DNC convention goer's booed the word GOD being reinstated into their platform.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I always stated that the Democrat party of today has been hijacked by left wing liberals--and it doesn't even resemble the party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. As we know the Democrat Platform committee originally voted to take out the word GOD in their platform and a minister democrat asked that it be put back in--and also declare the Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.

You have to watch to believe it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cncbOEoQbOg&sns=fb]Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]
There are just so many points there.
The dictatorship masquerading as democracy. Obviously it was pretty evenly split. How could he say there were 2/3rds in favor?
The Arab looking types there.
The incredible hypocrisy of the Dems claiming the "religious right" has hijacked the GOP when Ted Strickland announces himself a Christian minister and proceeds to give cadence and form to that.
The cluelessness of Villagroso, who has to listen to some anonymous broad who is obviously calling the shots.
No end to it.
These people can't govern themselves. How are they supposed to govern the country?
go thump your bibles, you stone age shamans.

Let's see..

The Democrats left God out of their platform.
Obama felt it was politically expedient to put God back into the platform, because he didn't want Republicans to use it against him, and requested that God be reinstated.
Democrats were asked to vote on it.
The real vote appeared to be No.
Party leaders overruled and switched it to yes.
Dems booed their leaders.

And yet our board liberals don't seem to realize that the votes didn't count. There doesn't appear to be any democratic rule in the democrat party.
Let's see..

The Democrats left God out of their platform.
Obama felt it was politically expedient to put God back into the platform, because he didn't want Republicans to use it against him, and requested that God be reinstated.
Democrats were asked to vote on it.
The real vote appeared to be No.
Party leaders overruled and switched it to yes.
Dems booed their leaders.

And yet our board liberals don't seem to realize that the votes didn't count. There doesn't appear to be any democratic rule in the democrat party.

Go tell that joke to a Ron Paul supporter!


They booed God and they booed Israel. That's fine in the freeist and greatest Country the world. A political party has the right to boo God and Jews. The problem comes when they have to invoke the smoke/mirrors left wing bigots and anti-Semites to pretend it didn't happen or justify it. Let's hear it.
While I don't agree with the booing of this, the world would be a lot better off if we didn't feel the need to lead our lives in fear of what an imaginary man in the sky may think of us.
Let's see..

The Democrats left God out of their platform.
Obama felt it was politically expedient to put God back into the platform, because he didn't want Republicans to use it against him, and requested that God be reinstated.
Democrats were asked to vote on it.
The real vote appeared to be No.
Party leaders overruled and switched it to yes.
Dems booed their leaders.

And yet our board liberals don't seem to realize that the votes didn't count. There doesn't appear to be any democratic rule in the democrat party.

Go tell that joke to a Ron Paul supporter!



Why? Ron Paul supporters already know the punchline. They at least know that they've been put down. The joke here is that the liberals will defend the Dems til their last breath and never figure it out.
Let's see..

The Democrats left God out of their platform.
Obama felt it was politically expedient to put God back into the platform, because he didn't want Republicans to use it against him, and requested that God be reinstated.
Democrats were asked to vote on it.
The real vote appeared to be No.
Party leaders overruled and switched it to yes.
Dems booed their leaders.

And yet our board liberals don't seem to realize that the votes didn't count. There doesn't appear to be any democratic rule in the democrat party.

Go tell that joke to a Ron Paul supporter!



Why? Ron Paul supporters already know the punchline. They at least know that they've been put down. The joke here is that the liberals will defend the Dems til their last breath and never figure it out.

The difference, of course, is that I can accept any last minute changes despite my own opinions on the matter...

.... now, ask a Paul supporter the same thing after their treatment by the GOP.

go thump your bibles, you stone age shamans.


Not really sure why you are proud of being ignorant of the Word of God. Even if you disagree with something, wisdom says you should have some knowledge of it.

I recommend reading the scriptures sometime, not just insulting those who have more knowledge than you do.
While I don't agree with the booing of this, the world would be a lot better off if we didn't feel the need to lead our lives in fear of what an imaginary man in the sky may think of us.

Good point. Let the agnostics in the democrat party finally come clean about the party of no family values. It will make the November decision so much easier. The problem of course is that the party of no family values can't come clean about their agenda or any other thing.

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