Diversity Training - What Does it Actually Achieve?

The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.

I understand, but I don't agree.

You speak of a diversity of personal talents and skills. Regarding workers, you have properly observed that some are more creative ... others detail oriented ... some exhibit leadership qualities ... some are "nose to the grind stone" workers .... some are tenacious. However, this type of diversity exists within every group, including a group composed only of Whites. Anyone who claims that Whites are somehow lacking and Blacks must therefore be employed to overcome this lack is playing into the hands of high-priced race pimps and pandering politicians. With these people, diversity has never about diverse talents, it is about racial diversity, pure and simple. The problem is that the government is trying to push two contradictory themes: (1) there is no difference between Blacks and Whites, we're all the same; and (2) Blacks are somehow different, possessing some quality which is missing in Whites, and therefore, they must be proportionately included in any group of workers or students. To all this foolishness, I say: horse-feathers!

I am convinced that there is not one damn bit of difference between Blacks and Whites. Those Blacks and Whites who apply themselves equally will have equal success, and those Blacks and Whites who don't put forth the required effort will experience the same rates of failure. Since Blacks and Whites are the same, they should be treated the same. Giving preferential treatment because of race stigmatizes that race, alienates other races and creates conflict that will divided a community and a nation. Companies should hire the best people regardless of race, and schools should accept the most qualified students without regards to race. Being required to hire lesser qualified individuals simply because of their race is counterproductive and insane. Companies should not be required to have racial quotas because it will inevitably lead to hiring lesser qualified individuals. In fact, minorities could be protected by two simple laws: (1) no one should be passed over for hiring or promotion by a lesser qualified individual because of race; and (2) when two applicants are similarly qualified and there is an under-representation of a particular race (compared to the general population), the position should go to the minority applicant. The courts could take care of any problems regarding violations of these two rules.

How many of you think that Japan would be more productive and a better place to live if they just imported a few boatloads of Blacks, Hispanics or Caucasians? I think Japan is already as diverse as it can be if diversity is defined as a variety of talents and desirable personality traits. I am White, and I think every person in Japan would be insulted if I claimed their country is somehow inadequate because it doesn't have enough Caucasians.

I submit that every work force, every military organization and every institution will function at the highest level only when the emphasis is on the quality of those involved and not their race.
The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.

The thing is, Rdean, nobody's question "diversity" here. The topic is about diversity TRAINING. I.E. classes that teach people how and why to be more sensitive to people of other ethnicities. Stay on topic if you want your argument to be taken seriously.

You don't even make sense. Do you understand the goal?

The goal is incidental here. What you're implying is that anything used to promote diversity, no matter how poorly it does, is therefore a worthwhile exercise. I'm denying that. If my goal is to promote diversity and I do it by throwing a football at your dog, is throwing a football at your dog therefore a good idea because my motive was diversity? Think before you post.

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