, 2012 elections? - National Top News | Examiner.com

Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter? - The Root

The thread is about raPe, not raCe,

fucking idiot

Everything is rape to the left right now.


Senator Famous for Joking About Rape Campaigns for Obama, Biden
12:29 PM, Aug 23, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Earlier this week, Senator Al Franken of Minnesota joined Vice President Joe Biden for a campaign event in Minnesota.

"Biden got plenty of support from Minnesota Democrats," PostBulletin.com reports. "Sen. Al Franken praised Obama for pushing the health care law, saying it will help more seniors get help paying for prescriptions and will ensure Medicare's solvency for an additional eight years."

But before Franken was a senator he was a writer on the TV show Saturday Night Live. Then, he famously joked about raping CBS reporter Lesley Stahl.

As New York magazine reported in 1995, from a writing session that the reporter sat in on:

Franken: “And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.’ Or, ‘That’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”

With the national conversation now turning to women's issues as a result of the bizarre and offensive comments by Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin over the weekend, it seems a bit odd that Vice President Biden would take the stage with Franken, considering his own lack of sensitivity to the horrors of rape.


Senator Famous for Joking About Rape Campaigns for Obama, Biden | The Weekly Standard
I didn't see Monica complaining.

You want complaints?

Todd Akin Was Never Accused of Rape -- Unlike Bill Clinton

President Bill Clinton plans to speak at the Democratic convention in North Carolina. Clinton, some might vaguely recall, was accused of rape by a woman named Juanita Broaddrick. "Dateline NBC" aired her allegations against the then-Arkansas attorney general and gubernatorial candidate.

Here's what Broaddrick alleged: "I first pushed him away. I just told him 'no.' ... He tries to kiss me again. He starts biting on my lip. ... And then he forced me down on the bed. I just was very frightened. I tried to get away from him. I told him 'no.' ... He wouldn't listen to me." To this day, former ABC reporter Sam Donaldson is the only national reporter to ask Clinton about Broaddrick's allegation.

Then there's Kathleen Willey, who on "60 Minutes" made a credible allegation of sexual assault against Clinton. Willey, a Clinton campaign volunteer, says that Clinton, in the Oval Office, took her hand and place it on his aroused genitalia: "He touched my breasts with his hand ... and then he whispered ... 'I've wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you.' ... He took my hand, and he put it ... on his genitals." Willey said she managed to push him away.

Let's not forget Paula "drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find" Jones. Alleging that then-Gov. Clinton propositioned her and exposed himself in a Little Rock, Ark., hotel room, Jones sued him for sexual harassment. Jones alleged that a state trooper escorted her to a room at the Excelsior Hotel to meet Clinton. Clinton dropped his pants and, according to Jones, asked her to "kiss it." Clinton later paid Jones $850,000 to settle the sexual harassment lawsuit that Clinton long claimed lacked merit.
Forgot to add the Obama admin. (same link as previous post)

What about the allegations of sexism -- in the supposedly pro-women Democratic Obama White House? Pulitzer Prize winner Ron Suskind was given approved access for his book "Confidence Men." White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, whom Suskind recorded, complained about the anti-woman "frat house antics" atmosphere in the Obama campaign: "This place would be in court for a hostile workplace ... because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women." What?!

Not to mention the Obama administration's habit of paying women less than men.

Talk about a war on women. Sheesh.
Democrats accept hostility toward women, that's why they can't be attacked on the issue. The stock democrat answer is "yeah, so what".
Accused Rapist More Popular Than Obama

Democrats, wary of being seen in the same state, much less the same room as their baggage-laden leader, Obama, received a welcome respite this weekend from accused rapist and former President Bill Clinton, who was out campaigning for them. Clinton, who was credibly accused of raping Juanita Broderick, apparently wields much greater star power among Democrats these days than does Obama.

It was just back in the early days of this year that Bill Clinton addressed the entire Democratic caucus on Capital Hill to discuss the then post-Scott Brown-election-stalled tax and regulation package known as the “health insurance reform bill.” [Having failed spectacularly during his own presidency to pass an even less ambitious package of socialist engineering – and having been prescribed penicillin regularly for much of a half century -- Clinton is widely regarded in the mainstream media as a “health care expert”] He focused not on the merits of the bill – in fact, he said the details were unimportant – but on the politics of NOT passing anything. That, he said, would be the killer: being perceived as a “do nothing Congress.” His subsequent advice to Democrats – pass it now, fix it later if you must -- came with an ominous prediction: don’t pass it, and you’ll face a tough reelection bid this Fall. Imagine. Like many a Clinton audience before them, these Democrats failed to discern the hidden message Bill was really sending: this is my long-term plan to reclaim relevance!

It is strange to see Democrats trot out a man who was not only accused of rape, but who sold national security secrets to Communist China, contributed substantially to the mortgage crisis, erected the information wall between the FBI and the CIA – that many credit with America’s inability to predict or prevent the terrorist attacks of 911 – and cheated on his income taxes when he and his wife were rich, to attack regular Americans who have been compelled to run for office. Khalid Sheik Mohammed must have turned them down.

"And of course they got the wrestling federation lady in Connecticut and the witchcraft lady in Delaware and, I tell you, so far they’ve gathered up about everybody for this Tea Party but the Mad Hatter and Alice in Wonderland. I’ll give it to them" Clinton said in his standard disingenuous fashion at a fundraising event. Of course, that was hardly the first time that Clinton has verbally assaulted the Tea Partiers; a year ago he used the nastier sexual slur, “tea baggers”, in referring to Americans who deign to exercise their First Amendment rights in public. Not too surprising coming from a bona fide scumbagger like Bill Clinton. Accused Rapist More Popular With Democrats than Obama - Scott Wheeler - Page 1

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