Diversity Training - What Does it Actually Achieve?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
I've lost track of how many times I've seen this referral scheme mentioned in an article covering the repercussions of some supposedly racially inflammatory comment made in the classroom or workplace, yet we never hear what the results are; or if they indicate a shift in the accused's outlook i.e - 'So-and-so returned to teaching following a short sabbatical to attend a diversity workshop and colleagues are happy to report a changed outlook in their colleague.

From where I'm standing the whole thing seems like a complete waste of money and energy because when you think about it it's a toothless sanction, and an obvious example of handwashing. I mean, no-one becomes a racist overnight and has to have harboured some degree of racial animosity to blurt out evidence of said racism, so a short course espousing racial harmony is unlikely to align their opinions with what's deemed acceptable by the courts and/or their employers, and they'll continue to harbour their racism privately. So, all-in-all, it a futile waste of time and resources that would be better used elsewhere. What's obvious is that it's an insurance policy designed to absolve those responsible for the accused's behaviour in case events repeat themselves and the employer can say: 'Well, we did send then on a course of diversity training. What else could we do?' They're washing their hands of it and passing the buck.

Does anyone have any actual evidence that proves diversity training works? And if so, do you have any data to corroborate it?
Does anyone have any actual evidence that proves diversity training works? And if so, do you have any data to corroborate it?

It has nothing to do with ‘reforming racists,’ it has to do with corporations or public sector agencies covering their asses with regard to potential litigation. Employees who violate the policy may be terminated for cause, usually for insubordination or deliberating violating company rules; this is particularly true with regard to public sector employees.

Those who are compelled to attend such training will likely sign a document such as a disciplinary conference memo indicating they understand why the training is being required and the repercussions should the offense occur again.

The memo and other relevant evidence are then used to discipline or terminate the offending employee should indeed another incident occur.
Sometimes, empirical evidence abounds, but we are too close to a gross societal change to see it.

Once you make up your mind to love other people, you're looking at cheerful and loved faces, not divisions. Some, however, persist in blindness they perceive pays them one kind of debit or another. :eusa_whistle:
Yeah, it's a recently necessitated insurance policy that's essentially a jobs program for trial lawyers and bureaucrats. We've created a legal structure wherein people can take financial action against each other for saying something that offended the plaintiff, as long as the offense was taken based on something the government currently considers a moral imperative. This bullshit structure necessitates, for those organizations hoping to avoid lawsuits, a sort of bullshit force field. In this case, the bullshit force field takes the form of some sensitivity classes that everybody knows good and God damn well don't do shit to change the hearts and minds of anybody, other than piss free speaking people off at pussy sensitivity trainers. Nobody ever brings that up, though. As long as the argument can be made that the corporations did something that looks like they were trying to promote an environment where people didn't piss each other off too badly, they get a bullshit pass. I guess that part's good since the bullshit pass was to avoid something that was bullshit in the first place. Bullshit begets bullshit, it would seem.
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Sometimes, empirical evidence abounds, but we are too close to a gross societal change to see it.

Once you make up your mind to love other people, you're looking at cheerful and loved faces, not divisions. Some, however, persist in blindness they perceive pays them one kind of debit or another. :eusa_whistle:

I still say not everyone can just make up their mind to love other people. A lot of people formed their misguided racist ideas through years of negative interactions with people of other ethnicities. Sometimes they're raised in a culture that ingrains a racist outlook in them from a very young age and over a very long period of time. At any rate, most racism is some deeply seeded psychological shit that takes a little more effort to change than just, "Huh. That hippie dude just told me that hate's a waste of time. I'm gonna love everybody now. How'd I ever get it in my head that brown people were taking our jobs?"
Diversity Training - What Does it Actually Achieve?

That's something racists will never understand.
That's a rather ignorant and misinformed statement to make, Rdean. Though that comes as no surprise where you're concerned. Indeed, if you actually were familiar with what these diversity training seminars consist of and weren't attempting to hijack the thread, you'd realise that the material and methods used in these seminars are inextricably racist.
I think diversity training works when its purpose is to increase awareness to certain actions that may be offensive or that accommodations are needed under certain circumstances. However, I think government and private business tend to go overboard with diversity training and use it either as window dressing or a quick band aid to incidents. That's when diversity training loses its value and becomes just another checklist item.
Diversity training serves to keep some people employed.

Beyond that I never saw much use for it.

I've had to take such course in the USMC, and on a job, once, too.

Total waste of time far as I could tell.

Those prone to racists POVs only resented it, and those of us not prone to racist POVs, felt insulted to be there.
The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.
The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.

The thing is, Rdean, nobody's question "diversity" here. The topic is about diversity TRAINING. I.E. classes that teach people how and why to be more sensitive to people of other ethnicities. Stay on topic if you want your argument to be taken seriously.
I reserve the right to dislike anyone and/or everyone regardless of race, creed, color, gender, age, and sexual preferace with or without rational reason for doing so. Diversity just for it's own sake is idiotic.
The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.

You could get all those traits with a single ethnic group.
The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.

You could get all those traits with a single ethnic group.

Sure you could. Only it wouldn't be as extreme. Try to figure out why.
The reason companies look for diversity is because different people bring different perspectives. When building an engineering team, some companies do psychologically based interviews to get the correct mix of people. Some are more creative. Other "detail oriented". Other exhibit leadership qualities. Some are "nose to the grind stone" workers. Some are tenacious. The more diverse the group to chose from, the better quality team.

I know the right wing won't understand this. Like a whole list of things.

The thing is, Rdean, nobody's question "diversity" here. The topic is about diversity TRAINING. I.E. classes that teach people how and why to be more sensitive to people of other ethnicities. Stay on topic if you want your argument to be taken seriously.

You don't even make sense. Do you understand the goal?

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