Disparate Impact


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut

The 'Disparate Impact' Jobs Killer

Richard Butrick

AT already has a piece on the huge announced layoffs following the Obama reelection outcome. But the Obama-Holder team plans a social justice initiative that will only exacerbate the situation.

The DOJ is gearing up to file "disparate impact" lawsuits against banks, rating agencies, and American business generally if blacks and minorities don't get their "fair" share of loans and jobs based on demographics. Even schools face lawsuits if more blacks and Hispanics are suspended than whites. Welcome to the Obama fairness doctrine. Instead of hiring the best people, business will be forced to hire the best quota-based applicants. The loans component will just reinflate the housing bubble. The jobs component is guaranteed to make American businesses less competitive and shrink business that compete internationally. Some businesses with a strong international component are already planning moving more of their business abroad.

The detailed account of the damage the threat of "disparate impact" lawsuits will have on American business can be read here.


Read more: Blog: The 'Disparate Impact' Jobs Killer
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This is the perversion of the Maobama administration, he's been talking this kind of crap since he was a state senator in Ill. This is what you get when you put a community organizer in the WH.
Obama doesn't grasp the concept of equal opportunity. He wants equal outcomes, regardless of effort.

Instead of looking at the real problem, which is why some groups don't do as well in school or in life, they seek to force companies to settle for less ambitious and less educated employees. It's one thing if qualified people are being turned down simply because of race. It's quite another when schools face fines because they can't handle some kids, who just happen to be minorities. Obama is saying schools will be in trouble if they expel too many minorities and could care less about why this is happening. Not disciplining the kids won't make them better behaved students. It just means they can no longer deal with disruptive or even violent students. Keeping the kids in school will just create more problems for teachers and other students and won't solve the problem.

There is a breakdown in families among minorities. I've read extensively on it written by minorities who are concerned about the problem. Obama cannot wave a magic wand and make people suddenly more productive and intelligent.

Instead of getting to the root of the problem, they will treat the symptoms and ignore the damage it will do down the road. Of course, the root of the problem is nanny government which taught people to rely on politicians instead of being self-reliant. No wonder they won't address that. They are the damn problem and they know it.

This is such an ignorant move on his part.
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Elections have consequences. The corporatist lobby lost despite pouring in billions per Citizens United. The 47% and the 99% prevailed.

Get used to it.

Regards from Rosie

Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut

The 'Disparate Impact' Jobs Killer

Richard Butrick

AT already has a piece on the huge announced layoffs following the Obama reelection outcome. But the Obama-Holder team plans a social justice initiative that will only exacerbate the situation.

The DOJ is gearing up to file "disparate impact" lawsuits against banks, rating agencies, and American business generally if blacks and minorities don't get their "fair" share of loans and jobs based on demographics. Even schools face lawsuits if more blacks and Hispanics are suspended than whites. Welcome to the Obama fairness doctrine. Instead of hiring the best people, business will be forced to hire the best quota-based applicants. The loans component will just reinflate the housing bubble. The jobs component is guaranteed to make American businesses less competitive and shrink business that compete internationally. Some businesses with a strong international component are already planning moving more of their business abroad.

The detailed account of the damage the threat of "disparate impact" lawsuits will have on American business can be read here.


Read more: Blog: The 'Disparate Impact' Jobs Killer

Would you care for some more vinegar on those sour grapes?
Elections have consequences. The corporatist lobby lost despite pouring in billions per Citizens United. The 47% and the 99% prevailed.

Get used to it.

Regards from Rosie

Would you care for some more vinegar on those sour grapes?

Are these two saying what Obama and the DoJ want to do is a good idea?

How is this a good idea if that's what you think?

I don't get it. I'm absolutely amazed at how far this country has fallen.
Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut

The 'Disparate Impact' Jobs Killer

Richard Butrick

AT already has a piece on the huge announced layoffs following the Obama reelection outcome. But the Obama-Holder team plans a social justice initiative that will only exacerbate the situation.

The DOJ is gearing up to file "disparate impact" lawsuits against banks, rating agencies, and American business generally if blacks and minorities don't get their "fair" share of loans and jobs based on demographics. Even schools face lawsuits if more blacks and Hispanics are suspended than whites. Welcome to the Obama fairness doctrine. Instead of hiring the best people, business will be forced to hire the best quota-based applicants. The loans component will just reinflate the housing bubble. The jobs component is guaranteed to make American businesses less competitive and shrink business that compete internationally. Some businesses with a strong international component are already planning moving more of their business abroad.

The detailed account of the damage the threat of "disparate impact" lawsuits will have on American business can be read here.


Read more: Blog: The 'Disparate Impact' Jobs Killer

Given that the above has been a policy since the 70s, I think you're being somewhat hysterical.

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